At dawn, Gu Xuanyuan got ready to go again.

After a morning of travel, they almost reached the edge of the core area.

As soon as they arrived, they heard the sound of fighting in the southeast, so they immediately followed the direction of the sound.

When they arrived, they found that Liu Zi and Tang Wan were fighting.

There was also a corpse of a 3rd-level iron-backed lizard lying on its back next to it. One of its left front legs had been chopped off, and there were many sword wounds on its back and abdomen. There were many densely packed small holes on its lower jaw, as if it had been pierced by a needle.

From its mouth, you can see many reflective silver needles, like threads for sewing clothes, intertwined in its mouth.

Seeing Gu Xuanyuan coming, they all stopped and looked at him.

"You two continue! You can pretend I don't exist." After Gu Xuanyuan stuck his spear into the ground, he sat down on the ground and prepared to take out the dried meat he had roasted yesterday from his bag.

You don't exist, so that we can both lose, and then you pick up the heads, right?

Liu Zi said with grievance at this time: "Brother Xuanyuan, you have to judge!"

"We agreed that the two of us would cooperate to deal with this level 3 iron-backed lizard, and whoever killed it in the end could not hate the other, but sister Tang Wan turned against me on the spot after seeing me kill it."

Tang Wan was a little nervous at this time, and she couldn't help but tighten the sword in her hand to guard against the two people's sudden attack.

At the same time, she wanted to retreat.

This slutty woman robbed a level 3 monster, and she could still earn it back later. If Gu Xuanyuan really had any friendship with this slutty woman, she would be too late to run away when she wanted to attack herself.

As for explanation, if the two really have a friendship, no matter how much you say, it will be useless.

Besides, No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School have always been mortal enemies. Even if they have no friendship, Tang Wan does not think that Gu Xuanyuan will side with her.

Just when she was about to leave.

Gu Xuanyuan's voice came: "Don't you have anything to explain?"

While speaking to Tang Wan, he also looked at the other party.

'Well! This woman is quite arrogant. She wants to leave without explaining. '

'That level 3 iron-backed lizard was obviously stolen by Liu Zi in a sneak attack. Because of the other party's words "Brother Xuanyuan", where did I belong to the other party? '

'Don't even know how to fight for it! '

"What's there to explain? The level 3 iron-backed lizard was almost killed by me, and this woman sneaked up from behind and killed it first."

"I admit defeat this time. Come if you want to fight, otherwise I'll leave!"

Tang Wan spoke very toughly.

Liu Zi then began to take the opportunity to provoke: "Brother Xuanyuan, this woman is slandering us, let's join forces to eliminate her first!"

"When the people from their group gather together, it will be disadvantageous to us."

'Listen, listen, can't you learn well! '

'Who wouldn't be confused after hearing this! '

'If you, Liu Zi, had called me like this earlier, maybe the cooperation would have been reached! '

But no one will hold you in their palms when they don't know whether you are gold or dog shit.

"Why don't you just break the bracelet yourself?"

While speaking, Gu Xuanyuan had already stood up from the ground and pulled out the spear stuck in the ground.

He looked like he was going to take action!

Seeing this, Liu Zi was delighted. She picked up 1,000 points for nothing and could solve the future troubles!

Tang Wan had expected it in her heart and immediately got ready for battle.

Her expression was solemn, but there was no sign of compromise and surrender.

There was a corroded wound on his right shoulder, which should have been caused by the battle with the 3rd-level iron-back lizard.

"By the way, have any of you seen Lin Qingxuan?"

Seeing that Tang Wan was unmoved and had no intention of answering, Gu Xuanyuan cast his eyes on Liu Zi.

Liu Zi shook her head.

"Okay, don't say I bully women, you two come together!"

Tang Wan frowned, Liu Zi was puzzled!

'Is this man seriously ill? I took the initiative to show my goodwill and didn't find fault, why is he still targeting me? '

"Don't be surprised! Originally, I was going to follow the principle of not offending others if others don't offend me."

"But now my brother seems to have some problems. In order to let him enter the top ten, I have to reduce the number of people as much as possible and increase his number..."

Before he finished speaking, Tang Wan had already raised her sword to attack!

After Gu Xuanyuan dodged a sword with the Shadow Step, he then waved his gun to offset the next sword.

"You are so impatient! I haven't finished talking yet?"

Tang Wan replied: "You are so hesitant. You are not like a man. If you want to fight, then fight. I also want to know how you can reach more than 5,000 points in one day."

"Moon-Watching Slash!"

As the words came out, the D-level martial arts [Moon-gazing Slash] of Dacheng slashed towards Gu Xuanyuan.

The terrifying sword light flashed by, and Gu Xuanyuan in front of her was cut in half.

‘What’s going on? Phantom? ’

Gu Xuanyuan behind her suddenly said: “Aim carefully before you cut!”

Seeing this scene, Liu Zi raised Gu Xuanyuan’s strength to a higher level in her mind.

When Tang Wan fought with her, she could only passively defend.

All the hidden weapons were blocked by her sword moves and did not work, and this was when one of her hands was injured.

Fighting with Gu Xuanyuan now is simply being played by the opponent.

“Over there, why don’t you make a move? It will be your turn soon!”

Gu Xuanyuan kept using [Shadow Step] to dodge Tang Wan’s attacks, and from time to time he used his gun to block the continuous and rapid sword moves.

Liu Zi struggled a little bit in her heart. If she and Tang Wan fought together, she might be able to force Gu Xuanyuan back.

Of course, the greater possibility is that both of them will be eliminated together.

But if you don't make a move, you will still be eliminated. This person is completely sick and changes his mind at any time!

Should I run first?

Good idea!

Thinking of this, Liu Zi directly used the D-level body skill [Flying Swallow Step] with a small accomplishment and walked towards the depths of the core area.

'Want to run? You can't not make a move. Just a Wusheng Realm, there is no pressure at all! '

[Spear Skill - Picking Stars]!

The long spear flew out of his hand and rushed towards Liu Zi who had not run two steps at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Liu Zi just felt the crisis and looked back, and saw that the tip of the spear was rapidly enlarged in his eyes.

Cut off a strand of hair in front of him, rubbed his face thrillingly, and hit the ground steadily, creating a deep pit with a radius of 2 meters, and the long spear stood quietly in the middle of the pit.

Gu Xuanyuan came to the front of his long spear with 3 consecutive [Shadow Steps]!

He warned unhappily: "If you run again, it won't be your hair that'll be stabbed!"

Liu Zi was shocked!

A drop of cold sweat broke out from her forehead and slid down her cheek.

She swallowed her saliva to relieve the shock she had just received!

'I can't dodge, it's too fast!'

'If he hadn't shown mercy just now, I might have really died.'

'A great C-level martial arts? What kind of monster is this!'

Tang Wan was stunned for a moment when she saw that the man was gone after being chopped.

Then she looked at Gu Xuanyuan, who was already 10 meters away, and her pupils condensed.

'This speed! A great C-level footwork?'

'How can I fight this? I've been chopping for so long, but I haven't even touched his clothes!'

'No matter whether it's the great D-level martial arts [Moon-gazing Slash] or the mastery-level C-level martial arts [Sword Skill - Sudden Rain], they can't hit him. ’

‘Just like that loach Song Tianming! ’

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