The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Just when Wang Zhemin had just walked out of the classroom, Lin Qingxuan's laughter stopped abruptly, and he winked at Gu Xuanyuan with some fear.

At the same time, he pulled his clothes and pointed to the front door, which was the direction Wang Zhemin came from.

Gu Xuanyuan turned around and saw Old Wang with a dark face, his eyes wide open, and the big bag in his hand ready to go, approaching quickly.

Seeing Old Wang in such a fierce state, Gu Xuanyuan's laughter increased instead of decreasing.

Lin Qingxuan's scalp tingled when he heard it.

"Yuan! You are not enlightened, you are arrogant!"

Gu Xuanyuan was not in a hurry: "Fat Xuan, I am not the same person as yesterday, why should I be afraid of him, Old Wang, who is just a martial artist?"

When he saw Wang Zhemin, his information was also revealed by Gu Xuanyuan's entry system.

[Name] Wang Zhemin

[Realm] Martial artist

[Talent] Master of palm techniques (blue), strong body (green), tortoise force (green)

[Status] Burning with anger (white)

[Friendliness] 56

[Master of palm techniques] After practicing various palm techniques for many years, he finally achieved some success. He will learn new palm techniques later, master them faster, and understand them more deeply.

[Strong body] He is born stronger than others, which has a significant bonus to his physique and is more resistant to blows.

[Turtle force] The strength formed by practicing the tortoise breath is solid and heavy, without any special effects.

[Burning with anger] He was angered by the students who disrupted the classroom order and was in a very angry state.

‘Old Wang, Old Wang, you are too shabby compared to Fatty Xuan.’

Only the martial apprentice stage has 1st to 9th stage, and the rest are single realms.

Martial masters cultivate internal energy, martial masters temper the five internal organs, and martial masters exchange blood and qi.

‘Old Wang’s internal energy is not good! It’s only green.’

“If I explain, it will not only waste time, but no one will believe it.

Why don’t we just fight to let Old Wang know our true strength, Fatty Xuan, let’s go.”

After saying that, he rushed up and punched Wang Zhemin in the stomach.

Wang Zhemin did not dodge, and took the punch hard, and his steps stopped, but it was obvious that he stopped voluntarily.

“I heard you say so much without any reason, and the result is just this?”

The expectation in his eyes dimmed instantly, and the big competition bag that had been prepared for a long time came instantly.

A crisp sound of “pop” spread throughout the corridor, and Gu Xuanyuan turned around before sitting on the ground.

Lin Qingxuan looked at this scene and touched his face unconsciously.


It hurts just looking at it!

"Old Wang, you are serious!"

Standing up, Gu Xuanyuan covered his face and looked at Wang Zhemin angrily.

"You yesterday? A little martial artist? Real strength?"

"A rotten orange is a rotten orange!"

"Go back to the classroom and sit down!"

Gu Xuanyuan struggled in his heart. Is he really going back to the classroom in such a shame?

But what can he do if he doesn't go back? His current strength is really as bad as it can be.

Having a supernatural comprehension does not mean supernatural strength, but now that I have said this, don't I, Gu Xuanyuan, have any face?

It's not like I don't shake the lotus!

Lin Qingxuan looked at the indifferent Gu Xuanyuan and quickly persuaded him.


"Brother Yuan."

"Let's go back to the classroom! We have been patient for more than half a year, what's the point of this?"

But at this time, Gu Xuanyuan was excited, no shaking green lotus, no shaking green lotus.

Since my comprehension is against the sky, can I comprehend the skills of my previous life?

The first choice is the golden light spell of the no shaking green lotus!

"The Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all qi.

Practice ten thousand calamities, prove my supernatural power.

Inside and outside the three realms, only Tao is supreme.

The body is covered with golden light, covering my body."

After reading it, Gu Xuanyuan's whole body was shining with golden light, which made everyone unable to adapt for a while and closed their eyes.

"Damn, Brother Yuan, are you an immortal?" Pang Xuan immediately let go of Gu Xuanyuan's hand, fearing that the golden light would not distinguish between enemies and friends and hurt himself.

Wang Zhemin's eyes revealed shock, slightly opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak.

'This kid really made something out! It looks like a self-created martial art? ’

Where have the classmates who were watching seen such a crazy and cool scene? If it were me, how many girls or handsome guys would I attract?

They all said: "Fuck!", which directly contained all the emotions they wanted to express.

Gu Xuanyuan, who felt that his whole body was full of power, was shaking with excitement. It actually worked.

"Hahahaha! I got it, I got it again!"

"Little Lao Wang, how ridiculous."

"Fat Xuan, why don't you follow me! Do you really want to be looked down upon?"

After that! Without waiting for Lin Qingxuan to react,

He rushed towards Wang Zhemin again.

The same straight punch, but the power and speed are incomparable.

Wang Zhemin still did not dodge. As a martial artist, he was confident that Gu Xuanyuan, who had only 3 points of blood, could not hurt him no matter what martial arts he used.

But as the fist wrapped in golden light hit his chest, his face changed slightly.

This power is more than 10 times that of the previous one! And this golden light can also enter his body and cause further damage.

‘Internal strength? ’

‘No, it seems to be a little worse than internal strength, but this is also incredible. How did this kid do it! ’

Gu Xuanyuan was even more shocked.

I punched with all my strength, and you didn’t even blink!

Then come again!

“Bang bang bang” three more punches.

Even the martial artist’s physique felt a little bit overwhelmed.

Wang Zhemin grinned: "You're addicted to fighting, right? Then I'll play with you."

No longer standing still, he started to fight with Gu Xuanyuan.

"Bang, bang, bang" fists and palms collided, making a sound of explosions.

In just 2 minutes, the two had exchanged no less than 10 moves.

This was of course the result of Wang Zhemin's suppression of strength.

The audience couldn't see it, but Wang Zhemin knew that after each fight, he would increase his attack speed a little bit, and his moves would change a little bit.

But Gu Xuanyuan on the opposite side still parried with ease, and even his fighting style was increasingly showing his own shadow.

'Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that this kid is learning my fighting skills. '

The more he fought, the more it felt like he was practicing with his mirror image. Even if Wang Zhemin thought it was impossible, he had to admit it.

'This kid really learned my fighting skills on the spot, and he learned them right away. He was flexible in using them and even surpassed me. '

'Am I not the same person I was yesterday? Interesting! ’

‘But it’s time to end. ’

At this moment, Gu Xuanyuan spoke first: “Lin Qingxuan, why don’t you make a move? I can’t hold on any longer!”

Lin Qingxuan was also anxious at this time: “Brother Yuan, it’s not that I don’t want to make a move, I don’t have your golden light, even Lao Wang can’t stand a slap!”

Gu Xuanyuan’s face twitched, you kid did it on purpose!

“What about the sword-drawing technique?”

After protecting his chest with both hands and resisting Wang Zhemin’s kick, he gritted his teeth and spoke.

‘Hmm? The little fat man also has a surprise? Then let’s play it again! ’

Wang Zhemin thought so in his heart.

In the classroom.

"No way! It's outrageous enough that Gu Xuanyuan inexplicably used this martial art that looks awesome, and now you tell me that Lin Qingxuan also has a trick up his sleeve?"

"What's going on! There's no such thing as a martial artist saving blood and qi, right!"

"That's right, my blood and qi are worth 67 points, even if Lao Wang lets me off, I can't last that long."

"What kind of martial art is this, can I learn it?"


The classmates were talking about it, all in shock and disbelief.

Feng Liang had now been promoted to the Wusheng realm, and he saw it more thoroughly than the average student.

The class teacher Wang Zhemin started with the strength of a martial artist at the first stage, and now he's already a martial artist at the eighth stage.

And the physical strength can't be let off, this golden light is really powerful.

"Am I not the same person as yesterday? Is this a genius?"

Looking at the classmates in the field, no one noticed that he had already entered the Wusheng realm.

Thinking of Gu Xuanyuan enduring ridicule for half a year in order to gain enlightenment, he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly.

In the corridor.

Lin Qingxuan looked at his empty hands and suspected that he had remembered it wrong.

Did I have a sword and forgot it? Otherwise, how could Xuanyuan let me use the sword-drawing technique so confidently?

"Brother Yuan, sword-drawing technique, sword-drawing technique, I need a sword first!"

The teacher explained to students how to practice in the classroom in the morning, and generally did not allow them to bring weapons.

In the afternoon, the class was held at the training ground, and the weapons were distributed to students.

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