After the game, the students went to school.

An hour later, the van returned to the parking lot of Tianlin No. 2 Middle School.

"First, you will find your class teachers and tell them the results of the competition, and then see how they arrange it.

The rewards for the special recruitment quota have been given in advance by Gu Xuanyuan and Lin Qingxuan from the school, so there are no more.

But the bonus provided by the Education Bureau will not be less for you.

It will probably be credited this afternoon.

As for Zhong Liyun, talk to your class teacher about what reward you want, and I will approve it.

As for the Flame Dragon Blood Pool, there is no notification yet, so you have to wait."

When Tian Changhai said this, his tone was full of joy that he could not hide.

When he heard the reward, Gu Xuanyuan's mouth corners could not help but rise.

"Principal, such a large amount of money has arrived so quickly?

Is the school changing its style?"

Tian Changhai thought: 'You are so ungrateful.'

"The special recruitment bonus is prepared in advance every year. The Education Bureau issues it. The school is just a transit station, so of course it is fast."

But Zhongliyun, Su Yao and Feng Liang seemed a little quiet.

Su Yao and Feng Liang were because they did not get the special recruitment quota.

Zhongliyun was because Su Yao did not get the special recruitment quota.

So the three of them were not happy.

Just smiled politely and stood quietly.

Lin Qingxuan noticed that the situation of the three people next to him was not right, and nudged Gu Xuanyuan with his arm, indicating that he should pay attention and not get too complacent.

Tian Changhai also noticed this situation at this time and comforted him.

"You still have a long way to go. Don't be complacent or discouraged by temporary success or failure.

The road of martial arts is long.

That's all I have to say. Just do what you should do."

After saying that, he left first.

The remaining five people continued to talk while walking, and they didn't separate until they reached the teaching building.

Feng Liang, Gu Xuanyuan and Lin Qingxuan were in the same class, so they were naturally together.

The three of them came to the floor where Wang Zheming's office was located.

It was during the break time, and some students were chatting in the corridor, exchanging their cultivation progress.

A classmate was chatting happily when he noticed the three people.

One of them held a gun, one held a sword, and one held a knife.

One person alone was attractive enough, and it was hard not to notice these three walking together.

"Class monitor? Gu Xuanyuan and Lin Qingxuan?"

The classmate interrupted the previous topic and blurted it out.

The classmate who was chatting with him didn't understand.

"What's wrong? Are you missing these three?"

"No, look back, they're back."

"You're not interested... Damn, they're really back."

Immediately turned around and asked, "What's going on? Aren't they supposed to be competing now?"

"How should I know?"

Then they thought for a while, and said in unison, "Did they get eliminated early?"

Noticing that many of the five people had already returned to school, everyone had different guesses.

Finally, someone opened the official website of the Tianlin City Education Bureau and saw an announcement.

[List of Tianlin City's special recruitment quota winners in the 576th year of the Wudao Era. ]

The first part was a brief explanation of the rules of the special recruitment quota competition.

The second part was the results of the competition.

Students habitually flipped directly to the last point ranking, and the first one did not change every year, so there was no need to look at it at all.

First place, (Second Middle School) Gu Xuanyuan, 12990

Second place, (First Middle School) Ye Feng, 5840

Third place, (First Middle School) Song Tianming, 5600

Fourth place, (First Middle School) Tang Wan, 4200

Fifth place, (Fifth Middle School) Liu Zi, 3800

Sixth place, (First Middle School) Lu Chen, 3640

Seventh place, (Second Middle School) Lin Qingxuan, 3120

Eighth place, (First Middle School) Lin Luo, 2870

Ninth place, (First Middle School) Wang Yuxuan, 2830

Tenth place, (Second Middle School) Zhong Liyun, 2660

In the office, Wang Zheming, sitting in an office chair, looked at the ranking on his mobile phone with an unbelievable look on his face.

He looked at Gu Xuanyuan, then looked at the first place hanging on the mobile phone, and the unprecedented score of 12990 behind it, which was unprecedented in Tianlin City.

"Have you all seen this ranking?"

The three of them nodded in unison. When they were in the car, after the principal's reminder, everyone already knew the final list of the competition.

Although it was a bit unexpected and unfair, the competition ended early.

But the three principals all agreed to use this score to determine the final ranking.

Lin Qingxuan picked up a lot of leaks during the monster riot, and this score was recorded before he broke the bracelet.

The same was true for everyone else, without any changes.

Only Gu Xuanyuan added 3,000 points.

This was to attribute the death of the Jade Scaled Poison Python to Gu Xuanyuan.

Originally, Gu Xuanyuan was also the first, so it didn't really matter whether he added the 3,000 points or not.

It was just that after adding the points, the record of points over the years was broken, which was more shocking.

But some old men like to shock people, and they have to add the points no matter what.

"You mean the competition ended in two days because of an accident?"

Gu Xuanyuan nodded proudly.

"And you got first place."

Gu Xuanyuan continued to nod.

"And it broke the record of points over the years!"

Gu Xuanyuan still nodded, and at the same time walked forward and patted Wang Zheming's shoulder to comfort his shocked heart.

Then he put his hands behind his back, turned around and walked two steps with his back to Wang Zheming.

"Old Wang! Don't be so surprised."

"I just made a slight move, and it's already the limit you can imagine."

"If it wasn't for the accident that interrupted the game, I would have doubled the points."

Pretending, it's really too pretentious.

Lin Qingxuan and Feng Liang only hated that they didn't have Gu Xuanyuan's strength. If they were Gu Xuanyuan at this moment, they didn't know how happy they would be.

Just a little substitution, imagine yourself saying [I just made a slight move, it's already the limit you can imagine] in your mind, and you will feel an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in your heart.

Lin Qingxuan's heart: 'Too pretentious, how did Xuanyuan come up with this dirty talk? '

'No, I have to let him teach me. '

'How can you enjoy yourself every time and not let your brothers enjoy yourself. '

At this moment, Lin Qingxuan didn't realize that he was led astray by Gu Xuanyuan.

The unconfident little fat boy in the past was actually thinking about how to pretend in the future.

Feng Liang was excited and jealous: ‘This is exactly what I dreamed of.

But why can’t I do such a move or say such a word? ’

Then he thought of Gu Xuanyuan’s strength and blamed himself: ‘What are you thinking about? Feng Liang! ’

‘Don’t you know what level you are at? ’

‘Gu Xuanyuan can be arrogant only because he has strength. You have to learn from his hard-working side. ’

But his mind immediately turned to other aspects: ‘Although I didn’t know how to do such a move or say such a dirty word before, I know how to do it now, right?

I can’t pretend in front of these two monsters, but I can always pretend in front of people who are not as good as me!

Then, hehe! ’

Wang Zheming was also stunned.

‘You patted my shoulder. Are you at the martial artist level or am I at the martial artist level? ’

‘Floating up! ’

But he looked at the points on his phone again.

‘He seems to have the capital to float up. ’

Outside the office, the news that the list of special recruitment competitions had been finalized had already spread.

The name ranked first and the five-digit score behind it were like a meteorite from outer space, smashing into the hearts of every student in Tianlin No. 2 Middle School and setting off an endless wave.

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