The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Gu Xuanyuan didn't care about the comments of these people. As long as they didn't take the initiative to find fault, even a slight ridicule of him would be tolerated.

He came to the queue where only one person was left to wait for registration.

The only thing worth noting here is the person who is registering in front of him.

A kid with a short ponytail and two swords hanging on his waist.

[Name] Duan Chengfeng

[Realm] Warrior

[Term] Hurricane Combat Body (Red), Outstanding Talent (Purple), Perfect Body Skill (Green), Perfect Sword Skill (Green)

[Friendliness] 40

[Hurricane Combat Body] Swift as the wind, getting stronger with each battle. At the same time, his comprehension of wind-related martial arts was much faster than that of ordinary people.

‘I’ve already reached the warrior realm! ’

Gu Xuanyuan suddenly felt that the martial arts realm he had just entered was no longer attractive.

After Duan Chengfeng registered, he went to the side to wait.

I don’t know if he didn’t see Gu Xuanyuan or had never heard of Gu Xuanyuan, they passed by each other without even looking at each other.

Gu Xuanyuan didn’t care and came to the senior who was doing the registration.

As required, he pointed his iris at the camera for iris recognition, then signed his name on the pop-up light screen, and got a black card.

At the top was the “Special Recruitment Certificate of Yaodu Martial Arts University”, below was his identity information, and at the bottom was a valid card within three days.

Then he turned around and showed the card to Lin Qingxuan: “It’s valid for three days, which is enough for you to absorb the Jade Qiong Zhu Fruit. You can register first.”

Lin Qingxuan nodded, and also came to the processing office, completed the same operation as Gu Xuanyuan, and sat down in the waiting area.

The notice in the waiting area was the same as Bai Yunfei's description.

The assessment of Taixu Illusionary Realm is based on the time point, and one batch enters at a time, regardless of the number of people waiting.

It is held twice a day during the special recruitment period.

The first batch enters at 9:00 in the morning.

The second batch enters at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Students who come out of Taixu Illusionary Realm and achieve a certain score can go to the wordless monument for the assessment, and can comprehend the wordless monument for a total of 1 hour.

It was already 8:20 when Lin Qingxuan registered, and it would take some time to walk to the assessment site.

After the remaining 4 people in the admissions office have registered, they should set off.

Sure enough, after no one registered, a senior came to the waiting area.

He shouted: "Those who want to take the assessment in the morning, follow me."

Then he took the lead and walked out of the admissions office, and everyone followed.

After a long time, they came to a square, the ground was paved with bluestone, flat and smooth.

In the center of the square there is an ancient stone platform and a tall stone tablet.

There seemed to be many teachers and students from Yaodu Wuda gathered around.

Among them were Bai Yunfei and Xu Anlin.

The senior who led the way said after arriving at the square: "This is it. The center of the square is the assessment place. There will be teachers to teach you how to do it after you go there."

After that, he left, leaving a group of students at the edge of the square.

Duan Chengfeng did not hesitate. After the senior finished speaking, he had already stepped forward to the center of the square.

Then people followed one after another.

When they arrived at the center of the square, a teacher in the martial arts realm who was in charge of the assessment stood in front of the students and spoke.

"Students who want to take the test will put the special recruitment certificate in your hands into the groove of the stone platform behind me, and the entrance to the Great Illusion will appear.

Enter the entrance and step onto the ladder, and the opponent you are facing will automatically appear. Defeat the opponent and continue to climb the ladder, otherwise you will exit immediately.

After coming out, those who have climbed to the 20th step or above can go to the side to comprehend the wordless monument.

Now line up in a long line and prepare to enter the Great Illusion."

After that, the students took action one after another.

Gu Xuanyuan said to Lin Qingxuan: "Fat Xuan, you go to Senior Brother Bai first and wait."

Lin Qingxuan nodded and encouraged: "Then you do your best."

"Don't worry, when has your brother Yuan ever failed?"

Gu Xuanyuan patted his chest and guaranteed.

Seeing Lin Qingxuan withdraw from the test team, Xu Anlin asked Bai Yunfei: "This little fat guy is not participating?"

Bai Yunfei asked Lin Qingxuan to stand beside him, and then explained to Xu Anlin.

"Isn't it because I'm afraid that his strength won't meet your standards, and I want to improve to the Wusheng realm before I can break through."

Looking at the somewhat tense Lin Qingxuan, he asked curiously: "How many levels of Qi and blood have you broken through now?"

Lin Qingxuan answered truthfully: "Break through the limit 4."

Hearing this answer, he shook his head.

'Break through the limit 4 to break through to the Wusheng realm? '

'This day

The talent is not good! ’

‘It’s better to let him give up the idea as soon as possible. ’

Wang said to Bai Yunfei: “I’m afraid he won’t have the chance to be your junior brother.”

Bai Yunfei naturally knew that Xu Anlin was wrong.

“Hehe” laughed.

“Teacher, you may have thought wrong. Junior Brother Lin did not break through to the Wusheng realm with his current blood and qi, but after absorbing the Yuqiong Zhu fruit, he broke through again.”

Xu Anlin was puzzled: “Yuqiong Zhu fruit?”

Then he realized what it was, pointed at Lin Qingxuan and shouted at Bai Yunfei.

“You let him eat something that is eaten in the Wuzong realm?”

“You want him to die?”

“Besides, where do you get the points to exchange for Yuqiong Zhu fruit?”

Bai Yunfei kept smiling and looked at Xu Anlin, making him think wrong again.

"Traitor, you are not planning to take advantage of me, are you?"

"I will never agree to that."

At this time, Bai Yunfei said to Lin Qingxuan: "Junior brother, you see, I told you that the teacher is very secretive!"

"Relax a little, we are all family."

After hearing this, Lin Qingxuan was indeed much more relaxed.

Bai Yunfei then said to Xu Anlin: "Junior brother Gu will get the Jade Qiong Zhu Fruit from the school."

"As for whether Junior brother Lin can eat it, I don't know, but Junior brothers Gu and Lin are very sure about it."

"You just need to see if the performance of the two is to your liking!"

Hearing this, Xu Anlin seemed to have a little bit of optimism about Gu Xuanyuan and Lin Qingxuan.

'Gu Xuanyuan can get the Jade Qiong Zhu Fruit from the school? '

'Lin Qingxuan can also absorb it directly? '

'Interesting! '

'I am looking forward to your performance. ’

Just as the three were talking, it was Gu Xuanyuan's turn to arrive in front of the stone platform.

After he put his special recruitment certificate in, he saw that the special recruitment certificate disappeared directly and turned into a stream of energy, activating the secret text on the stone platform.

After a while, a white light gate was formed.

‘Is this Taixu Fantasy a secret realm with controlled entrances and exits? ’

But he was just a little confused in his heart.

There was no plan to think deeply, the important thing now was to enter it and climb as many steps as possible.

Then he stepped inside, and the scene in front of him changed.

He saw that the surroundings were surrounded by clouds and mist, and there was a cloud ladder leading to the sky in front of him that could not be seen at the end.

And he himself did not seem to have changed, and even the weapon was successfully brought in.

‘It seems that the person who came in is a physical entity, and the one in the illusion is. ’

‘But the mechanism of this illusion is that it will automatically pop out when it is fatally injured. ’

The thoughts diverged a little, and then they were retracted.

"There will be plenty of time to explore later."

"For now, just get started!"

He stepped onto the first level of the ladder.

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