After Gu Xuanyuan's bombardment of multiple explosive news.

Xiao Yun didn't know how to praise.

'I haven't seen such a genius in Daxia for two hundred years. '

'Space ring, a groundbreaking product. '

Although Daxia now does have something similar to space rings, it is like Xiao Yun's magic weapon, which is left in the secret realm.

With Daxia's current technology, it cannot be cracked.

Then I thought of the ancient battlefield mentioned by Gu Xuanyuan.

Although there are many historical records of the indigenous people in the secret realm that appeared in Daxia.

Through speculation, I also suspected that it was a martial arts world with much higher strength than Daxia at present.

But there is no record of the unprecedented battle described by Gu Xuanyuan, or Daxia has not discovered it yet.

‘It’s a pity that I didn’t see it with my own eyes! ’

Out of admiration for Gu Xuanyuan, Xiao Yun did not doubt his words, but felt a little regretful.

What surprised Xiao Yun the most was that Gu Xuanyuan claimed to be the Buddha and deceived the Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva.

After that normal person encountered a mental attack from the gods, the first thing he thought of was not to get rid of mental control and return to reality.

I don’t know what Gu Xuanyuan thought, and how dare he think so.

Seeing that the Buddha Kingdom fabricated by the gods was too lame, he used special means to make a more luxurious and beautiful one for himself.

The key is that with the help of the power of the [Hell-Suppressing Monument], it really shocked the Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva.

Let the Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva believe it.

‘The Tathagata Buddha, a god that has never existed before, how can this guy tell a story about him, and he still has a set of stories. ’

‘I am the only one in the world. ’

‘This kid is really bold in thinking and speaking. ’

‘And the Bodhi Gāthā was actually written by him. How can he have such a deep mental attainment at such a young age! ’

After being controlled by Gu Xuanyuan for 5 minutes, Xiao Yun stopped his imagination and derivation of Gu Xuanyuan’s future achievements.

He sighed deeply: “There are always talented people in every generation!”

Gu Xuanyuan looked at the favorability that finally stayed at 90.

He began to feel regretful again.

‘Increase it! Increase it a little more. ’

Unfortunately, there was no more change.

After hearing Xiao Yun’s sigh, Gu Xuanyuan withdrew his thoughts and stopped staring at the friendship.

Xiao Yun stood up and said to Gu Xuanyuan: "It's been a long time since I felt so passionate. It's a great blessing that my Great Xia has produced a monster like you, Gu Xuanyuan."

"It's getting late. I won't keep you with me, an old man."

Gu Xuanyuan also felt that the friendship level today would not reach 100, and he didn't have much to reveal.

He also stood up, bowed and said respectfully: "Yes, then I'll leave first."

When Gu Xuanyuan turned around, Xiao Yun looked at his back and muttered to himself: "I hope you can grow up soon!"

Then, he showed a look of pain and frowned.

He couldn't help but put his hand on his heart.

I saw a pool of black blood seeping through his clothes and soaking into his hands.

Looking at the black blood on his hands, his face became serious and his eyes were slightly cold.

'Monsters, abyss, gods, the situation is not optimistic. ’

‘I can’t control the external pressure, but Daxia must not be in chaos! ’

‘Privately create gods, blood sacrifice to promote birth! ’


Two days later, the meeting on the creation of gods was held as scheduled.

Xiao Yunyun sat in the main seat at the square conference table.

The other 16 members sat on both sides.

“This meeting is still about the worship of gods you mentioned before.”

“Do you still maintain your previous opinions?”

The supportive members sat upright, and no one spoke first.

Fearing to offend Xiao Yun, the Martial Saint.

At this time, Cao Jianlin looked at Xiao Yun and expressed his opinion first.

“I still firmly oppose the opening of the worship of gods. It is related to the safety of a group of martial emperors. If it is fully opened, Daxia may be in danger of overthrow.”

Hearing Cao Jianlin’s words, a martial emperor of about the same age, Ma Huaijin, immediately stood up to refute him.

Ma Huaijin is a representative of the parliamentarians who support the worship of gods. He is from the Ma family, one of the seven super martial arts families in Daxia.

"Member Cao, please stop confusing right and wrong here. Everyone knows the harm of the worship of gods, and naturally we don't want to fully relax it all at once.

But this martial saint's path has only been successful so far.

If it continues to be banned, I'm afraid that even if it is not relaxed, some people will secretly experiment. It's better to put the problem on the surface."

Cao Jianlin sneered after hearing this

"Not fully liberalized?

You also said that even though the law of worshipping gods is prohibited, some people can't help but experiment secretly.

If this loophole is opened, how can you, Councillor Ma, ensure that the law of worshipping gods will not spread, and how can you make up for the consequences in the future?

It is not enough to tell you about the tragic situation 100 years ago through written records. Do you have to experience it in person?"

Ma Huaijin listened to this rebuttal reason that was similar to the previous one, and he also argued with reason.

"No one wants to experience the failure of 100 years ago, but the current situation does not give us many choices.

There are still three beast kings outside the border of Daxia, and space cracks have become more and more frequent in recent decades. Now there is an entrance to the abyss.

But Daxia has a population of billions, more than 50 martial emperors, and only one martial saint, the speaker, which is not enough.

In front of the beast king, it is futile to have more martial emperors.

In the battle of the abyss, even the speaker was injured and returned. Is Daxia still in a critical situation?

With the experience of 100 years ago and so many years of research, I believe that the probability of entering the martial saint through the worship method is definitely much higher than that of the year.

So, I ask the speaker to pass the previous resolution."

Then, the 12 members who supported it before echoed.

"Please ask the speaker to pass the previous resolution."

Xiao Yun looked at this scene that was similar to the previous one and sneered in his heart.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be calm.

"It seems that you all still have the same opinion as before."

"I just wonder how many of the 12 members who support the God Worship Law originally supported it for the safety of Daxia."

"Don't rush to decide. Before voting on the God Worship Law again, I have something strange to tell you."

"Before you mentioned the God Worship Law again, I ordered the Sky Patrol Department to investigate whether there were any cases of privately creating gods or even blood sacrifices to raise gods in various places.

As a result, one month later, only half of the people sent by the Sky Patrol Department returned, and the other half disappeared without a trace.

Among them, the King of Wu who went to the first-level city also lost contact inexplicably.

What do you think about this matter and how to deal with it?"

At this time, the reactions of the members were different.

Some did not receive any news and were shocked by the matter.

Some knew the whole story and pretended to be surprised.

For a while, they looked at each other and thought about it in their hearts.

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