Gu Li's eyes were red, and the murderous intent around him was as real as substance.

He would never forget that day ten years ago.

Grandparents, parents, sister and him, a total of eight people, he was the only one who escaped by luck.

Parents died tragically, grandparents were torn to pieces by the Shadow Clan to protect him.

The last sister...

Thinking of the original scene, Gu Li closed his eyes in pain.

That was his lifelong nightmare, he would never forget his sister's desperate eyes in his life.

"Li'er, go!"

"Run! Go to Daxia Territory! Go to the Ten Thousand Races Academy, and avenge us!"

"Xiao Li..."

Even though it has been ten years, the bloody pictures are still so clear when I think of them now.

Now hearing what Kazar said, Gu Li could no longer control himself, and his eyes were full of madness as he was about to attack.

"Brother! Don't be impulsive, we can't fight here!"

"Brother Gu, calm down, let's take a long-term plan..."

Xu An and Tang Yue held Gu Li tightly, looking at the few people from the Shadow Clan, their faces were also gloomy.

The Shadow Clan is one of the mortal enemies of the human race. It is said that there is an unwritten rule in the Shadow Clan.

When a person of the royal family reaches adulthood, he will sneak into the human race to complete his coming-of-age ceremony.

The more human races killed, the stronger they are, and the more perfect the coming-of-age ceremony will be.

Although the entrance to the interface is guarded by the human army, the talents of the Shadow Clan are too terrible to be defended.

This also leads to countless human races dying tragically at the hands of the Shadow Clan every year, and Gu Li's family is one of them.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Gu Li screamed, his eyes red and almost losing his mind.

Xu An and Tang Yue both felt a little out of control when they pulled him.

Lillian frowned when she saw this, and then waved her hand lightly, and a holy light fell on Gu Li.

In just a moment, the light was like a bucket of cold water, which directly made Gu Li, whose eyes were red, show a trace of clarity.

Gu Li's expression gradually became calm without anger. He looked at Lillian and said softly: "Thank you."

Lillian waved her hand, looked at the eyes of the Shadow Clan, and quietly stood behind Xu An.

"What a pity, I thought I could see the martial arts heart of a genius shattered again."

Kazar glanced at Gu Li who had calmed down, shrugged and smiled indifferently.

For him, meeting Gu Li was just a little interesting thing.


Gu Li stared at Kazar, "Do you dare to fight in the arena?"

Kazar's strength was very strong, surpassing Gu Li by more than one level.

But this is the arena, and the strength of both sides will be compressed to the same realm.

But generally speaking, both sides of the duel will be in a great realm.

If you fight beyond a great realm, even a genius with amazing combat power will have a great chance of losing.

After all, no matter the perception of the realm or the proficiency of combat skills, people who surpass a great realm must be more proficient.

But Gu Li doesn't care. As long as he goes on the field, he will definitely kill this damn bastard!

"Hehe, you want to fight with me?"

Kazar laughed when he heard it, with disdain in his eyes,

"Your grandfather was not my opponent at the beginning. Do you think you are qualified to fight with me when you just entered the spiritual realm?"

"Unfortunately, the rules of the Horn Clan cannot kill people. Otherwise, I would be a little interested in fighting with you."

"Now... I don't want people from other clans to laugh at my Shadow Clan for bullying the weak."

In the arena, if you fight with others when you surpass a great realm, you will not be well received if you win, and you will be scolded if you lose.

Kazar will not do such a thing.

Gu Li stared at Kazaar with an ugly expression. He had to do something when he met his mortal enemy again after so many years.

"Kazaar, let's go."

The young Shadow Clan member glanced at Gu Li, Xu An and others, and then turned around and led them away.

"Don't bother with these humans. The little prince's first duel is more important."

"Haha, I can't wait. This time I brought a lot of spirit stones."

"Hehe, when I followed the eldest prince here, I also made a lot of money..."

The Shadow Clan members walked towards the registration office of the arena, talking and laughing.

In their eyes, Xu An and others were just a small episode of this trip.

Now that they brought the little prince here, making money is the most important thing.

"Senior Brother..."

Looking at the silent Gu Li, Xu An shouted with some worry.

"It's okay, give me some time, I will go to the Shadow Clan."

Gu Li grinned, his white teeth looked extremely cold.

Soon, when he gets the inheritance of 'Yi', the Shadow Clan willThe fate of the Shadow Clan is about to end.

"Let's go sign up first."

I don't know if Lillian's light worked, Gu Li recovered quickly and brought a few people to the registration office.

The registration office is divided into three points, physical realm, spiritual realm, and divine realm.

You can sign up in whichever realm you are in. The arena will randomly match opponents based on various scores.

In fact, when the creatures of various races registered their identities, the Horn Clan had already collected some information. Later, they will use their own methods to explore and ensure the fairness of the competition as much as possible.

There are many people who sign up for the physical realm arena, but the speed is very fast. It didn't take long for Xu An to finish signing up.

"Go to the duel arena and wait. When it's your turn to go on stage, you will be notified inside."

After Gu Li finished speaking, Xu An nodded and the others came all the way to the physical realm arena.

They had just pushed open the door and entered when a terrifying sound wave came instantly.

"Tear him apart! Use force, you trash from the Water Spirit Clan!"

"Cao! Fight back! Will you fight back, you trash from the Giant Clan!"

"Hahaha, good fight! Kill the Water Spirit Clan, I'm going to win..."

The arena was very large, with a huge ring in the center, where a Water Spirit Clan and a Giant Clan were fighting.

And around the ring, there were audiences from all races, shouting and everyone looked crazy.

They all placed heavy bets, and the victory or defeat of the battle on the stage was related to their own interests. Everyone was cheering for the person they bet on.

Xu An and others finally found a seat.

Xu An, who saw such a scene for the first time, looked at the ring curiously.

Above the ring, there was a huge transparent light symbol, which recorded the specific information of this battle.

Giants: Senen Realm: Peak of Body Forging Betting Amount: 370 million

Water Spirits: Ruolanna Realm: Great Body Forging Betting Amount: 130 million

The unified realm of this battle: Great Body Forging

"This record is so detailed."

Xu An looked at the huge light symbol and couldn't help but praise it.

Next to the light symbol, there are two people's portraits, and below the portraits, there are detailed personal introductions.

There are detailed records of past lives, the number of battles, and the number of wins and losses.

Xu An has seen many competitions, but this is the first time he has seen such a detailed record.

"This is the Horn Clan."

"Fair, just, and open, there will be absolutely no favoritism or fraud."

Tang Yue praised: "This will not only allow the bettors to see the pros and cons of the two warring parties more clearly, but also allow the arena itself to randomly match the most suitable opponent."

"Here, you rarely see battles with huge differences in combat power, most of them are equal in combat power."

"In this way, the audience will enjoy the show, and the people who come out can also improve themselves more."

Xu An listened and nodded continuously, secretly praising the open duel method of the Horn Clan.

No wonder it can attract the geniuses of the heavens and the worlds to come here, such a mechanism makes people convinced.

"Get the money ready, the last game costs 10,000 spirit stones."

Just when Xu An was excited, Gu Li's faint voice sounded.

"Oh my god, so expensive?"

Xu An's smile froze on his face, and he said in disbelief.

Ten thousand spirit stones, this is 20 million in city money!

20 million can only be used once?

"What do you think?"

"If it's free, won't everyone be able to compete at will?"

Gu Li looked at the huge arena and said:

"The entry fee for participants is 10,000 spirit stones, and the higher the realm, the more expensive it is."

"But you can buy your own victory. For those who are playing for the first time, the ratio is one to one."

"As long as you have confidence, not only will you not lose money, but you can also make a lot of money. In the arena, everything is based on strength."


As soon as Gu Li's voice fell, a sharp shout suddenly rang out from the audience.

Xu An looked closely and saw that the duel on the arena had decided the winner.

The giants tore the water spirit apart, and the blue blood was scattered all over the ground.

Xu An was shocked when he saw this, but the next moment, the entire huge arena emitted endless light, and the water spirit that was torn into pieces began to gather its body and the blood re-condensed.

It was as if time had gone back, and the torn Water Spirit was resurrected.

However, judging from his pale face and the messy aura on his body, it was obvious that his realm had fallen seriously.

This Water Spirit was already miserable, but no one cared about what he had lost. Those who lost money were all cursing.

Countless accusations and abuses made this Water Spirit lower his head and quickly leave the arena.

Xu An secretly smacked his lips when he saw this.

That monster had many martial arts in the arena.People whose Tao Heart is shattered.

If you lose here, you will not only have to face the falling realm, but also the countless abuses.

These people are much more rude than when Gu Li scolded Zhou Can.

Originally, you were the pride of your own race, and your clansmen had great expectations for you. They even bet heavily on you, and countless people expected you to win.

As a result, you lost, your realm fell, countless people lost a lot of money, and your clansmen were also disappointed...

As long as he thought of that scene, Xu An shuddered.

This seems to be just a simple duel, but there are too many things involved, especially for those who are participating for the first time.

"Don't be nervous. If you lose, we will only lose hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and blame you for the rest of your life."

Gu Li glanced at Xu An and comforted him lightly.

Xu An's face darkened when he heard this, "If you don't speak, I won't feel nervous."

Tang Yue kept wiping his sweat on the side. Xu An was not nervous, but he was nervous!

He has decided to take a big gamble. If Xu An loses, he will lose everything.

"Don't be afraid, Xu An. How can you lose?"

Lillian smiled. Although her words were not heavy, her confidence in Xu An surpassed everything.

She didn't know why. It seemed that in her perception, Xu An would never lose.

Gu Li and Tang Yue looked at Lillian in surprise. They didn't expect that among these people, Lillian had the strongest confidence.


As several people chatted, duels ended one after another.

Various races, magical fighting skills that had never been seen before, special racial talents...

Just watching, Xu An was amazed.

Some things will never be seen in textbooks. Just watching the battle will benefit you a lot.

As another battle fell, new opponents appeared on the huge light symbol.

[Human race: Xu An, realm: Bone Forging Realm Minor Success]

[Shadow Clan: Ivan Cassius, realm: Bone Forging Peak]

[Unified realm: Bone Forging Realm Mid-term]

"Aha, a new battle is coming soon!"

A new round of battle started, and the people of the Horn Clan came to the ring, laughing and stirring up the atmosphere in the arena, while explaining:

"These two are the first time to come to our clan's arena, and it will be another duel full of unknowns!"

"Ivan Cassius, the royal family of the Shadow Clan, is the little prince of the Shadow Clan, gifted and superb in combat power!"

"Xu An, the human race's prodigy, although he has only achieved Bone Forging Minor Success, but according to the information we know, this human race prodigy has killed many elites of the Blood God Clan!"

"This is destined to be a fight between dragons and tigers, friends, now open~"

The voice of the people of the Horn Clan fell, and two holes appeared in front of all the seats in the venue.

Above the cave entrance, there are the names of Xu An and Cassius. If you want to bet on one, just put the spirit stone in.

The staff below the cave entrance will sort out the bet amount and ratio as soon as possible.

Because it is the first time for everyone to participate in the duel, the ratio this time is one to one.

However, as soon as the Horn Clan opened the market, loud laughter rang out from the audience.

"It's so funny, this is clearly picking up money, can the human race also be the opponent of the Shadow Royal Family?"

"Hahaha, how many elite Blood Gods did this human race kill? What kind of person is the Blood God, and how can they compete with the Shadow Royal Family?"

"Hehe, brothers, I bet 200,000 spirit stones, which is all my wealth."

"Hahaha, rubbish, I bet 500,000, the Shadow Clan will definitely win this battle!"

"If it's the Spirit Realm and the God Realm, it's hard to say, but in the Physical Realm, how can the human race, who has no racial talent, be the opponent of the Shadow Royal Family? All in!"


Amid the noise and laughter, the betting amounts of the two warring parties on the ring began to change.

[Shadow Clan: Ivan Cassius Betting Amount: 1.38 billion]

[Human Race: Xu An Betting Amount: 50 million]

Looking at the huge betting gap, Xu An shook his head speechlessly and stood up.

But at this moment, Gu Li on the side suddenly grabbed Xu An tightly.

He lowered his head, suppressed his emotions, and whispered:

"Help me! Kill him!"

Xu An was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Gu Li, grinning,

"He must die!"

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