Wanxiang means everything in the world, and the heavens are endless.

Returning to the truth means simplifying and returning to the origin.

Wanxiang Returning to the Truth pupil, examines the false laws of the heavens, and when everything returns to the truth, it can reshape the origin and look directly at the essence of everything...

"This technique... is so powerful!"

The simple introduction of Wanxiang Returning to the Truth pupil made Xu An look horrified.

He originally thought that since this technique was not the core practice method of the Shi clan, it would not be that strong even if it was strong.

But now it seems that he underestimated this pupil technique.

Wanxiang is too big, so big that everything in the world and the heavens are endless.

What does this mean?

It means that this technique can not only be used for gambling on stones, but also for practicing combat skills, magical powers, physique... and everything else!

And returning to the truth is even more powerful!

What is returning to the truth?

Look directly at the origin of all things and break all falsehoods.

Combat skills are complicated? The method is difficult to understand?

Under the Return to the True Nature, one can intuitively see the essence of things and quickly grasp them.

Moreover, when this pupil technique is practiced to perfection, it can also reshape the origin!

This is not just a simple pupil technique!

Instead, it involves derivation, deduction, and extremely deep laws representing the past and the future.

Looking at the secret technique in his hand, Xu An was silent.

The secret method thrown out by Shi Zhiqing made him owe a huge favor.

The value of this Pupil of Return to the True Nature is definitely not less than the Immortal Destroying Spear and the Human Emperor Seal.

Moreover, like the two magical powers given by the ancient Human Emperor, this Pupil of Return to the True Nature... is very simple, too simple.

So simple that it seems to be tailor-made for him.

At a glance, endless mysteries emerged in his mind, the secret method operated on its own, and the cooperation between the Blood God Pupil and this secret method was seamless.

The Blood God Pupil's breaking delusion and the Pupil of Return to the True Nature are so similar.

Just like... this Wanxiang Guizhen pupil is the subsequent cultivation method of the Blood God pupil to break delusion, and it is extremely complete and has reached the extreme.


When this thought came up, Xu An was suddenly shocked, and cold sweat covered his back.

After meeting the Shi clan, his initial guess must be related to the ancient emperor.

But the problem is! His Blood God pupil is not innate, but acquired!

Even if the ancient emperor can know the destiny and plan for eternity, he can never calculate his specific experience, and the things he obtained in the middle, and develop and derive them.

That is to say...

"The emperor that Ling'er saw was not the ancient emperor, but the one in the future?"

Xu An frowned, this didn't make sense.

The future has not happened yet, and the Shi clan lives in the present, how can they see the future emperor?

Even if they see it, why do they have the things of the future emperor in their hands?

"Maybe it's really a coincidence. The Art of Returning All Things to the True Truth may just be very compatible with the Blood God Eye..."

Xu An shook his head, shook off those unrealistic ideas, and picked up the various gambling stone introductions given by Shi Zhi.

He didn't need to practice the Art of Returning All Things to the True Truth. He understood it completely at a glance.

Now, all he lacked was the various experiences of gambling stones.

He never thought that just a secret method would lead him to the path of a stone master...

In another room of the inn.

Shi Zhi was staring at the key in his hand in a daze. He was worried about the safety of the tribe members in the interface.

At the beginning, the clan leader led more than 90% of the clan members to leave, leaving only two or three hundred people.

And with the continuous oppression of the Sang clan, there are now no more than a hundred people.

Moreover, as time goes by, the current situation of the Shi clan is even more difficult. He doesn't know how long the Shi clan can last.

He doesn't know whether the Shi clan can break the curse. The only thing he can do now is to do the things the clan leader has told him to do.

"Brother, are you still awake?"

At this time, Ling'er, who had just washed up, came to Shizhi's room.

"No, why don't you go to rest."

Seeing Ling'er, Shizhi squeezed out a smile on his lonely face.

"I can't sleep, I'm still thinking about today's things."

Ling'er lay on the table, with her little hand on her chin, looking at Shizhi and asking puzzledly:

"Brother, the art of returning all things to the truth is obviously not cut out of the time stone, why do you say that?"

"Also, what did the clan leader and the others see in time? They left in such a hurry?"

Today, Shizhi didn't tell the truth.

The art of returning all things to the truth is not cut out of the time stone, and not everyone can practice it.

On the contrary, many people in the Shi clan have studied this secret method, but they have no idea where to start, and they can't even understand it.

But the clan leader left a message, when the person with the "imperial will" appears, give him this secret method.

In fact, even if Xu An didn't mention it today, Shi Zhi would find a way to pass this secret method on.

He didn't know why, but just obeyed the clan leader's order.words.

"I don't know what they saw either."

Shi Zhi lowered his head, his eyes confused as he said, "The chieftain only left a few words, but I don't understand them."

He will always remember the chieftain's excited words in the stone, and his compassionate eyes looking at future generations.

[Let's go find the future for the Shi Clan]

[When the Shi Clan is desperate, when the Shi Clan bleeds its last drop of blood, when the one who has one eye on the sea of ​​blood and one eye on time appears... it is the day when the Shi Clan will soar for eternity]

"Soar... Hahaha, when the blood of the Shi Clan has dried up, is there really a future?"

Shi Zhi laughed, tears streaming down his face, and Ling'er didn't know why.

"Then I'll wait!"

"Wait for the prosperity to come, wait for the Shi Clan to soar!"

"Wait and see, how will the creature who has one eye on the sea of ​​blood and one eye on time save the Shi Clan whose blood has dried up..."

The sleepless night, only the desperate boy let out a low and desperate roar.


Skystone Valley, Shadow Clan Stone Shop.

"Has the news been released?"

Azimo, the eldest prince of the Shadow Clan, sat in the main seat, lowered his head and drank spiritual tea, and asked lightly.

"Don't worry, eldest prince. According to our investigation, the divine power that Gu Li obtained in the secret realm of the gold casting furnace is related to the 'divine bow'."

"Now that his bow is lost, he will definitely not be able to resist the news we released!"

Kazar bowed his head and said respectfully:

"According to our latest news, Gu Li and others have arrived at Skystone Valley, and there is also good news."

Azimo supported his head with one hand, and his indifferent eyes fell on Kazar.

"Gu Li and others chose the Shi Clan as their guide without knowing whether to live or die."

"Although the Shi Clan is good at gambling on stones, their talents are cursed and it is difficult for them to achieve great things. Moreover, the Shi Clan and the Sang Clan are mortal enemies."

"As long as we release the news, the Sang Clan will definitely come to us."

Kazar did not dare to keep it a secret and told the truth.

"Oh? The Sang tribe is involved, which is interesting."

Azmo smiled.

In the gambling stone world, the Sang tribe is well-known. Although the tribe is not very strong, it has countless friends and a wide network of contacts.

If the Sang tribe can take action, it is not difficult to kill a few small human races.

"Notify the Sang tribe and ask them to go to the Night Elves Stone Shop tomorrow."

"Let the stone master take action and activate the image of the dragon pattern bow again."

"In addition, move all the time stones of the Shadow tribe to the Night Elves and hold a gambling stone conference."

"As for the reward, it will be the time stone of the Dragon Pattern Bow."

Azmo arranged the matters for tomorrow in a few words.

After all, it is revenge, so it is not appropriate to place it in the Shadow tribe, but it is the same with the Night Elves.

As killers in the night, the two tribes have a good relationship, or in other words, the Night Elves dare not disobey the Shadow tribe.

Otherwise, the Shadow Clan could easily destroy a mere branch of the Elf Clan.

The Night Elves have been somewhat restless recently, so this incident is a good opportunity to give them a warning.

Since they are seeking revenge, the scene must be bigger, otherwise how can they show the strength of the Shadow Clan?

In addition, a gambling stone conference can also greatly increase the performance of the Shadow Clan.

Killing three birds with one stone, being able to become the eldest prince of a clan means that it is not just strength that is strong.

"The eldest prince is wise."

Kazar flattered him upon hearing this, with a face full of admiration.

"How is my injury?"

Azmo was unmoved and asked calmly.

"My realm has been restored, and all my internal and external injuries have healed, but my martial arts heart... still has some flaws."

Speaking of this, Kazar lowered his head and did not dare to breathe.

Although Cassius's injury was serious, it was nothing in front of the power of the clan, and it would be healed in just a few days.

But it is not so easy to recover from the shattered heart of martial arts. This depends on Cassius himself.

"The gold-casting furnace will be opened soon. Raise his cultivation to the peak of body-casting within three months."

"The damage to the heart of martial arts is a lack of confidence. Take him to the arena. Where he falls, he will get up there."

"The last battle was just bad luck. A few more consecutive wins will be of great help to the recovery of the heart of martial arts."

"As for the final recovery, after killing Xu An and breaking the knot in his heart, he will naturally recover."

Azmo has a clear idea of ​​these things, and now the arrangements are in order.

After dealing with these chores, Azmo stroked his forehead and waved his hand.

Seeing this, Kazar and others quietly retreated and closed the door.

"In two months... the ruins will be opened."

Azmo looked into the distance, his deep eyes flashing, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Compared with other trivial matters, the ruins are the most important.

That is related toThe broken ancient history, and the so-called, emperor.


One night passed in a flash.

Xu An rubbed his sore eyes, and finally turned the last page of the book in his hand.

After a night of preparation, he also had some simple understanding of gambling on stones.

Gambling on stones is divided into four steps, looking at the stone, unraveling the stone, cutting the stone, and sealing the stone.

Looking at the stone, there are barriers constructed by the breath of endless years on the time stone. Some special techniques or pupil techniques can break those barriers and see whether there are things in the time stone.

Unraveling the stone, when the time stone to be cut is determined, the barrier of years must be broken layer by layer. This step is very important, because if you are not careful, it will disturb the breath of years, thus causing the time stone to collapse.

Cutting the stone, this step is very simple. When the breath of years is removed, the time stone is cut layer by layer without damaging the things in the stone.

Generally speaking, these three cloths are all the steps of gambling on stones.

And sealing the stone is for some special time stones.

For example, some time stones contain very evil things, and the obstacles covering their surface will naturally dissipate.

Or some spiritual plants that have not yet grown fully are not yet ready to be born.

In order to prevent the time stone from being damaged, the method of sealing the stone will be used.

Stone master is a very complete industry, and the things contained in it are very complicated and profound.

Xu An did not dig too deep, these simple things are enough for him.

The blood god pupil's delusion-breaking, coupled with the extremely powerful all-encompassing technique, is enough for him to deal with most time stones.

In other words, his experience is a novice, but his means are top-notch.

If someone wants to pit him with the time stone, I'm afraid someone will suffer a great loss.

"Xu An! Xu An! Are you awake? Come out and leave!"

Just as Xu An was thinking, Tang Yue knocked on the door outside the house.

Xu An put away the books, opened the door and walked out.

Outside, Gu Li, Tang Yue, Shi Zhi and Ling Er had already packed up.

"So anxious? Are you going before you have breakfast?"

Xu An looked at the sky and saw that it was still early.

"It's getting late, come out and see."

As he spoke, Tang Yue pulled Xu An to the street.

Xu An looked towards the east and was immediately shocked.

The shadow of a hundred-foot-long bow stretched across the sky.

The bow was as red as a flame, and the lifelike dragon patterns were ingeniously carved on it, showing the perfect fusion of power and beauty.

The bowstring was slender and tight, and you could feel the extremely sharp breath just by looking at it.

Such a perfect bow, simple and luxurious, made Xu An, who didn't use the bow and arrow, look amazed.

And Gu Li, who was cursing and wanted to overturn the table of the Shadow Clan yesterday, was drooling at this time.

"Fuck! How can I resist this!"

"Damn Shadow Tribe, how did this bow fall into their hands? It's such a waste!"

Gu Li's eyes turned red as he looked at the sky in the distance.

"Perfect, damn perfect, almost catching up with my Ruonan!"

Xu An looked at Gu Li strangely.

"Aren't you going to flip the table?"

"Didn't you say that we'd just go and curse in the street today, and then we'd leave?"

Tang Yue on the side nodded vigorously, his face full of embarrassment.

Last night, he wrote a full thirteen pages of drafts, which would definitely make the Shadow Tribe feel ashamed and unable to tell who their mother was.

"What should I do if I regret it?"

Gu Li wanted to cry but had no tears, pointing at the shadow of the big bow in the sky,

"If I miss it, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well all night."

Xu An, who rarely saw Gu Li like this, couldn't help laughing,

"Okay, then don't curse, let's just win it."

Gu Li sighed and shook his head when he heard it:

"Forget it, no matter how reluctant we are, they clearly set a trap for us to drill, and all stones will definitely be dangerous."

"Those ghost things, who knows the dangers contained in them, we don't know how to gamble on stones, it's not worth risking our lives to gamble on an impossible bow."

"Forget it, I'll find a way to get it in the future!"

Gu Li was ruthless in his heart. When he took the inheritance of 'Yi' in half a year, and survived for a few years, the bow would still be his after destroying the Shadow Clan!

"Who said we don't know how to gamble on stones?"

Xu An smiled, I'm not Wuxia Amon, a man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation.

Gambling on stones? Isn't it enough to have eyes?

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