The battlefield of the heavens, the secret realm of the gold-casting furnace.

The secret realm of the heavens is different from the secret realm of the interface. The secret realms here are all nurtured by rules and are the treasures of the entire starry sky.

No matter how strong the race is, it cannot ignore the opening of the secret realm of the heavens.

The secret realm of the gold-casting furnace is very special. It opens once a year, and each time it only lasts for one month.

In it, it is possible to obtain divine powers given by heaven, or companion treasures, or even greatly improve one's physical potential.

This is an excellent place to cultivate offspring. At least thousands of races participate in it every year.

And this year is still the same. When there are still more than ten days before the secret realm is opened, dense creatures have surrounded the entrance of the secret realm.

These creatures are clearly divided and stand together with their own friendly races.

There is no restriction on fighting in the secret realm, so many small races choose to cooperate and advance and retreat together.

It is difficult to get a place to enter the secret realm, and they don’t want to waste this opportunity in vain.

But some big clans are not like this, and they are more likely to be alone, after all, cooperation can easily result in uneven distribution of spoils.

However, there seem to be some exceptions this year, and some big clans have united.

Shura clan, Feather clan, Abyss Demon clan, Bone clan, Corpse clan, Shadow clan...

These big clans with reputations in the heavens stood together without hesitation at this time, staring at the direction of the human race.

"The secret realm is about to open, why hasn't that kid appeared yet?"

The face of the Shura clan's soul master was gloomy, and the murderous aura was all over his body.

"Hehe, don't worry, he will definitely come. As a genius, if you miss the secret realm of the gold casting furnace, it will be a great loss."

The soul master of the demon clan sneered, and his face was also ugly.

"Remember it all, the competition for the ranking inside depends on your ability, but Xu An of the human race must die!"

The soul master of the shadow clan looked at the geniuses who were about to enter the secret book, and solemnly reminded them again.


In fact, these alien races have just arrived not long ago, and they have been badly cheated by the human race during this period.

In order to rescue the tribesmen captured in the ruins, each of them paid a very painful price.

Therefore, on the way here, they discussed that they must kill all the human race in this secret realm!

This is not only to vent their anger, but also because of that human race, Xu An!

The terrifying formation that exploded with the power of the Tao realm and the formation monument that was a hundred feet high are still fresh in their memory.

Such a person does not talk about his combat power. Just this formation method, once on the battlefield, it will definitely have terrifying lethality.

Xu An may not be a genius in combat power, but for a race, he is definitely a huge threat and foundation!

They can imagine that since the ruins, Xu An's status and position will rise suddenly, and it will not be so easy to do something dirty.

And the opening of this secret realm of the gold casting furnace is the only opportunity to kill Xu An openly!

For this reason, several of their clans united together, and even sent a warning to their subordinate clans.

As long as they entered the secret realm, other human race members could be spared, but Xu An must die!

"Don't worry! That damned human race is just strong in formation. I can kill him with my own strength!"

"I must pay back the humiliation of being captured a hundredfold!"

The Holy Son of the Feather Clan, who was captured in the ruins not long ago, gnashed his teeth at this time, with murderous intent on his face.

As a holy son of a clan, he was actually captured by others, and he also paid a lot of resources to redeem himself. This is a stain on his life!

Such a shame can only be washed away by Xu An's blood!

"You? Xu An is mine! No one can kill him!"

"I will torture him well to see if his bones are as hard as his formation!"

The little prince of the demon clan was surrounded by demonic flames, and his face was hideous and twisted when he mentioned Xu An.

The alien geniuses who had the same experience were also full of anger at this time.

No one knows how frustrated they felt when they were captured by Xu An.

Xu An was only in the physical realm!

If it comes to real combat power, each of them can kill ten Xu Ans!

They were just ambushed by the damned human race, and Xu An was just relying on the power of the formation.

Now that there is an opportunity for a fair duel, everyone is determined to make Xu An look bad.

"You... better not underestimate him."

"Not to mention the formation, his real combat power is also very strong."

Compared to the confidence of others, one of the aliens was not so optimistic at this time, but his face was solemn.

And this person was the only little prince of the Shadow Clan who had seen Xu An's true strength and lost to him, Cassius.

After several months of recuperation, Cassius's injuries were healed and his cultivation reached the peak of the physical realm.

The broken state of mind at the beginning was re-condensed under the successive victories in the arena.

But even so, when he mentioned Xu An, he stillHe couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

That was the shadow left by Xu An. As long as Xu An didn't die, it would exist in his life.

"Cassius, why do you boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"

"Yes, but he is just a human, without racial talent, why should he fight us?"

"Forget it, I think you are afraid after losing once, and you hid far away at that time, watching us kill you!"

"Hahaha, well said, a mere human race can't be captured easily?"


Cassius listened to the ridicule of the crowd, but he was not angry, but looked thoughtful.

Could it be that the shadow in his heart really affected his judgment?

"Okay, it's better to be cautious."

The soul master of the demon clan glanced at Casius, and then looked at the Tianjiao,

"Being able to defeat Casius means that the opponent's combat power is not weak, so we can't be careless."

"After entering the secret realm, don't rush to compete for the ranking, first find Xu An to destroy the human race."

"There are not many people from the human race participating in the war this time, but they are also top Tianjiao, including the son of a general who came down from the battlefield, a powerful disciple, and two descendants of the Dao realm."

"These people are very strong, don't hold back, if there is any accident, you can go to the people of the Zhenyu clan."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present changed their faces, and even some soul masters looked at the demon clan.

"The Zhenyu clan and the human race don't interfere with each other, will they help?" Someone asked curiously.

"The Prison Clan owed me a favor some time ago. Of course, it's best if I don't need to use it. But if something unexpected happens, you can go find him. He won't refuse. I've already made arrangements."

After the words of the Demon Soul Master fell, everyone present showed a relaxed smile on their faces.

The Prison Clan is all on their side. What can the human race use to win?

As a race that specializes in the physical realm and ranks first in the secret realm every year, no one will doubt the terrifying strength of the Prison Clan.

This time, the human race will definitely lose!


While the alien races were secretly cooperating and discussing, the human race also found something strange.

"Something is not right. Have those bastards united?"

Guan Wenshan looked at the Shura Clan and others standing together from a distance, frowning.

"It's because you, the Great Xia Region, did too much and forced those people into a corner."

"Damn it, if there is an accident in the secret realm this time, your Great Xia Region will be fully responsible!"

A human race strongman who came from the spiritual realm said with resentment at this time.

To participate in the secret realm, not only people from Daxia Territory came, but also people from Lingyu Territory and Lintian Territory.

Originally, everyone was full of confidence. The physical realms that came to participate in the battle this time all had good combat power and would definitely get a good ranking.

But who knew that people from Daxia Territory came after they had been here for a long time, and four or five soul masters came at once, even Daxia God of War Zhou Wuyuan was there.

Originally, the strong men from Lingyu Territory and Lintian Territory were a little confused, but after asking around, they found out that Daxia Territory had done something big!

They robbed the ancient ruins, surrounded and killed tens of thousands of aliens, and extorted a lot of resources from the aliens.

People from Lingyu Territory and Lintian Territory were stunned when they heard it.

If it were in the past, this great victory would be worth celebrating.

But what time is it now? The gold casting furnace is about to open!

This is to offend the aliens to death, isn't it obvious that people are going to kill them!

If the secret realm was opened several times before, the human race would not be afraid, because there were many human participants, at least dozens of people, and they would not be afraid even if the other side united.

But the problem is that in the last year's gold casting furnace, the human race did not get a good ranking at all, and there were only ten places to enter the secret realm.

This secret realm can accommodate up to 3,000 people each time, and the quota is very precious.

In order to avoid wars, the myriad races have a treaty, with three basic quotas for large clans and one basic quota for small clans.

Want to send more people to participate?

Yes, as long as you can get a good ranking in the secret realm, you can increase the quota next year.

The first place has 100 quotas, the second place has 90, the third place has 80, and so on.

After the top ten, between the eleventh and thirtieth places, there are five fixed quotas.

For the remaining rankings, from 30th to 100th, each person gets one more quota, and there are no extra quotas for the rankings after that.

The top ten alone took up more than 500 places, and the remaining 2,000 places were divided among all races. You can imagine how precious they are.

And the problem lies here.

Two years ago, the human race was the most affluent. Daxia Territory had a Gu Li who won the seventh place and won 40 places for the human race.

The human race also worked hard that year, and the others performed well. There were three in the top 30 and seven in the top 100.

Adding the three basic places for the big races, there are a total of 65 places.

65 places, not to mention other things, just selling these places is a huge amount of resources.

But the human race knows that this place represents the new generation.Rise, not a single one was sold, in the second year, the human race had 65 people participating.

But in the second year, that is, the previous year, it was a failure.

The human race's physical realm geniuses in the previous year were more than one level behind Gu Li's group.

In addition, the hostile alien races saw so many human race participants and were afraid that the human race would grow like a snowball, so they targeted them everywhere in the secret realm.

This also led to the fact that the human race in the previous year had almost no decent level in the secret realm.

More than 60 people died, and the remaining one broke into the top 20 and two of the top 50.

In other words, a total of only seven more places were obtained, not to mention surpassing Gu Li's group, and even far less than usual.

When the human race came out of the secret realm and asked, they found out that the alien races inside united to hunt them down, and did not care about the ranking at all, and dragged the human race to perish together.

Last year, the human race was miserable, and the enemy races didn't get any good results. Although they died together, they also pulled the human race, which was about to rise, back to the average line.

And this year, many geniuses appeared in the human race, and even one or two of them were not inferior to Gu Li at all.

This made the human race full of energy, planning to fight hard this year and get a good name, so that more human races can participate next year.

But who knew that when everyone was planning well, a big thing happened in the Great Xia Region at a critical moment.

Now, the experience of last year is going to repeat itself, and the hostile alien race wants to drag the human race to die together.

This year, the human race has few people. If they can't get a good name, so that only three people can participate next year, it will be a major loss for the human race!

The gold casting furnace can not only get benefits if you have a ranking, even if you don't have a ranking, you can greatly improve your potential. This is a must-fight quota!

"Guan Wenshan! Zhou Wuyuan!"

The strong man from the Spirit Realm pointed at the two and cursed without hesitation:

"If the human race loses this time, you in the Great Xia Realm will find a way to get the quota for next year!"

"Even if you sell the Ten Thousand Races Academy, you must at least get ten quotas!"

The quotas for the Casting Gold Furnace Secret Realm are for sale. After all, not all races are as prosperous as the human race.

Just like the people of the Zhenyu Clan, they are the first every year and have 100 quotas, but there are too few people in the clan, and only one or two people from the clan participate in each battle.

The extra quotas were auctioned, and each quota was a sky-high price.

"I said, when my Great Xia Territory got more than 40 quotas two years ago, you didn't say that?"

Guan Wenshan stared at the strong man from the Spirit Territory,

"Your Spirit Territory must have taken more than ten quotas, right? What did the Lord of the Spirit Territory say? We are all family, so you won't give me money!"

"Now, you want me to buy quotas next year? I won't buy any! I'll pay the quotas owed to the Great Xia Territory first!"

Saying this, Guan Wenshan ignored the angry man from the Spirit Territory, Looking at the strong men of Lintian Domain,

"And you, you Lintian Domain has more quotas, we should be conscientious!"

"Is this action of Daxia Domain for ourselves? Isn't it for the human race!"

"Let's share the good things, and let Daxia Domain bear the blame, you are dreaming!"

"Don't say that there is no result this time, even if the participants are all wiped out, one of the three fixed quotas next year must be from Daxia Domain!"

Guan Wenshan sprayed at the two people.

I was really angry.

When Daxia Domain had more than 40 quotas, these people came up like cats smelling blood.

Now that nothing has happened, you want Daxia Domain to take the blame?

Take the blame!

The matter of the ruins concerns the entire human race, not Daxia Domain alone. Why should Daxia Domain take the responsibility?

It's not that Guan Wenshan wants to make a big deal out of this. This matter is not a small matter. It concerns the resource division of the three regions of the human race.

If he backs down now, the resources of the Great Xia region will decrease next year, and the governor will chop him alive.

"I don't care so much. I only know that this time the aliens are targeting you because of your Great Xia region."

The strong man from the Spiritual Region crossed his arms and looked at Guan Wenshan with a squint:

"It's okay to back down. I have found out that the aliens are mainly targeting Xu An from your Great Xia region this time."

"If Xu An is gone, the aliens don't have to perish with the human race."

"How about this, don't let Xu An participate this time, wait for the next session."

Before Guan Wenshan spoke, a stream of light fell quickly from the sky.

Before he could stand firm, one of the people in the stream of light kicked the strong man in the spirit realm.

"I'll wait for your grandma to ask the dean of the spirit academy to come to me!"

"Fuck, you almost knelt down to me last year to get a quota, and now you want me to withdraw?"

"He's dreaming!"

The stream of light dissipated, and it was the beard that glared at him.Gu Tiantong and the bewildered Xu An.

Xu An didn't understand what was going on. Why did they want him to quit just after he arrived?

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