"Dragon Step?"

"Damn, this kid can perform Dragon Step at the Hemolysis Stage?"

Seeing Xu An's selfless practice, Gu Li didn't care at first.

But when he saw the extremely fast and erratic figure, he was dumbfounded.

Dragon Step, he also bought this set of steps, but he spent two years to practice the basic instant step.

Not long ago, he just started to learn the Dragon Step, but how long has Xu An practiced the instant step?

Eight days? Or ten days? He has mastered the instant step and started to practice the Dragon Step?

"Innate combat awareness, damn it, why don't I have it!"

Looking at the figure running around, Gu Li curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Huh? Is there anyone that can make Gu Da Tiancai envious?"

Seeing Gu Li's jealous expression, Shangguan Ruonan said with a smile.

In her memory, no matter who Gu Li faced, he was arrogant and boundless, even the peerless Zhou Can.

Seeing Gu Li's envy now, she found it very interesting.

"Tsk, what's so great about it."

"Who doesn't have a strong domain? Have you ever seen anyone compete with me in state of mind?"

Gu Li curled his lips. Although the words were very harsh, he was almost jealous.

"But Xu An is also very strong in the perception of the formation."

Shangguan Ruonan was teasing Gu Li, but as he spoke, he also became envious.

Born with a strong fighting consciousness, a terrifying perception of the formation, plus a fearless state of mind that broke through at such a young age...

Shangguan Ruonan sighed in his heart, it turns out that there are really geniuses in this world that make people despair.

"Damn, I have to break through quickly. It won't be long before this kid can dominate the physical realm."

Gu Li muttered.

He wasted too much time. Now his junior brothers are getting stronger quickly. If he doesn't hurry up, I'm afraid his junior brothers will catch up with him.

That would be a big embarrassment.

"Is the 'Golden Furnace' in the Secret Realm of the Heavens going to be opened soon this year?"

Shangguan Ruonan seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"Well, there are less than five months left. If this kid practices faster, he might be able to catch up."

"That place is a holy place for body casting. If you can get a good ranking and obtain the divine power, you will be really strong."

Thinking of his past, Gu Li said with emotion.

"What was your ranking in the physical realm? Did you obtain the divine power of the Secret Realm of the Heavens?"

Looking at Gu Li, Shangguan Ruonan asked curiously.

She had also entered the Secret Realm of the Heavens, but unfortunately, that place did not allow the use of any external force except the power of the body.

She was only proficient in formations, so she did not get a good ranking.

"I met a few perverts and ranked only eighth. As for the innate magical power..."

After a pause, Gu Li smiled and said nothing more.

But even so, Shangguan Ruonan was shocked.

Gu Li said it lightly, but in a secret realm with thousands of races participating, being able to compete for the eighth place is already extremely terrifying.

The strongest group of people from the new generation of thousands of races, this is terrifyingly high in gold content.


While Gu Li and the other person were talking, a collision sound suddenly rang out.

The two turned their heads and shook their heads in laughter.

It turned out that Xu An was too obsessed with his practice, and he didn't control the Dragon Step well, and he hit the stone wall head-on.

"Ha, mistake, mistake."

Xu An covered his red forehead and grinned awkwardly.

The speed of the Dragon Step was too fast, even if he had mastered the Instant Step, he couldn't control it for a while.

However, after a short period of familiarity, he was able to use it simply, and it wouldn't take long for him to completely control it.

"We're almost there, don't practice this combat skill first, lest you rush directly into the monster group in a while."

Gu Li picked up the big bow behind him and looked at a valley in the distance, his eyes full of expectations.

Xu An followed the other person's gaze.

A thousand meters away from them, the rich spiritual energy turned into clouds and mist, covering the sky above a valley.

The density of spiritual energy there was frighteningly high, and even turned into heavy rain from the thick clouds and mist.

Even though they were still far away, the pure spiritual power was spreading.

The three of them approached quietly, and soon they came to the top of the valley.

Xu An looked down and immediately took a breath of cold air.

The small valley was foggy, and all kinds of dense monsters were crawling on the ground, as if they were sleeping.

The monsters they encountered on the road just now were very difficult to deal with if they were just one or two. If this large group of monsters swarmed in, they would be torn to pieces directly.

In the center of the valley, there were three extremely majestic monsters gathered. Looking at the momentum, it was definitely not comparable to the body casting realm.

"Brother, if these monsters rush over, we won't be able to stop them even if we have a formation, right?"

Xu An's scalp trembled when he saw thisMa said.

"Don't worry, these monsters are all sleeping. As long as there is no big noise, they will not be awakened."

"The most important thing is the last step!"

Looking at the monsters in the center of the valley, Gu Li's face showed a solemn expression.

"Every time we get close to there, all the monsters will attack us like crazy."

"By then, there will be too many monsters and we will have nowhere to run."

"This time, Ruonan and I will eliminate the monsters on the periphery little by little. When the monsters become fewer, I will rush in, pick up the spirit seeds and run away."

After saying that, he looked at Xu An and said:

"By then, all the monsters will go crazy. Ruonan will set up the formation, and you will assist with the formation treasure. As long as you leave the valley, these monsters will not chase you."

Xu An and Shangguan Ruonan nodded. The plan was not complicated. The only trouble was to slowly eliminate the monsters on the periphery.

"Don't run around. Ruonan and I will go."

Gu Li greeted and took Shangguan Ruonan into the valley.

Halfway through, Gu Li bent his bow and shot an arrow at a monster, then turned and ran.

The monster, which had no intelligence, chased to the edge of the valley and was about to turn back.

But Gu Li and Shangguan Ruonan did not hold back on the monsters that left the valley, and killed them with just a few moves.

The other monsters seemed to be isolated by the valley and were not alarmed at all.

In this way, Gu Li and Shangguan Ruonan slowly eliminated the monsters outside, and Xu An collected their blood essence on the side.

Over and over again, although the speed was not fast, it was safer.

While waiting, Xu An took out the monster blood essence and began to practice again.

The vigorous fire burned in his body, the blood became pure, the five internal organs gradually became strong, and the meridians and bones became more and more tenacious.

Facing the inexhaustible monster blood essence, Xu An's strength grew rapidly.

But just as Xu An was immersed in the practice of becoming stronger quickly, a strange feeling suddenly came to his mind.


Xu An frowned and looked towards the direction of the valley.

He could feel that there seemed to be something in the valley, attracting him to go there.

That special call made him feel very familiar, as if... something that should belong to him was lost there.

"My things?"

Xu An frowned. He had lived in a small city for most of his life and had never traveled far. What could he have lost?

Could it be...

"Is it the one who got the memory?"

Instantly, Xu An's eyes became bright.

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