To be able to meet such a rare spirit-level talent in such a barren nether realm, it is no wonder that the old man would use the groove to express his surprise at such an old age.

"Ahem!" the

old man coughed twice to hide his embarrassment just now, and he couldn't lose his image.

"Old man, what are you doing, isn't this the top floor of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda

?" "Could it be that the last layer is to defeat you?"

Su Bai looked at the old man in front of him and asked.

This old man didn't rush up and attack when he saw him like those strange beasts, and it seemed to be a living person?

It's really strange, there are still people living in this Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda?"

"First of all, I don't call the old man, and secondly, my name is Dansheng. The

old man waved his hand, and the scene around him changed instantly, and he came to a bamboo forest.

"Since I've already introduced myself, then I won't talk too much nonsense, Su Bai, right?"

the old man looked at Su Bai and asked.

Su Bai nodded, looking at the changing scenery around him, he admitted that he was attracted by this old man.

Seeing that Su Bai nodded and didn't speak, the old man didn't care too much, and began to tell his story by himself:

"A thousand years ago, I was originally a Dan Sage admired by everyone in the upper realm, and I had countless resources, but it is a pity that my ability to recognize people is not good, so I actually accepted a white-eyed wolf, and finally did not die under the Great Dao, did not die in the hands of foreign races, but fell under the poison of the apprentice I cultivated myself. "

It's so sad,......"

said the old man, who seemed to remember something, and his expression was very ugly.

But soon, the old man continued, and Su Bai was quietly a listener on the side.

"But fortunately, after living for so many years, I have also left a lot of hole cards under the contact of various connections, and this Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda in your mouth is one of them, and I don't know why it fell into the Nether.

...""What you see now is just a phantom remnant soul, and a wisp of my remnant soul is in your Kyoto real body." "

You are the first person who can reach the top, I believe that with your spirit-level talent, you will be able to break through to the Martial Emperor in less than three years, and by then.... Maybe it can help me. "

That's it..... I've been waiting for so many years, and there's no shortage of time.

"Su Bai Xiaoyou, my name is Lixingchi, I will give you some reward first, can you help me recover my body after I have strength in the future?"

At the last sentence, the old man's body was straight, and his eyes looked straight at Su Bai.

This glance seems to have crossed the long river of time, and people from two different spaces can indeed empathize.

Su Bai didn't answer immediately, and quickly began to digest what the old man said just now.

Upper Realm, Dan Saint, Lower Realm, Spirit level talent .......

I know every word you say, but why don't I even know any

of them? Su Bai was a little confused when he heard this information, but after a while, he figured out what was going on.

Isn't this the old guy killed by his apprentice, and then the remnant soul helps the protagonist get through the early difficulties, and finally resurrects to take revenge

? But what do you want this thing to do when you have a system, is there a system to use? But

the upper realm and what Dansheng in the old man's mouth are, and his own spirit-level talent ......

There is indeed no such person in history in his memory, and according to his so-called upper realm..... Could it be that this old man is not from this world?

But this is normal, after all, it is something found in the secret realm, not the original one on the Blue Star.


that Su Bai didn't speak for a long time, Dan Sheng was immediately a little worried that this kid wouldn't disagree, right? Looking at this

kid's realm, he was already a great grandmaster at the age of eighteen, and it couldn't be compared to the chief disciples of those major sects at all.

is also eighteen years old, and under the cultivation of various high-level resources, he is the grandmaster, and he can't even touch the side of the great grandmaster, except for the few little demons of the three major sects.

But in such a barren place in the Nether Realm, this kid's realm has improved so quickly?

While Dan Sheng was nervously waiting for Su Bai's reply, Su Bai finally raised his head and slowly spoke:

"Old man, what you said..... What can prove it

?" "Who knows if you made up something to fool me, you have to come up with something practical, right?"

This kid was waiting for me here?

Li Xingchi was stunned in his heart, but he didn't expect this kid's mind to be stronger than he imagined.

It stands to reason that he is a legendary Dan Sheng, admired by thousands of people, and ordinary people shouldn't want to apprentice at the first time when they hear it?

There is also a very high-level alchemist talent in his feelings, if he cultivates it, he is only stronger than his white-eyed wolf apprentice.

But it's a good thing, but I still have a piece of that thing in my hand.

Lixingchi glanced at Su Bai, gritted his teeth and decided to take out that thing, reluctant to let the child catch the wolf!

With a wave of his hand, a spirit stone appeared in Lixingchi's hand.

But this spirit stone is a little different from all the spirit stones that Su Bai has seen before, this one is bigger and thicker!

Looking at Su Bai's puzzled eyes, Li Xingchi explained unhurriedly:

"You should know this thing, it is a spirit stone.

"Of course, this may not be that kind of ordinary spirit stone, he is the best spirit stone I left a long time ago, basically only a few top-grade spirit stones can appear in a low-level spirit vein.

"But after all these years..... Only one of the last top-grade spirit stones is available, and now this last one is left. "

The best spirit stone, the aura contained in it is ten thousand times that of ordinary spirit stones, but it is as easy to absorb as an ordinary spirit stone, one is enough for

you to break through to the Martial Emperor!" "But in the remaining few years, you should be able to break through from the Martial Emperor to the Martial Emperor, don't forget me at that time."

Without waiting for Su Bai to speak, Lixingchi directly threw this top-grade spirit stone over.

All the spaces in the glazed tower are interconnected, and it only takes one thought of the star pool to come to Su Bai's hand.

Holding it in his hand, Su Bai didn't think about refusing.

Anyway, don't get things in vain, you have to know that what you lack the most is the spirit stone, as long as you give yourself enough spirit stones to become a god in a few minutes.

[New Currency Detected: Best Spirit Stone]

[Converting Exchange Rate...... The conversion is complete!

] [Spirit Stone: The best spirit stone, the exchange rate is 10,000 to 1]

At the moment when he came into contact with the best spirit stone, the prompt sound of the wealth fan system sounded instantly.

When Su Bai heard clearly the exchange rate of this superb spirit stone, the person was directly stunned.

What the hell? This superb spirit stone is really worth

10,000 pieces? Then I didn't get rich directly, 10,000 pieces!!

"Since you accepted this spirit stone, it means that you have acquiesced."

"This is a Dan Fang, in the past few years, if you need my help or collect anything on this Dan Fang, come directly to my body to contact me, I am always there.

Lixingchi threw over a Danfang again, and Su Bai took it firmly in his hand.


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