Xiao Xingyuan's answer made Su Bai not know how to reply for a while.

This kid looks quite honest, how can he be the same as Fugui

? I asked you what your name is, and you said you didn't call

it? Su Bai was full of black lines, and reiterated again:

"What's your name?"

"Oh oh..... Big guy, my name is Xiao Xingyuan.

Xiao Xingyuan looked embarrassed, it turned out that people were asking their names, and they thought they had done something wrong.

"You don't have to call me a big guy, just call me Su Bai. Su Bai said lightly.

"Okay Brother Bai!"

"You.... That's it. "

Do you remember what happened just now?" Su Bai said in a deep tone, and his tone was much heavier when he said this.

Xiao Xingyuan can grow to this point alone, so he can naturally understand the meaning of Su Bai's words.

"Hiss....... My head was dizzy, just

now, what happened?" Xiao Xingyuan said blankly, as if he really didn't remember what happened just now.

"Yes, I saved you with some precious treasures in the situation just now, and I waited until a mysterious person appeared, and the two swords killed the great master of the alien race, and then you were in a coma for a while, understand?"

Su Bai looked at Xiao Xingyuan with a lot of teaching, this kid is on the road, yes!

Su Bai said this after thinking.

Even if you want to pretend to be forced again.

But the eighteen-year-old Grand Grandmaster killed an old alien Grand Master with two swords.

This means that anyone who hears it will think that this is a fantasy, even if Emperor Wu comes, he has to call 666.

But Su Bai knew that his strength as a great master was just an experience card, and it was not his own strength after all.

If the news is spread for the sake of this fashion, it is estimated that the alien race will strangle itself in the cradle at all costs.

This time it's a great grandmaster, next time it's a martial emperor, and next time it's a martial emperor! I'm

just a small high-level martial artist, how bad is it to let so many big guys pay attention to me?

At least let myself develop Yibo obscenely first, and then come to trouble when my own Martial Emperor and Martial Emperor are gone.

But it makes a lot more sense to say that he used some treasures to delay the time, and then a mysterious person made a move.

It also laid the foundation for his subsequent miserable sales to compensate for losses, and had a reasonable reason.

"Uh-huh, understood!" Xiao

Xingyuan nodded his head like a chicken, indicating that he knew.

Just when Xiao Xingyuan looked at Su Bai with admiration, the small head on Su Bai's shoulder startled him.

"Brother Bai, be careful!" Xiao

Xingyuan dragged his body that had not fully recovered, wanting to step forward to drive away the creature that suddenly appeared.

Su Bai was also taken aback, and looked towards the place where Xiao Xingyuan was looking.

The little guy on his shoulder was frightened by Xiao Xingyuan and retracted his head.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai explained:

"It's okay, it's just one of my pets, his name is Xiao Qinglong, and he is a little scared."

Su Bai pulled the little green dragon behind him and held it in the palm of his hand to introduce.

Xiao Qinglong was a little frightened when he saw a new human standing in front of him at this time.

The humans I met before were a bunch of bad guys, and when they saw themselves, they rushed towards them as if they had seen some kind of treasure.

It's only this Su Bai, not to mention the delicious food for himself, but also to let himself go back to the valley and eat a big meal! Originally,

after making this ticket, Xiao Qinglong was ready to run away.

But this human actually said that as long as he followed him, he could always give himself the kind of food that he had roasted on the fire before.

It was the first time I had eaten the food, and the delicious barbecue attracted me at first sight.

Later, he was caught by Su Bai for stealing food twice, and then followed him to eat again.

Intuition told Xiao Qinglong that there would be a lot of delicious food after following this human being!

So Xiao Qinglong was so fooled by Su Bai to follow ......

"Hi.... Hi.

Xiao Xingyuan greeted this kind of pet a little shyly when he saw it for the first time, and he didn't care if this strange beast could understand.

Xiao Xingyuan estimated that it was a very rare beast, obviously the aura was very weak, a small one, but it could fly in the air!

Brother Bai is Brother Bai, this rare beast can also have it.

"You... Hello~"

The soft and cute voice sounded in Xiao Xingyuan's heart.


Xiao Xingyuan looked at the little green dragon in Su Bai's hand in shock, what was that voice just now, and where did it come from? Looking around, Xiao Xingyuan

was sure that there was no third person nearby except himself and Su Bai, and finally looked at the little green dragon in Su Bai's hand in disbelief.

"He.... Can he speak?"

Xiao Xingyuan asked with uncertainty in his tone.

Alien beasts that can speak, in Xiao Xingyuan's memory, only alien beasts above the grandmaster level can have basic communication skills.

Could it be ..... The strange beast in front of him was a sixth-order

grandmaster-level alien beast?!!! thinking of this, Xiao Xingyuan was surprised in his heart, Brother Bai himself was a great grandmaster's strength, and now there was a grandmaster-level alien beast as a pet, this is too strong!"

"He's not talking, he's just communicating with you in his heart, don't be surprised."

"Help has come, rest and get ready to go."

Su Bai replied and looked at the sky.

The sky, which was originally extremely dark because of the formation, broke a big hole at this time, and the light shone in the moment when the formation was broken.

At this moment, the originally dim safe area was restored to light.

The candidates who were fleeing frantically also stopped at this moment and looked at the light in the sky that represented hope.

Then his legs were spread, his tense nerves were instantly put down, and the whole person fell to the ground weakly.

"Rescue, coming!"


Outside the formation, several people who had been fighting for a long time finally decided the winner.

Hemingway, who was the Martial Emperor of the Blood Clan, was not suitable for fighting in such daylight conditions.

Even if the realm has reached the Martial Emperor, there is still a slight remnant of this damn bloodline influence.

Only by breaking through to the supreme realm of the Martial Emperor, perhaps the restriction of this bloodline will be completely suppressed.

In this case, there are still few aliens.

The battle above the grandmaster level is fleeting, and the master makes a deadly move.

In less than an hour, the battle ended with a great defeat for the aliens, who simply broke up and fled.

And Zhu Debiao, who was in the formation, even if he didn't die under Su Bai's hands, he would die without a place to bury because of the escape of his companions.

From beginning to end, he was just an outcast who had completed his mission.

What's more, with that pig's greedy character, everyone in the formation in this less than an hour is estimated to have been slaughtered, and not a single one is left alive.

This is also the reason why Hemingway let Zhu Debiao into the formation.

Several people watched the alien race flee but were helpless, and there was still a group of students in the formation.

The devil knows how many other aliens are in this formation, so this sneak attack must have come prepared.

If you enter the formation one step later, maybe there won't be a few students left.....

"Hurry up and go in and save ..... Save people"

Before the Martial Emperor led by him could finish speaking, the three great grandmasters rushed into the formation like rabbits.

You must know that there are three people in it, and the strongest geniuses are all in it!

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