[Absorbing mystical energy..... Please ..... later]

【1%...... 3%.... 20%.... 50%.... 99%.....

] [Absorption completed, system upgrade in progress.....]

At the moment when the system's prompt ended, Su Bai was surprised to find that the spatial crack he touched on his hand also disappeared.

"It's ..... The system can actually absorb spatial cracks and completely eradicate ???"

Su Bai looked at this scene in shock.

The problem that has plagued the human race for thousands of years is so simple to solve, just a few seconds?

That's right, only a few seconds have passed from the time Su Bai touched the spatial crack to the time it disappeared.

In just a few seconds, the terrifying spatial rift disappeared.

Who would believe this?

Su Bai looked at the hand he had just put on in shock, and he couldn't believe that a major hidden danger of the human race had been solved by himself.

But soon the effect of the experience card disappeared, and Su Bai's strength was reduced to that of a martial king.

After feeling the sudden drop in strength, Su Bai hurriedly found a hidden place to unload the equipment, and flew back towards the spirit boat after restoring his original appearance.

The aura set off Su Bai and soon returned to the spirit boat.

All the things that happened below just now were all in the eyes of several people, and at this moment, after Su Bai came back, everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Su Bai was a little flustered when he saw it, and asked weakly to a few people,

"You guys..... What is this for

?" "Brother Bai, why did the beast tide suddenly disperse, did you do this?"

After a while, Fugui suddenly said in surprise.

"Sue ...... Brother Su Bai, it's okay if you're okay...."

The uneasiness in Chu Youyu's heart suddenly dissipated after seeing Su Bai come back intact.

It's good to ..... if you don't get hurt

Chu Youyu only feels that his realm is still too low now, and even Brother Su Bai can only watch from his side when he encounters danger, I must work harder to cultivate!"

"Brother Bai, are you okay?"

Gu Chen and Xiao Xingyuan stepped forward to say a word of concern.

"Don't worry, what can I do?"

After replying, Su Bai stepped forward and knocked Fugui's head:

"Do you think it could be me doing such a big thing, your brother Bai is a martial king, not a martial emperor!"

Su Bai felt that he still needed to explain, otherwise with this kid's character, he knew that he had to walk sideways.

Fugui covered his head innocently and complained:

"Brother Bai, even if it's not true, you don't need to knock on my head every day, it's stupid to knock people again, and you will raise me then?" "

No, you have Sister Yu, you will definitely not want me, it seems that I have to find a daughter-in-law quickly, otherwise no one will take care ......of me if I am knocked stupid one day."

Chu Youyu suddenly gave Fugui a roll of his eyes when he heard the words on the side, but he was very happy in his heart...

"Fugui, you guy...... I will take care

of you more in the future!" Su Bai also glanced at Chu Youyu beside him when he heard this, and only after finding that she had no objection did he scold Fugui with a smile:

"You guy, whether anyone can take a fancy to you in the future is a problem, hurry up and find your daughter-in-law!"

After a period of playing, Su Bai also said that this beast tide was solved because of his master's action, otherwise how could he solve this beast tide by himself?

Hearing this, this convinced several people on the spirit boat.

I see

!"I understand, I understand everything!"

Fugui suddenly said happily.


few people, including Su Bai, immediately looked at

Fugui, what does this kid understand? Su Bai was even more puzzled, what do you kid know?

I saw Fugui leaning over to everyone with a mysterious face and saying

, "I know, Brother Bai has advanced by leaps and bounds in recent days, and his realm has also reached the Martial King, which must be because of this mysterious master, right?"

I'll just say why Brother Bai suddenly rose, it turned out that it was because of this, I understand everything!"

Gu Chen and Xiao Xingyuan were thoughtful when they heard this.

If you say that, it doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

There is a mysterious master secretly helping, and with the blessing of the immortal talent, the realm must be growing rapidly.

A mysterious person who can solve the beast tide, this realm is at least a martial emperor or even a ...... Emperor Wu!?Several

people were shocked, and they were all startled by the speculation in their hearts.

This also includes the Grandmaster who controlled the Spirit Boat, who was terrified when he heard these secret news.

Oops, I've been exposed to so many secrets, I won't be wiped out, right?

The more the Grandmaster listened, the more frightened he became, and in the end, even the Martial Emperor and even the Martial Emperor came out.

He looked around a little nervously, this peerless demon master wouldn't be around, right?

Su Bai didn't explain when he saw this.

Fugui, this kid, finally became more reliable and came up with an excuse for himself.

This time you do get it, not bad, not bad.

Seeing that Su Bai did not object, several people silently accepted the idea in their hearts.

Gu Chen even came to the conclusion in his heart that it was good that he hugged his thighs early, otherwise he wouldn't want it even if he took the initiative at that time!

Xiao Xingyuan looked at Su Bai with admiration, Brother Bai is really low-key, obviously his strength is a great grandmaster, and he is still so low-key.

I must learn from Brother Bai, on the surface, I have one hand, but in fact, I have left 100 million hands!


Seeing that the beast tide was gradually subsiding, the Grandmaster controlled the spirit boat and drove towards Tianhai City.

As soon as the spirit boat moved, several parents on the city wall were extremely worried.

Just now, a few people had already made contact with Chu Youyu and a few people on the spirit boat.

Su's father and mother had always been flustered after learning that Su Bai had taken the initiative to rush into the beast tide.

If the son died, what would be the point of what the two of them had done?"

"In-laws, don't worry, you don't know that Xiaobai's child, you have been fine since he was a child, and nothing will happen."

Chu Youyu's mother, Yan Lanmeng, comforted on the side.

For Yan Lanmeng, Su Bai, the child and the young fish, had already married in the hearts of the two families, not to mention that Xiaobai had awakened the talent of immortals.

The two still like each other, childhood sweethearts, and the two have no guesses.

So even though the two have not announced any relationship, they have long been daughters-in-law and good sons-in-law in the hearts of the two families.

The rich parents also came over to comfort them and persuade them to be fine.

Soon, the spirit boat had already come to the sky above Tianhai City in the blink of an eye, and then slowly landed in the eyes of everyone ......

Originally, the sporadic alien beasts outside the city had been wiped out by some long-range attacking warriors before they could attack, and the people on the city wall couldn't even touch a single hair of the alien beasts.

After killing the strange beasts that rushed towards the Heavenly Sea City, the rest of the strange beasts left in all directions outside the city.

A beast tide that could destroy Tianhai City was quietly .....dissolved in this way

"We ..... Is this a victory?"

said someone in disbelief.

Originally, they had already gone up to the city wall with the determination to die, but they didn't expect the beast tide to end so abruptly ......

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