"The strongest in Huaxia this time should be the kid of the Long family, I didn't expect that since the Long family started the retreat, there will be another disciple with excellent talent, and this talent will be a martial emperor in the future...."I really didn't expect that

the Long family, which had been low-key for so long, would have another genius, I hope this kid can inherit the glory of his Long family."

"It's a pity, if it weren't for the sudden participation of some people this time, it is estimated that the kid of the Long family would be the first this time, alas, ....." "Don't

just care about the kid of the Long family, you look at the back, the Sima family actually participated in the martial arts examination this year, this is really a strange thing, in previous years, no family was willing to participate in the martial arts examination, but this year most of them participated!"

"Sima Nan..... This kid has a good reputation, probably the only one who can be compared with Long Yuanhang, and this year's strongest person should be one of these two. Several

Terran Martial Emperors also began to discuss the situation this time.

There is only one martial arts exam a year, and in the eyes of several people, this is not just an ordinary test.

Every candidate here is very likely to be a soldier on the battlefield of the future, and that one of the Terran Tianjiao is a rising star

and the pillar of the future Terran! Witnessing the rise of generation after generation, watching the Terran, and watching the progress of China day by day, their current persistence is meaningful!

Just when several people were still talking, the commentary voice in the live broadcast room instantly pulled the eyes back of several people.

In the next second, they witnessed a name soaring up the rankings like a rocket, without the slightest stop

! Fifty place

, tenth

place, third place

! Seeing that it had come to the top three, this sudden dark horse did not pause, and directly pointed to the first

! second!

First !!

More than dozens of Martial Emperors in the conference room witnessed the appearance of Su Bai's dark horse, and directly crushed everyone in just a moment, this is the first place without any suspense!

The tenth layer, it took one minute!

At this speed, even several Martial Emperors looked confused, how could they feel that this kid broke into the tower faster than himself?

You must know that you are a Martial Emperor, with the age of eighteen years old of these candidates, even if the awakening is advanced this year, the realm has been slightly improved, this kid is a Martial King at most, right

? A Martial King, this tower is faster than his own Martial Emperor?

And in the case that the second place is already more than forty layers, it can be crushed without suspense, who is this first place???

and the other Martial Emperors of different races also looked at the screen carefully with ugly faces.

You must know that the three Tianjiao of their alien race have all been on the list, and now the only dark horse that can suddenly kill is the Tianjiao of the human race.


, the name of the leaderboard changed, and finally the two big characters Su Bai appeared in the eyes of everyone in the conference room.

Su Bai !!

several Martial Emperors of the alien race were all shocked, obviously they already knew what this name meant.

But on the other hand, the Terran Martial Emperor looked at the number one name on the list on the screen with a puzzled expression.

Su Bai, who is this? Is there any family surnamed

Su in Kyoto? A few people quickly filtered through their minds, and soon determined that there was no Su family in the family they were familiar with, let alone such a peerless demon!

So who is this person, and I don't know any news about when such a genius appeared in Huaxia?

A few people just look at me, I look at you, and they all wonder who this person is

But soon, the Martial Emperor of the Blood Clan's trembling tone cleared the fog for a few people.

"It's ..... This and this, the immortal talent is really so terrifying, I would have ...... if I knew it"

"What, it turned out to be him?!" Several

other alien martial emperors were also shocked when they heard this, and almost forgot that there was still this kid, who else in this world could compare with the immortal talent?

Hearing the exclamations of a few people, the Star River Heavenly Emperor turned his head to look at a few people.

What does the immortal talent in these mouths mean..... Is it the talent I remember?!The

information about Su Bai Immortal's talent did not spread widely, but it was only known in some cities near Tianhai City.

In Huaxia, only those three Martial Emperors knew all of Su Bai's information, and others who wanted to view Su Bai's personal information had to get SSS-level top-secret authorization first.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether it is kept secret or not, the immortal talent has long been circulated among the upper echelons of the alien race, but more of it is not believing, and I don't believe that there can be a second immortal talent in this world! No,


The Star River Heavenly Emperor suddenly found news about the name Su Bai in his memory.

It was a message from the alien attack on Dabi two months ago, and the person leading the team was none other than the Blood Clan Martial Emperor!

Good guy, number one..... Immortal talent, with the martial artist realm to cross the level to kill the fourth-order alien beast three-headed, ranging from beginner to senior, resisting the alien grand master for a while, and finally being killed by the mysterious person suspected of the Martial Emperor .....

Emperor Wu is a mysterious person, and the Emperor of the Galaxy suddenly linked the previous piece of news with the current one.

There is a suspected hidden Emperor Wu in Jiang Province, who has solved the problem of the beast tide....

Good guy, it turns out that there is actually information, but it was just omitted by myself.

Immortal talent, overstepping the level to kill the enemy, how can such a demon not be

the number one? The Emperor of the Galaxy Heavenly Emperor understood it all in an instant, and Su Bai, who is now number one on the rankings, turned out to be another immortal talent owner of the human race after a thousand years!!

"Immortal talent! Immortal talent! Immortal talent! Human race actually has another immortal talent

!" "Are the four who were in charge of the action last time a waste? A Martial Emperor and three great grandmasters can't even kill a small martial artist!"

In an instant, the faces of several alien martial emperors suddenly became difficult to look at, not only because the first place was snatched away by the human race, but also because the human race actually had another immortal talent!

Okay, good, your human race is really a magical race, every time you fall into a desperate situation, there will be a glimmer of life, I really want to study and study it....."

The werewolf clan Martial Emperor suddenly spoke, and looked carefully, his face was now full of curiosity.

"Hahaha, this doesn't bother a few people to worry about, but it seems that in the end, my Terran Tianjiao is better!" replied the Star River Heavenly Emperor happily.

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