The young man was very busy, but the situation was not good.

Before Gongsun Yuntian asked about the boy's background, an officer stood up to report.

"Report to the chief, this boy is a talented representative of Xizhou, named Li Kui, 18 years and three months old, a junior warrior, a defensive-type martial artist, and his current talents include violent, copper-headed and iron-boned..."

"What a Li Kui!"

Gongsun Yuntian couldn't help but applaud, "Does this kid have a nickname called Black Whirlwind?"

Everyone laughed.

The atmosphere on the scene also became joyful.

And many officers looked at Li Kui on the surveillance monitor with envy.

After all, Li Kui is only 18 years old, but he is already a junior warrior, and he also has a defensive talent with a high growth ceiling, and he has awakened exclusive talents such as rage and iron head.

If Li Kui is given enough time to grow, he will definitely be a killing machine on the battlefield in the future!

As the conference room returned to silence again, Gongsun Yuntian's eyes kept moving back and forth on the huge monitoring screen, as if looking for the young genius that caught his eye.

The huge monitoring display screen was divided into hundreds of small monitoring screens with uniform specifications and sizes.

In each screen, there is a boy or a girl fighting monsters of different levels.

Some boys and girls have hunted monsters.

Some boys and girls are fighting monsters.

Other boys and girls are suppressed by monsters, at a disadvantage, and surrounded by danger.

But so far, no contestant has voluntarily given up and admitted defeat.

However, the three young geniuses that Gongsun Yuntian focused on, Chen Sihan, Yuan Xinghua, and Li Kui, performed amazingly.

As a high-level warrior and a wind magician, Chen Sihan played the level 3 monster Niu Ma Beast to exhaustion, and quickly made a complex seal.

A translucent wind blade appeared out of thin air and instantly pierced through the body of Niu Ma Beast!

The next second, Niu Ma Beast's head and body were separated, and it collapsed in a pool of blood and did not move!

As for Yuan Xinghua, who was a high-level warrior and an intermediate telekineticist, he manipulated the dark pins floating around him like a sharp net.

He chased the level 3 monster he was fighting against to death, and then easily dismembered the level 3 monster.

As a junior warrior, Li Kui was even more brutal and simple, and directly beat the level 3 monster he was fighting into a pool of meat with three punches!

The performance of these three people was the most exciting, and also attracted the attention of most people in the conference room.

But as time passed, the picture on the huge monitoring screen began to be divided into several parts.

One part was the talented boys and girls who had successfully hunted several monsters.

Another part was the contestants who were fighting monsters.

Another part was the contestants walking in the competition channel.

"That boy with fire all over his body is good, is he a single fire attribute magician?"

Gongsun Yuntian pointed to a boy with blazing flames all over his body on the monitoring screen and asked.

A young officer immediately stood up to report.

"Report to the chief, this young man is a talented representative from Luozhou, named Ma Haochuan, a senior warrior, a fire magician, and a fire attribute level one..."

Yang Kai, who was sitting not far away, stood up immediately and explained to Gongsun Yuntian awkwardly

"Report to the chief, this Ma Haochuan is a talented representative of my Luozhou Youth Training Camp. He has awakened his fire attribute talent not long ago, so his fire attribute level is a bit low."

"But his current fire attribute level is no longer level one, but level two, but the information has not been changed in time..."

Gongsun Yuntian nodded imperceptibly and did not say much.

Jiang Xuemei and Shen Tiejun looked at each other and shook their heads in disdain.

The information has not been changed in time?

It's completely nonsense!

It's nothing more than wanting to conceal the strength, burst out all the strength at the critical moment, and make a big splash.

And the reason why these people know Yang Kai's routine is because they have played this routine a long time ago.

This is also a loophole in the Kirin Talent Selection Competition.

Because the Kirin Talent Selection Competition does not require contestants to fill in all the detailed information, only the main information is needed.

That's why Yang Kai deliberately concealed Ma Haochuan's magician attribute level.

Of course, Yang Kai felt that he was right to do so, at least he had made a successful bet with Jiang Xuemei and Shen Tiejun before.

So in Yang Kai's view, Jiang Xuemei and Shen Tiejun

The army will definitely lose, and the three bloods of the origin of the intermediate general level will definitely fall into his hands!

As time goes by, the screen on the giant monitoring display screen is gradually divided into several areas, because contestants are constantly eliminated.

Because of this, many of the hundreds of small monitoring screen windows that were originally neatly divided are constantly enlarging.

The most conspicuous of them are five small monitoring screen windows.

These five monitoring screens almost occupy half of the space of the giant display screen.

Qi Feng is among them.

As soon as Qi Feng's monitoring display screen appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of many senior officers on the scene.

"This boy is very powerful. The monster he is fighting now is the third level 3 monster, which means he has killed all the level 2 monsters in front!"

"Yes, I have been paying attention to this boy just now. I don't know which state he is from. He is a genius who does not show off his talents. He often only needs one move to kill monsters, but he kills them all in one second!"

"What? Whether it is a level 2 monster or a level 3 monster, this boy kills them in one move?!"

"Yes, if you don't believe me, keep watching. This boy is very mysterious..."

The discussion of many officers immediately attracted the attention of Gongsun Yuntian.

After Gongsun Yuntian stared at Qi Feng's surveillance screen for a few seconds, his eyes gradually brightened.

"Who knows the information and background of this boy? Report quickly!"

The young officer named Xiao Liu immediately stood up.

"Report to the chief, this young man is a talented representative from Yunzhou, named Qi Feng, seventeen years and a half this year, a senior soldier, a power-type martial artist..."

At this point, Officer Liu suddenly paused, because Qi Feng's strength and background were too mediocre, and there was no highlight at all.

Because of this, the originally quiet conference room once again erupted with various discussions.

"I thought this young man's talent was so great, but I didn't expect that he was just a martial artist with power-type talent, a flash in the pan!"

"Yes, the upper limit of power-type talent is extremely low, it's just more eye-catching in the early stage!"

"That's right, after squeezing out all the talents, this young man will probably be forgotten by everyone!"

"So that's it, I was wondering why this young man performed so well, it turned out to be a power-type martial artist..."

"No, if he is just a pure power-type martial artist, why is he stronger than the same level contestants in terms of speed and body skills?!"

Someone raised such a question.

The scene instantly became quiet.

Then everyone turned to look at the man and woman sitting in the corner.

These two people were Jiang Xuemei and Shen Tiejun.

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