After a short silence, there were bursts of exclamations at the scene.

"One hundred and thirty barrels of nutrient solution, is this true? This is too scary!"

"Is Qi Feng's body so strong? His physique is too scary!"

"Who can tell me whether Qi Feng is a human..."

Li Kui and the other two changed their expressions drastically, and ran towards Qi Feng's nutrient tank while talking.

They really want to know how much Qi Feng's strength has improved after absorbing so much nutrient solution!

When Li Kui and the other two came to the door of the separate secret room where Qi Feng's nutrient tank was placed, they saw a boy in big shorts walking towards them from inside.

The handsome young man had clear muscle lines all over his body. Although he was not big, he contained infinite power.

His skin was as white as snow, and even had a crystal luster, like white marble!

This young man was Qi Feng.

"The leader is here!"

At this moment, a loud shout rang out.

Li Kui and the other two finally came to their senses.

Chen Sihan turned her head to the side with a slightly red face.

Gongsun Yuntian came to Qi Feng with big strides.

"Good boy, you finally came out!"

The voice was still echoing in the air, and Gongsun Yuntian suddenly punched Qi Feng.

The punch came out, accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder!

Like a tiger coming down the mountain, it was ferocious and unstoppable!

Qi Feng's black hair was blown wildly, and the water stains on his body that had not been wiped off were instantly evaporated at this moment. You can imagine how violent and terrifying this punch was!

"The leader...!"

Someone subconsciously exclaimed.

But Gongsun Yuntian's fists were still going strong, and he seemed to be determined not to stop until he smashed Qi Feng's head!

Qi Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, and without avoiding or giving way, he also punched out!

Head-on confrontation!


The two flesh fists collided, and there was a crisp sound of metal colliding!

The next second, a visible air wave spread wildly from the intersection of Qi Feng and Gongsun Yuntian's fists to the surroundings!

The air wave surged, blowing everyone's clothes rustling and hair flying!

The next moment, Qi Feng stepped back four or five steps, and then he barely stabilized his body.

Gongsun Yuntian stood there, motionless, with a thick smile on his face.

"Good boy, you have good strength!"

Qi Feng smiled bitterly and shook his paralyzed arm.

"Chief, your strength is too great. If I hadn't just broken through to the primary level, I would definitely not be able to block your punch just now!"

"Just broke through to the primary level?" Gongsun Yuntian shook his head and smiled, "Qi Feng, do you know how much combat power I just punched out? More than 10 million!"

"Even a high-level general couldn't take my punch, but you not only took it, but also stalemated with me for a few seconds before retreating. You are not ashamed to say that you just broke through to the primary level?"

"I think even a high-level general will be knocked down by your punch in front of you!"

When Gongsun Yuntian said this, everyone at the scene took a breath of cold air, and looked at Qi Feng with eyes full of fear and uneasiness as if they were looking at a monster.

After all, the person who said this was Gongsun Yuntian, and that must be an indisputable fact!

In other words, Qi Feng now has the strength of a 50-50 match with a high-level general!

He can even defeat a high-level general!

How is this possible? !

Qi Feng was only a high-level warrior before this, and he had just broken through to the level of a primary general, so he could knock down a high-level general?

Is this Qi Feng's true strength? !

It's really terrifying!

"Chief, I really just broke through to the level of a primary general..."

Qi Feng explained helplessly.

Gongsun Yuntian laughed and scolded, "Stinky boy, I don't care whether you have just broken through to the level of a primary general or a high-level general. Anyway, you have eaten a full 100 billion of my nutrient solution. Let alone punching you, even kicking you twice is light!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly sounded a uniform inhalation.

100 billion nutrient solution!

How many barrels are these!

Qi Feng actually consumed all of them, and his figure didn't seem to have changed much!

This is the most terrifying!

It means that Qi Feng absorbed all those nutrients!

No wonder Qi Feng could take Gongsun Yuntian's punch!

No wonder Gongsun Yuntian said that Qi Feng could knock down a high-level general!

After all, if you eat 100 billion things, even a pig can fly!

Not to mention a genius like Qi Feng!

For a moment, everyone's eyes on Qi Feng changed again, becoming full of awe and envy.

"I really envy Qi Feng, this kid

! Shen Tiejun in the crowd muttered softly at this time, "With his current strength, he can probably knock me over with one finger." "

"And he's not yet eighteen years old! It's so frustrating to compare people with others..."

When Jiang Xuemei heard this, she nodded in agreement, "Qi Feng can now not only poke you over with one finger, but also kill you."

Shen Tiejun's mouth twitched, "Can you say something nice? No matter how powerful Qi Feng is, it was me who brought him out..."

"Does it have anything to do with you?" Jiang Xuemei rolled her eyes at Shen Tiejun, then turned to stare at Qi Feng with burning eyes.

"The winner of this Qilin Talent Selection Competition in our Northwest Military Region will definitely shine in the entire world of Gaowu in the future!"

Hearing this, Shen Tiejun subconsciously said, "Do you think Qi Feng will become the new King of Martial Arts?"

Jiang Xuemei's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she subconsciously wanted to nod, but immediately shook her head, "Be careful!"

"Thank you, Chief, for your cultivation!"

Qi Feng then bowed respectfully to Gongsun Yuntian.

He had no idea how much nutrient solution he had absorbed in the nutrition cabin. Now that Gongsun Yun said this, Qi Feng realized that he had absorbed so much nutrient solution.

One hundred billion……

It's indeed a bit exaggerated!

It is conceivable that if Gongsun Yuntian had not personally ordered it, he would not have been able to absorb so much.

So Qi Feng is sincerely grateful.

"I don't like verbal thank you." Gongsun Yuntian smiled and waved his hand, "I like the real thing."

"If you really want to thank me, join the Northwest Military Region in the future and kill more monsters on the battlefield on behalf of the Northwest Military Region. You can think of it as thanking me for the nutrient solution that the Northwest Military Region uses on you!"

Qi Feng nodded solemnly, "I will bear in mind what the chief said!"

after one day.

Jing'an District.

A few hundred meters above Wutong Community, a military helicopter was circling.

Qi Feng nodded to Jiang Xuemei.

"Thank you, Instructor Jiang, for sending me off. There is no need to land, just send it here!"

Shen Tiejun on the side was suddenly stunned, "Qi Feng, are you planning to jump directly from a height of several hundred meters?"

"Instructor Shen is indeed very smart." Qi Feng grinned, "Two instructors, thank you very much. Goodbye!"

After Qi Feng finished speaking, he jumped out of the helicopter door without any hesitation!

Shen Tiejun was stunned. "This height is several hundred meters above the ground, and this guy didn't bring a parachute. He..."

"He can't be killed by a fall!" Jiang Xuemei said calmly, "Don't forget, he is now a junior telepathic user, and his telekinesis is stronger and stronger than mine!

"And he is homesick and doesn't want to waste any more time, so flying down is the fastest!"

When Jiang Xuemei said this, she seemed to have thought of something, and a relaxed smile appeared on her pretty face.

"Valuing family, paying attention to family..."

"Qi Feng follows the path of guardianship. Such a genius makes people feel reassured!"

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