The middle-aged man glanced at the timer in his hand.

"I'll give you five minutes to rest!"

Bai Linglong breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, examiner."

After thanking her, Bai Linglong walked quickly towards Qi Feng.

"Brother Qi Feng, I... I'm afraid I won't pass this time!"

"Who said that?"

Qi Feng frowned, "Your telekinesis value has reached the standard of an intermediate telekinetic master. Even if your control ability is not very strong, as long as you learn to think, you will definitely pass the assessment and certification this time."

As soon as Qi Feng said this, Bai Linglong's eyes widened.

"What does it mean to learn to think? Do you need to use your brain to get certified as a telekineticist?"

"Don't you?"

Qi Feng looked at Bai Linglong with a strange look in his eyes, "You are not a martial artist, right?"

Bai Linglong was stunned, "No, what's wrong?"

"No wonder."

Qi Feng explained lightly, "The certification of a telekineticist is much more complicated than that of a martial artist. You can't just rely on your strength to force your way through. You also need to learn to use your brain."

"I just made a simple analysis. Your telekinetic value has reached the standard of an intermediate telekineticist. The only shortcoming is your lack of control ability."

"And think about controlling twenty-six iron balls. This should be beyond your limit, right? "

"Yes." Bai Linglong answered truthfully, "Then what should I do next?"

"When you control the twenty-six iron balls to reach the top of the transparent glass cover, you can divide the telekinesis into two parts."

"One part controls the iron balls to fall into the glass cover, and the other part keeps the remaining iron balls suspended in the air."

"Wait for the first part of the iron balls to be successfully placed in the glass cover, and then wrap all the telekinesis around the remaining part of the iron balls, repeat the first action, and you will be able to pass smoothly."

"If you can't do this, you can divide the telekinesis into three, four, or five parts. In short, you should subdivide the telekinesis and try not to reach your control limit."

"This method is what people often say about doing two things at the same time, and what you need to do is to do three or even four things at the same time, do you understand?"

"Your method is really good."

The middle-aged man appeared silently beside Qi Feng and Bai Linglong.

"But few people can do four or even five things at once, not to mention that this is a test and certification for telekinesis."

"It is indeed easy to divide telekinesis into several parts, but it is not easy to perform different actions separately."

"And to complete this series of operations within ten seconds, do you think this is something that an intermediate telekinesis master can do?"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Young man, it's not that I look down on you young people, but you don't understand the true meaning of telekinesis at all."

"You don't understand how difficult it is for a telekinesis master to divide telekinesis into several parts and do different things at the same time."

"If you want to complete the operation you just mentioned, unless you are a high-level telekinesis master..."

Qi Feng did not refute it until the middle-aged man shut up, then he said lightly, "Are you done?"

The middle-aged man frowned, lowered his head and glanced at the documents in his hand, flipping through a few pages.

"Your name is Qi Feng, right? What level of telekinesis has you reached?"

Qi Feng ignored her and looked at Bai Linglong calmly, "I will show you what it means to use one mind and five functions."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Qi Feng's words.

But before everyone could express their opinions, Qi Feng uttered a word in a calm voice.


The next second, something happened that stunned everyone on the scene.

On the instrument filled with secret iron balls, thousands of iron balls instantly soared into the air!

Qi Feng uttered a word again.


Thousands of iron balls disappeared in an instant, and when they appeared again, they had reached the top of the telekinetic master's special height measuring ruler, which was a height of 100 meters!

At this moment, thousands of densely packed iron balls were actually arranged in an orderly manner, suspended in the air motionlessly, as if they were still!

The seventh floor, which was originally noisy with people, became dead silent at this moment!

Everyone was doing the same thing, looking up in unison, staring at the thousands of iron balls floating in the air in amazement!

You know, these iron balls are made in secret, and each weighs a hundred pounds!

And the iron balls used to test and certify telekinetic masters this time, a total of 1,500, that is, 150,000 pounds!

And at the same time,

Controlling something weighing 150,000 kilograms to a height of 100 meters is something that even a high-level telekineticist cannot do!

But now, a young man who came to take the test to become a certified telekineticist did it easily!

And he didn't close his eyes to concentrate during the whole process, nor did he make any preparations in advance. He just casually uttered a word, and 1,500 iron balls instantly flew to a height of 100 meters!

"This height is too low, I don't think it's interesting."

Qi Feng said calmly, and snapped his fingers at the same time.

Although the sound of the snap was not loud, it sounded so crisp in the dead silence of the entire seventh floor, and fell clearly into the ears of everyone at the scene.

The next moment, a scene that everyone was surprised and shocked was staged again!

I saw that the 1,500 iron balls that were originally floating at a height of 100 meters suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared!

Then, a loud noise was deafening!

Because 1,500 iron balls directly smashed through the roof of the seven-story building, broke out of the house, and flew straight into the sky!

In the blink of an eye, these iron balls had turned into 1,500 sesame-sized black dots and quickly disappeared!

Such an exaggerated scene instantly made everyone on the scene tremble with fear and horror!

The middle-aged man in charge of the examination had two eyes wide open behind thick glasses.

Under the magnifying effect of the glasses, they looked like two eggs, and their mouths were so wide open that they could fit the secret iron balls used for the test!

Bai Linglong covered her mouth tightly, and her petite body trembled violently, as if she had been electrocuted.

In the distance, Zhong Wuyan's eyes were wide open, and her eyeballs almost fell out of her eye sockets, and her red lips opened into an O shape.

The performances of the others were almost the same, like exaggerated sculptures.

Just when the scene was silent, Qi Feng uttered a word lightly.


Instantly, there was a loud sound of breaking wind, as if something huge weighing ten thousand pounds was falling from the sky at high speed!

The next second, thousands of dense black spots appeared in the sky, which turned out to be the 1,500 iron balls that had disappeared in the air!

In an instant, all the 1,500 iron balls were suspended above Qi Feng's head, motionless, like a black cloud!

And Qi Feng's figure at this moment looked so majestic and unshakable!

Qi Feng just waved his hand lightly at this time.


1,500 iron balls instantly appeared above the transparent glass cover above the elevator entrance.


As Qi Feng uttered a word, 1,500 iron balls appeared silently in the transparent glass cover, filling the entire glass cover instantly.

The whole process took less than a second, and no sound was made!

Moreover, the transparent glass cover was intact, not to mention cracks, there was not even any vibration!

"See, this is the magic of telekinesis."

"Of course, my telekinesis is stronger than yours, so I can do this step easily, but you can also do what I did just now. I will only show you once, so you can watch carefully."

Qi Feng patted Bai Linglong's little head, and under the latter's dull gaze, he hooked his fingers in the air.

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