The two of them were very happy.

Qi Feng smiled faintly, "Okay, let you feel the tense atmosphere and general process of the college entrance examination in advance, so that you won't be nervous when you take the college entrance examination."

"You guys eat first, I'll go pick up the car."

Father Qi Haowei put down his chopsticks and stood up with a smile.

That's right, when buying a house yesterday, Qi Haowei also bought a car, a BMW X6 SUV worth millions.

Originally, Qi Haowei didn't want to buy it, but Qi Feng called and insisted that he buy it, and also asked him to buy a more expensive one with a larger space.

Before getting in the car, mother Wang Caixia tidied Qi Feng's clothes and patted Qi Feng's head with a face full of relief and kindness.

"You've grown so tall that I can barely reach your head..."

"Don't be nervous about the exam, just treat it calmly. I believe you can definitely get a score that will make everyone stare at you!"

Qi Haowei on the side laughed, "That's for sure. My son's martial arts score is now ranked first among all the students in Jing'an District!"

Wang Caixia smiled and nodded, "I hope so too. Okay, you guys can send Feng'er off. I'll clean up at home."

"Feng'er, I'll make you something delicious at home and wait for you to come back!"

Qi Feng nodded, "I know, Mom, don't get too tired."

Afterwards, Qi Haowei drove Qi Feng and Qi Ru to the Olympic Sports Center in the center of Jing'an District.

"Feng'er, don't be nervous. With your martial arts performance, even if you can't get the first place in Yunzhou or the state champion, you can definitely become the district champion in our Jing'an District."

Qi Ru on the side pulled Qi Feng's sleeve, "Brother, I believe you can become the martial arts champion in Yunzhou, because you will definitely have no problem in martial arts, as for liberal arts... forget it."

Qi Feng smiled and flicked Qi Ru's head, "Whether you can speak, I want both the liberal arts and martial arts champions!"

"Well said!" Qi Haowei laughed proudly and patted Qi Feng's shoulder heavily.

"Good son, your martial arts qualifications and talents are many times stronger than mine. I won't say anything. Dad will give you a word."

"Give it a try, don't lose at the first starting line of life!"

Qi Feng nodded seriously, "Dad, I know, don't worry."

Qi Ru on the side pulled Qi Feng's sleeve again, looking at Qi Feng with admiration and expectation.

"Brother, you must do well in the exam. I'm thinking about showing off to my classmates that my brother is the champion of both civil and military subjects!"

Qi Feng laughed and patted Qi Ru's little head.

"Don't worry, I will let you have the capital to show off!"


Half an hour later.

Under the notice of the invigilator, Qi Feng and a group of boys and girls lined up to enter the examination room where his examination number was.

And there were a total of 100 candidates who entered the examination room in the same batch as Qi Feng.

There were ten fully transparent glass rooms in the examination room.

"Line up in the order of the examination numbers." The invigilator announced the rules loudly.

"Ten people enter these ten examination rooms each time to take the examination of martial arts results."

"The person whose examination number is called now, enter the examination room."




Qi Feng's examination number was 00549, so he was also among the candidates in this batch of ten.

After the invigilator finished announcing all the test numbers, all ten people whose test numbers were called came out.

The invigilator came to Qi Feng and others, and his sharp eyes swept across their faces one by one.

Among these ten people, nine candidates did not dare to look at the invigilator, because the invigilator's eyes were very sharp, like a sharp knife.

Only Qi Feng, his expression remained the same, and he looked at the invigilator calmly for several seconds.

In the end, the invigilator took the lead in looking away and snorted heavily.

"I think you already know the rules of the college entrance examination."

"If anyone has taken contraband before entering the examination room, you can stand up now. We will only cancel your qualification for this college entrance examination, and it will not affect the next one!"

"Once we detect it, you will be disqualified for the college entrance examination for life!"

"I will start calling the names now. Whoever is called should come forward to cooperate with the test immediately."

"Wang Aiguo."


A thin boy wearing glasses immediately stepped out.

"Stretch out your hand."

"Teacher, which hand?"


The examinee named Wang Aiguo stretched out his right hand.

The invigilator picked up the blood collection needle beside him with an expressionless face and pierced Wang Aiguo's finger.

After a moment, he put the blood collection needle into the blood tester beside him.

The next second, the blood tester suddenly issued a sharp and piercing alarm, and a string of words popped up on the display:

The blood contains banned drug ingredients!

"No! Impossible! I didn't take any banned drugs!"

"The instrument is wrong, it must be broken!"

The teenager named Wang Aiguo shouted immediately.

The invigilator snorted coldly, "This instrument has been fully tested before being sent to the examination room, and it is the latest research instrument, it is impossible to have a malfunction!"

"And I have made it very clear just now, if anyone takes banned drugs and takes the initiative to stand up, I can forgive them, but if they are detected by us, they will be disqualified from the college entrance examination for life!"

"Come on, take this Wang Aiguo out, and put a label on his identity information that he will not be allowed to take the college entrance examination for life!"

A burly invigilator immediately walked towards Wang Aiguo.

Wang Aiguo shook his head frantically, "No, I really didn't take any banned substances. I just took the tonic that my grandma made with a folk recipe. She said it would help me with the exam..."

But the burly examiner didn't give Wang Aiguo a chance to continue explaining, and directly grabbed him and walked out.

This scene made all the candidates tremble with fear, only Qi Feng looked calm.


Just then, a young candidate standing next to Qi Feng suddenly raised his hand with a nervous face.

The invigilator looked at him coldly, "Speak!"

"Report to the examiner, I took a dose of tonic to calm the nerves and refresh the brain before entering the examination room. Is this a banned substance?"

The invigilator shook his head expressionlessly.

"As long as you don't take drugs with banned ingredients, it doesn't count as cheating."

Hearing this, all the candidates breathed a sigh of relief.

The invigilator then scanned the room expressionlessly.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

All the candidates remained silent.

The invigilator looked down at the form.

"Ma Rulong?!"


Just like that, except for the young man named Wang Aiguo, all the other ten people who came out to participate in the test at the same time as Qi Feng passed the test.

Afterwards, Qi Feng and his friends walked into the transparent glass room to take the test of blood and qi combat power.

The examiner in charge of supervising Qi Feng looked at Qi Feng expressionlessly.

"Student, tell me when you are ready."

Qi Feng took a deep breath, even though he knew that his blood and qi combat power score was far beyond the minimum score for undergraduates.

But this was the first major exam in the life of countless students that determined their fate, so Qi Feng was a little nervous.

After exhaling a breath of turbid air, Qi Feng finally calmed down.

"Report to the examiner, I'm ready!"

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