Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 10 The Black Wind Squad seeking death, destroyed!


Lin Yu flicked the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and the sharp long sword thrust out vertically from the scabbard.

Just this one action.

The majestic sword intent burst out from his body instantly.

Countless sword intentions spread irregularly around.

In an instant, with him as the center, an area of ​​tens of meters in radius was completely wiped out! Nothing!

"Full Moon Scimitar!!"

Lin Yu quickly held the sword and made a very cool spinning strike. The rapid sword formed a solid white circle, like a bright full moon!

After the blow was over, Lin Yu stopped.

However, the sword energy of the moon has not stopped yet! ! !

The full moon continues to expand, forming an increasingly larger full moon.

Finally, after forming a 100-meter-long full moon, it completely dissipated.

When Lin Yu raised his head and looked around, there was nothing in the area of ​​a hundred meters!

Whether it was trees or hidden beasts, they were all turned into powder by this blow.

The terrifying sword power and loud explosion instantly attracted the attention of many warriors and ferocious beasts in the wilderness.

"The power is pretty good."

Lin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He sheathed his sword and continued toward the heart of the wilderness.

But after walking for several kilometers along the way, I still didn't encounter a ferocious beast!

"That move just now scared the beasts away?"

Guessing this possibility, Lin Yu had to give up the idea of ​​moving on.

Currently, he can only improve by hunting ferocious beasts.

Moreover, if he wants to buy treasures to improve his talents in the city, he will need a lot of money. If he wants to make money, he still needs ferocious beasts.

Therefore, in order to hunt more ferocious beasts, Lin Yu immediately turned around and expanded to the outside.

Soon, a week passed.

During the week outside the wilderness, Lin Yu hunted a lot of ferocious beasts, but it still couldn't improve his experience bar much.

Now, he needs to hunt ten ferocious beasts, all of which are in the warrior realm, in order to increase his experience by one percent.

In other words, it would take a thousand ferocious beasts to advance him from the sixth-level martial artist to the seventh-level warrior.

It can be seen that the experience required to break through as a martial artist is massive.

Relying solely on hunting ferocious beasts is not an option.

"Maybe, kill... people?"

A terrible idea came to Lin Yu's mind.

Then, he was quickly suppressed.

In this world, although warriors have many immunities, they even have the power to kill provocateurs.

However, the federal government strictly prohibits indiscriminate killing and indiscriminate killing.

Anyone who violates this federal law will be subject to the most brutal criminal laws! !

"Hey! Boy!"

Just when Lin Yu was thinking about his next move, a group of people stood in front of him.

"Boy! My elder brother is calling you. Are you deaf?"

Lin Yu looked up and saw a team of hunters.

However, this hunter team didn't give him a good feeling. Unlike the previous Fire Team, this hunter team gave him the feeling of a gangster.

"Kneel down quickly, brother, and slap yourself a few times, so that brother can spare you!"

The young man who had just shouted loudly spoke again, with a face that did not put Lin Yu, a young man with an immature face, in his eyes at all.

"Hey, Xiao Liu, why do you do this to our newcomer?"

Before Lin Yu could react, the tall bald man in the middle stopped him.

"You're scaring our newbies."

Pretending to teach the younger brother a lesson, he then looked at Lin Yu and said slowly: "I wonder why the younger brother is exploring the wilderness alone?"

Lin Yu frowned.

The scene in front of him had long been seen by him.

He had long seen through the drama between two people, one with a black face and the other with a white face.

Then, he hummed a few words: "What? Can't one person explore the wilderness?"

Wang Qiang frowned and thought to himself: Another thorn.

Soon, he regained his expression and introduced Lin Yu enthusiastically again.

"Brother, you don't know something. Our Black Wind Team has a five-star reputation and specializes in taking orders for bodyguards, so you don't have to worry."

"As for the price."

"It only requires 100,000 yuan plus 30% of your harvest in the wilderness."

Seeing that Lin Yu didn't respond, Wang Qiang deliberately stepped forward to several newcomers on the side.

"These newcomers have just joined our team."

"Let me ask you, is the service of our team very good?"

Several newcomers had expressions on their faces that were uglier than those after eating Ori, and they were very hesitant.


Wang Qiang glared with a fierce look in his eyes.

Several people finally had no choice but to say: "The goods have been received, the service is very good, the logistics is fast, and the children love to eat..."


Wang Qiang, who was so angry at this comment, made several people feel devastated.

"How about it? Do you want to join?"

As he said that, several younger brothers surrounded Lin Yu tightly under the hint of Wang Qiang's eyes.

"What if I don't join?"

Lin Yu said lightly.

"Don't join?"

At this time, Wang Qiang's expression completely relaxed, no longer controlled, and returned to his fierce look.

"If you don't want to join, you can ask our brothers if they agree!"

Everyone in the Black Wind Team pulled out their dicks one after another and stared at Lin Yu eagerly, quite thinking that if you don't join us, you will join hell.

"Are you sure you want to join me in taking action?"

"This is less than a few kilometers away from the city gate guards. Aren't you afraid that I will complain about you and report your behavior to those soldiers?"

Lin Yu asked curiously.

Faced with the verbal threat, Wang Qiang laughed out loud as if he had heard the best joke in the world.

"That group of soldiers?"

"I have bribed the leaders of that group of soldiers. Let alone taking action, even if I kill you, there will be no news about me!"

"Besides, are you too young?"

"Uncle will teach you. This is a wilderness full of ferocious beasts."

"Many warriors have died here. Who knows how they died?"

"Are you right?"

Wang Qiang laughed, and his appearance did not take Lin Yu seriously at all, as if he was teasing his prey.


"So, if you kill me here, it is not illegal at all?"

"Of course!!"

Wang Qiang blurted out without thinking.

"Then, what if I kill you?"

Lin Yu showed a wicked smile.

"That is not illegal either... What? Boy, are you crazy? Kill us? Hahaha!"

Hearing that Lin Yu was going to kill them, all the members of the Black Wind Squad laughed disdainfully.

A young high school student who has not even reached the awakening realm dared to kill several experienced warriors?

This "joke" made the newcomers laugh.

The laughter of the newcomers was different from that of the members of the Black Wind Squad.

If the Black Wind Squad laughed out of disdain, then the laughter of the newcomers was full of gloating, expectation, pity...

Seeing everyone's expressions, Lin Yu made up his mind.

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