Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 117: Sword Cultivators Are Only Good Against Fools


Lin Yu typed two words in the void.

Heading to the Sword Academy, along the way, he met many students who were also rushing to class.

At a glance, he saw that the school emblems on the chests of these students had their own characteristics, but none of them were from the Sword Cultivator School. Instead, there were more students similar to the Boxing Cultivator and Sword Cultivator.

This is quite normal. The development prospects of these disciplines are very good. In front of them, there are many seniors who have spent their entire lives paving the way. Therefore, the various development directions, martial arts, etc. of these traditional disciplines are all available.

As long as you follow the direction, you can safely become a strong warrior.

Of course, these traditional subjects also have a drawback, that is, they are too homogeneous. Since there are so many students who choose these subjects, the martial arts they learn are also very different. Therefore, there is almost no big difference between them. This kind of environment is not ideal. Conducive to the cultivation of geniuses.

Of course, this does not mean that these traditional disciplines such as boxing and swordsmanship are not good. On the contrary, some geniuses are born with talents in these areas. Coupled with the guidance of mature teaching methods, it is easy to become a genius quickly.

"Hey, isn't this a sword cultivator 'warrior'?"

Suddenly, a boxing cultivator noticed the academy emblem on Lin Yu's chest.

"Really, so young, it seems that he should be a new student of Sword Academy!"

Another boxing cultivator said.

"Haha! Another unlucky guy. He's so brave. He chooses to practice swordsmanship. He may not be able to break through as a martial artist after graduation!" Wei Zhiwen laughed.

He is one of the top ten geniuses in the boxing academy and belongs to a group of relatively strong veterans.

After being beaten by the battle goddess the previous month, his dislike for sword cultivators reached its peak.

Whenever he saw a sword cultivator, he would make some mocking remarks, specifically to attack the new sword cultivator's mentality.

"Another bug!"

Wei Zhiwen's voice was loud and many people heard it, and Lin Yu was no exception.

However, he generally ignored such bugs.

He continued on his way.

Such indifferent attitude made Wei Zhiwen a little angry. He stopped in front of Lin Yu and said carelessly: "You are the new student of Sword Academy."

"so what?"

Lin Yu sneered.

"So? So you're useless!"

Wei Zhiwen grinned, revealing his big golden teeth.

"Sword Academy is the most rubbish major in martial arts. Eighty percent of those who enter Sword Academy will not be promoted to martial arts masters after graduation. They are rubbish among rubbish majors."

"As for the development prospects of sword cultivators, at least 90%, if not 100%, of those who graduate from the sword cultivators, major companies outside will not choose to recruit sword cultivators."

"Let alone the army, there are almost no swordsmen in the army!"

Wei Zhiwen talked eloquently and kept talking to Lin Yu. After speaking, he smiled evilly.

Zhang Yuxin! I can't beat you! But I can start with the new students in your academy, so that there will be fewer and fewer people in your sword cultivation academy.

"So, what do you want to say?"

Lin Yu looked at Wei Zhiwen with indifferent eyes, as if looking at a fool.

Wei Zhiwen was a little angry, but he suppressed his anger and continued: "Junior, the senior said so much, all for your own good. Sword cultivation is not a good path, and everyone despises it, so why not come to our boxing academy? I promise to take you off!"

"Take me off?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Of course! The senior is Wei Zhiwen, a junior. He is ranked in the top ten in the boxing academy and is nicknamed the 'Iron Fist King'!"

Wei Zhiwen's penis swelled more and more, and he made a pose with his hands, revealing his strong muscles.

"Forget it, I feel that Sword Academy is more suitable for me."

Lin Yu shook his head and passed by Wei Zhiwen.

"Wait a minute! Junior, do you want to be a waste for the rest of your life?"

Wei Zhiwen roared angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Yu paused.

Seeing that it was effective, Wei Zhiwen continued to shout loudly: "In the Sword Academy, most of them are chuunibyou who like to dream about flying from the sky. Their fighting ability is very strong. If you stay in the Sword Academy for four years, after graduation, He’s also a waste!”

Lin Yu took a deep breath, turned around and said.

"I don't think the Swordsmanship Academy is as bad as you said. On the contrary, it is very good!"

“Furthermore, there are no rubbish majors in the military, only rubbish people!

People can't blame the uneven road? "

"I don't think your boxing academy is doing well. With a scum like you, the management of the academy isn't very good either."

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

After being scolded by Lin Yu (to be honest), Wei Zhiwen instantly became angry from shame and raised his fist as big as a sandbag to deliver a powerful punch.

"Let me teach you how to respect your seniors!"

Wei Zhiwen punched out, the tiger roared in the forest, and the air made a violent explosion.

"I really don't know how to respect a senior like you!"

Lin Yuyun punched out lightly, seemingly soft.

"You are really looking for death! Are you a squishy sword cultivator fighting against a boxing cultivator? I..."

Before Wei Zhiwen finished speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his fist and shooting directly into his forehead.

Click——! Click——!

The moment the fists were exchanged, the crisp sound of broken bones continued to sound.

"Ah! My hand! Ah!!"

Wei Zhiwen was rolling around on the ground in pain, and his entire right arm was completely fractured.

The tragic scene instantly moved many passers-by.

"You're a freshman, why are you so careless in your actions? Bullying an old student like this?"

"Yeah! I think Wei Zhiwen's hand seems to be disabled. He is a boxing practitioner. How can he practice boxing if his hand is disabled?"

An old bird saw that the injured person was Wei Zhiwen. At the same time, he was also very shocked by the strength of this freshman!

Wei Zhiwen was famous for his iron fist in the boxing academy, but he was disabled by a punch from the freshman of the sword academy?

What kind of terrifying strength is this?

"Boss! Boss, is your hand okay?"

"Boy, don't leave. If you disable our boss, we will find the school's security department and send you to prison!"

"Don't go!"

After Wei Zhiwen was knocked down, several of his younger brothers came out and blocked Lin Yu.

"Security department? The security department can't control me!"

"Besides, he was the first to attack and wanted to hurt me. I was just defending myself!"

"Who knew he was so weak? He fell down with one punch. If you don't know, you would think he was a scam!"

Lin Yu waved his hand.

"Boy, don't say anything more. When the security department comes, you can just wait for jail!"

Several people blocked Lin Yu in front of him and refused to let him leave.

Lin Yu had no choice but to wait with him. The students who were eating melons on the side were not in a hurry to catch up with the class, so they just skipped the class and ate melons here.

A few minutes later, a group of tall warriors in black uniforms slowly walked over.

"Classmate, we received a notice that you maliciously injured a student, causing the victim's right arm to be comminuted and fractured. The situation is very serious. We are going to take you to the Kyoto Legal Affairs Office!"

The leader of the security department announced to Lin Yu loudly.

"Hahaha! Boy, the law enforcement officers are here, what else do you have to say? And you still say they can't control you? Do you think Longguo Junwu is your family's business? Do whatever you want?"

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