Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 274 The Five Emperors are coming, and the Lanlin Sect is in crisis!

"Then we'll catch him off guard!"

Brejim said fiercely.

"How to arrange it?"

A ferocious beast asked.

"Blitz the Lanlin Sect. They don't have a strong Martial Emperor yet. I bring four Martial Emperors, which is enough to destroy them!"

Brejim gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Don't worry, this time, we can only succeed, not fail!"

"Master's mission, our beast realm must complete it step by step! Even if it means death!"

Hearing Braggim's determination, the dragon in the void responded:

"I'll go with you!"

"I'll go too!"

"I also!"

In the beast realm, five super-light figures are heading towards the nearby spiritual realm.

At this time, Lin Yu was still exploring the beast realm.

On a pink planet, he once again saw a scene of rampant zombies.

This is already the tenth planet he has seen with zombies.

It can be seen that these planets are all the work of the Beast Realm Group!

"What do they want to do?"

Such acts of harming the people of their own star domain are not good for them, right?

"This group of zombies seems to have lost their minds and turned into a group of monsters who only want to harm others!"

On the side, Shen Miaomiao observed.

"Yes! These mindless zombies are actually good soldiers attacking other star regions!"

Lin Yu smiled.

Suddenly, the smile on his face solidified.

No intelligence? Good dead warriors who attack other planets?

At this moment, he understood!

The Beast Realm is conducting a zombie experiment! They are observing the behavior of the zombies, and will decide whether to spread in other star fields based on the situation!

"Oops! There must be support from a big force behind Beast Realm!"

In the Yanhuang Realm, there is a Star Realm Administrative Office.

Their mission is to maintain normal order in the star realm. Such bad behavior as this zombie experiment, using the entire planet as a testing ground, is not allowed.

Once discovered by the Star Boundary Administration Office, the Beast Realm Group will suffer a huge blow!

But, even so, the Beast Realm Group still took risks to do such a thing. It can be seen that there must be a big force behind them!

"Miaomiao, let's split up and find the lair of the Beast Realm Group. I want to talk to them!"

Lin Yu frowned and ordered.


Spiritual realm.

The five giant beasts reaching the sky have reached the spiritual realm barrier, and they are looking at the barrier in front of them eagerly.

"This small barrier also wants to block our Martial Emperor?"

"Haha, Black Dragon, break it quickly, we have something urgent to do!"


The giant dragon flicked its tail and directly broke through the barrier of the spiritual realm, and the Five Emperors descended on the spiritual realm.

"Bip! Blop! Blop!"

In the spiritual realm, at the headquarters of the Lanlin Sect, the alarm sounded.

"The barrier was broken?"

Diao Lun's eyes widened.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Spirit Realm, he knows very well what it means when the barrier is broken.

To break through the barrier so easily, the person coming must be the powerful Martial Emperor!

"Oops! The master is not in the spiritual realm!"

He was so anxious that he sent several communication signals to Lin Yu, but unfortunately, there was no response from all of them.

"Damn it!"

"You guys guard the front line, I'll immediately apply for support from the wilderness!"

Diao Lun generated electricity and ordered the Lin family army on the front line.

To his horror, he still didn't get a response.

Just when he didn't understand what was happening, suddenly, five auras that oppressed the world descended on the headquarters of the Lanlin Sect.


The black dragon, with its huge body hovering over the Lanlin Sect, let out a thundering roar.

"Let Lin Yu come out, we only want him to die!"

"He died! Let's leave!"

"Otherwise, the entire spiritual realm will be waiting to be finished!"

The black dragon's cold declaration echoed throughout the spiritual realm.

"Damn it! Lin Jiajun, get in formation!"

Diao Lun soared into the sky, and behind him, thousands of Martial King Realm warriors lined up behind him, with overwhelming momentum.

"Little ants dare to block the way! Haha!"

Black Dragon laughed a few times.

Such provocation made everyone in Lin Jiajun's brains go crazy.


Everyone burst out with momentum and charged towards the black dragon.

Black Dragon sneered.

"You really don't know what the absolute strength gap is!"

The black dragon transforms into a human form.

The man dressed in black and with horns on his head made a secret in his hand, and then pointed at the Lin family army rushing forward.


Suddenly, in the dark sea of ​​stars, a dazzling thunder suddenly fell above the heads of the Lin family army. Like a unicorn made of thunder and lightning, it fell from the sky and wiped out all living beings!

In an instant, thousands of Lin family troops were instantly reduced to ashes under the thunder!


Diao Lun was also struck by lightning, but fortunately he had special abilities and escaped the fatal blow.

"No, the spiritual realm is about to end, retreat quickly!"

"By the way, the palace!"

Diao Lun turned around and retreated.

Inside the palace.

Lin Xian'er and the three girls looked troubled. They knew that there was fighting outside, but Diao Lun refused to let them out, so they could not know the latest battle situation.

"Hurry! Let's go back to the wilderness, the spiritual realm is about to be lost!"

Diao Lun, covered in blood, rushed into the palace hall and was about to leave with the three girls.

"Wait, what happened?"

"Five Martial Emperors have entered the spiritual realm, and their target is the master!"

"In order to stop them, all the Lin family troops died tragically..."

Diao Lun clenched his fists.

"No time to explain, follow me!"

"Wait, I can handle a Martial Emperor!"

Lin Xian'er and Diao Lun were in a stalemate, blurting out.

You can't handle a fart! If something happens to you, won't the master kill me first when he comes back?

"Let's go!"

Diao Lun no longer hesitated, wrapped the three people with blood, and then turned into a meteor and fled to the wilderness.

"Damn it! Boss, I didn't find Lin Yu!"

"Damn! This kid is not in the Spirit Realm!"

After destroying the entire Spirit Realm Blue Forest Sect headquarters, the Black Dragon did not find Lin Yu.

Similarly, the other four Martial Emperors who were searching the Spirit Realm did not find Lin Yu.

"Damn it! This kid should be in the Wilderness!"

"Let's go! Go to the Wilderness, we are going to make a surprise attack this time, and we must fight quickly!"

Brejim cursed angrily and set off for the Wilderness with the four beasts.


Just like in the Spirit Realm, the Black Dragon easily broke through the barrier of the Wilderness, and the five emperors went straight to the Blue Forest Sect headquarters in the Wilderness.

"Lin Yu, you coward! If you are a man, come out!"

"Otherwise, your last base will be destroyed by us!"

The black dragon roared in the void, and everyone in the wilderness heard their "death declaration"!

"What should I do? They are still coming to kill me!"

Xun'er frowned and looked at Diao Lun on the side.

"It's over, it's all over!"

"The Martial Emperor Realm is not enough in front of them. He can kill everyone with a slap!"

"The key is that the master is not here yet!"

Diao Lun closed his eyes in despair.

Witnessing countless Lin family soldiers who accompanied him through life and death being wiped out in one move, this psychological shadow has completely made him lose the will to fight.

"Fight with them!"

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