Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 285 Mingxuan Pavilion, the mysterious drunkard

"Second floor? In the corner again?"

The drunkard seemed dissatisfied with the service of this restaurant.

"How can it be! The seat is against the wall, which means you have a backer!"

"A big shot like you, you can tell at a glance that you have a big backer, which just sets off your noble image!"

The waiter smiled and took the drunkard to the second floor against the wall.

"Hmm? His place is good, I want to share the table with him!"

The drunkard yelled and sat down directly at Lin Yu's table.

The drunkard was not polite either, he grabbed the braised beef on the bowl and ate it in big mouthfuls, choked, and directly raised the good wine beside him and drank it in one gulp, eating it generously.

This look scared the waiter.

The waiter quickly came to Lin Yu.

"I'm sorry, sir, he..., he here..."

The waiter pointed to his head, and then said that he would arrange another good seat for Lin Yu and compensate for all the dishes just now.

"No need! Bring me another fifty jars of fine wine and 100 plates of beef!"

Lin Yu threw out a bright red ghost money, and the waiter almost kowtowed to Lin Yu.

"Okay, wait a moment!"

Although I don't know why Lin Yu allowed a madman to sit next to him, as long as it is the customer's demand, it is God's demand!

"Slow down, there are a lot of wine, let's have a good drink!"

Lin Yu smiled and poured a glass of wine for the other party.

Then he took the initiative to raise his own wine bowl, clinked a glass with the other party, and drank it all.

Lin Yu's actions attracted the attention of the drunkard.

"Boy, don't you despise me?"

"The living people who can come here are all capable."

"What's more, he is a person who knows the secret of martial artists' cultivation of vitality..."

Lin Yu picked up a piece of beef and said meaningfully.

The drunkard stopped eating and his face instantly sank.

"How do you know this?"

"We have never met before, have we?"

The drunkard's eyes changed from stupidity to shrewdness, and he looked at Lin Yu vigilantly.

"An old man who sells the Sunflower Manual told me, and I gave him a lesson."

"Such important news, how can you tell others casually?"

"Are you right?"

Lin Yu continued to eat beef with a calm face.

As if what he was talking about was a trivial matter.

The drunkard looked at Lin Yu deeply for a few seconds, and then said.

"Eat first, and then talk after eating!"

Fifty jars of fine wine and one hundred plates of beef were quickly cleared by the two.

So, Lin Yu invited the other party to his mansion and received him with a heavy gift.

In the tea room.

The drunkard sighed.

"Boy, I am deeply involved here. I am originally a person in the spirit world..."

"Alas, because of various events, I fled to the ghost world, a realm where only ghosts exist."

The drunkard did not tell much, but just narrated it lightly.

But Lin Yu heard a lot of helpless difficulties from the other party's tone and expression.

"Hehe, since the senior is unwilling to tell, I will not explore it anymore."

"I would like to ask, what kind of scene is the three realms outside the ghost world?"

The drunkard thought about it.

"There are four realms in total, namely: ghost world, demon world, spirit world, and pseudo-god world."

"Ghost world, where we are, this is where the ghosts live, and it is also the place where the major afterlife creatures reincarnate."

After thinking about it, Lin Yu asked a question.

"Is there King Yama here?"

King Yama?

The drunkard laughed a few times.

"Boy, what are you thinking about? How big is this place? How can a strong man like King Yama condescend to be here?"

"Don't say King Yama, even if it is a real ox-headed horse-faced monster, it is not something we can see!"

Lin Yu was thoughtful.

It seems that those places in mythology are still far away from him.

Is this just a transitional place?

"Boy, I'll continue!"

"I'll go back to sleep after I finish my story. I'm sleepy!"

The drunkard yawned a few times, looking careless.

"Next, it's the demon world, where the demons and evil spirits live."

Devil? Evil spirit?

The bosses of the major villains in the movie flashed through Lin Yu's mind.

"The evil spirits are very powerful, so the demon world is a place that many people dare not set foot in, and basically they can't return."

"The spirit world, my mother land."

"That is the dream home of cultivators and all kinds of creatures!"

"There, there are birds singing and flowers blooming, the four seasons are distinct, the scenery is beautiful, like a fairyland..."

When talking about the spirit world, the drunkard's face was filled with a smile that could not be suppressed.

Lin Yu could feel the beauty of the spirit world and the drunkard's love for his mother land.

"What about the pseudo-god world?"

A place with the word "god" must be very powerful, right?

"That's a land of sin."

"It's where the criminals are sent down from above."

"Although the creatures in the Pseudo-God Realm are stronger than those in the other three realms, because it's a land of sin, the environment there is not very good, and all the creatures are being tortured in prison."

When the Pseudo-God Realm was mentioned, the drunkard's eyelids twitched noticeably.

"Hmm? That's not right!"

Lin Yu suddenly thought of a question.

Since the other party is a living person, his mother land should be in the bright world, right?

Why is the motherland in the spiritual world in the dark world?

"What? The bright world?"

"All the living people who come to the ghost world are from the bright world?"

The drunkard looked at Lin Yu in surprise.

"Boy! I think you are stupid!"

"Everyone in the ghost world is a soul. This does not mean that everyone in the other three worlds are souls. Those there are all living creatures!"

Lin Yu suddenly realized.

He has always regarded the entire dark world as the form of the ghost world, and thought that all places were similar to the ghost world and were filled with souls...

He scratched his head in embarrassment.

"As for the warrior's secret, this is why they are chasing me."

"We can't go into details about this!"

The drunk maniac left, leaving him only an ancient bronze coin.

"Strange! Why do I feel that this material is very similar to the material of a bladeless sword?"

Lin Yu took out the unused sword that was kept in his backpack.

After some comparison, I found that the copper coin and the edgeless sword were made of the same material!

"This alcoholic lunatic is not simple!"

Lin Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Guanren, you have practiced!"

Xu Meng's voice came from inside the room.

Lin Yu stood up and said, "Here we come!"

In a mansion not far from Lin Mansion.

The alcoholic lunatic was sitting on the dragon chair in the lobby of the mansion.

"Sir! Have the boys nearby discovered your identity?"

"How about us?"

The man, whose whole body was covered in black clothes and whose appearance was unclear, drew his sword.

"No need, he's not a bad person, he can still keep it."

"The group of people from the spirit world are chasing me, so prepare now!"

"Yes! As long as they dare to come, I will let them come without any return!"

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