Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 288 The Betrayer of the Four Worlds

After escaping from the Tenderness City, the drunkard brought Lin Yu to an uninhabited forest.

After observing the surroundings and finding that there was no human habitation, the drunkard breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boy, we were almost finished!"

The drunkard joked.

"Haha! Isn't it okay now!"

Lin Yu smiled and took out a pot of fine wine brought out from Mingxuan Pavilion.

The drunkard's eyes lit up and he grabbed it.

"You kid, you're good!"

"I didn't realize that you're still a local tyrant!"

The drunkard looked at Lin Yu in surprise.

Lin Yu looked helpless and spread his hands.

"You figured it out, it's really helpless!"


The drunkard drank the whole pot of wine in one gulp and looked at Lin Yu.

"Do you want to know why I saved you?"


Lin Yu lay on the grass, looking at the stars in the sky comfortably.

"Because, you are also a successful person!"

"A warrior who successfully cultivated into Yuan Qi!"

The drunkard looked at Lin Yu deeply and said.

"So, you too?"


"The black-clad men around me, they are all."

"Me? I'm just an ordinary cultivator!"

The drunkard shook his head.

"Is this why they want to hunt you down? Are you spreading the news that warriors can cultivate their vitality?"

Lin Yu raised his eyebrows.

In fact, since he found the old ghost in the downtown, Lin Yu had some guesses in his mind.

That is, there must be a mastermind behind the old ghost who deliberately spread such news.

But, maybe the old ghost's talent is not good, and finally the drunkard chose to give up on him.

"Yes, you are very smart!"

"Just as you imagined, our organization is a group of desperate criminals hunted by the four realms."

"They call us - betrayers."

The drunkard's eyes were solemn, and I don't know what he was thinking.

Betrayer, the object abandoned by everyone?

Lin Yu thought about it a little.

"You said this, do you want me to join you?"

Lin Yu asked.

Such a big secret, the other party actually told me, obviously did not regard me as an outsider.


"However, the initiative of this choice is in your hands."

"Let me know in advance, if your identity as a betrayer is known to others, you will be hunted by the four realms."

The drunkard said directly, without hiding his current situation.

Hearing about such a dangerous organization, Xu Meng persuaded Lin Yu on the spot.

"Sir, don't join, they are a group of desperate criminals!"

Xu Meng grabbed Lin Yu and refused to let go.

And she subconsciously pushed Lin Yu away, pulling away from the drunkard.

The drunkard had expected this result long ago, so he was not too surprised, but his face looked very natural.

"Old man, if it were anyone else, they would not agree to join your organization."

"Too dangerous!"


The drunkard smiled and stood up.

"So you don't want to join?"

"I want to know first, what are the benefits of joining you?"

"Benefits? Our organization is still very small now. If you want resources, I'm sorry, there are none."

"However, if you want to know some deeper questions, I think I can help you answer them."

"Of course, if you want to know some secrets, you must join our "Betrayers" organization."

The drunkard clearly marked the price.

"What secrets?"

Lin Yu happened to have quite a few secrets in his mind.

First, the relationship between the light world and the dark world.

Second, the source of the zombie virus. (This is the answer he has been looking for recently.)

Third, the realm comparison between the martial arts system and the cultivation system, that is, what kind of cultivator realm does the strength of the martial arts realm correspond to?

"Everything! As long as I know."

Lin Yu thought about it and told all his questions.

What surprised him was that the other party said that he understood everything.

"Have you agreed to join us?"

"I can tell you everything!"

"The last question, what is the original intention of our organization?"

Original intention...

The drunkard was stunned for a moment, and then blurted it out.

"Break the boundary, escape from the sea of ​​suffering! Let the gate to the gods come to the world again!"

Lin Yu didn't understand what it meant.

The drunkard didn't explain, but just said that Lin Yu would know it naturally in the future.


Looking at the hesitant Lin Yu, Xu Meng was shocked.

She knew that Lin Yu was tempted.


"You will die if you join them!"

Xu Meng was a little anxious, and she glared at the drunkard angrily.

If it weren't for this crazy old man, they would still be alive and well in the Lin Mansion and practice happily?

Now that the Lin Mansion is gone, the gentleman wants to join a team of desperate criminals, and she will never agree.

"I agree to join you!"

"However, I will only act as a thug in your organization. In the future, if there is a need, you can call me, and I can help solve the problem of fighting."

"As for saving all living beings and publishing the secrets of cultivation to the world, I will not do it, and I have no interest in doing it!"

Lin Yu said this, actually with selfish motives.

Bringing the secret back to the Ming world is indeed a great thing with immeasurable merits.

However, if everyone starts practicing, then his pressure in the bright world will increase exponentially.

Anyway, except for himself, these "betrayers" cannot travel back to the bright world at present.

This means that as long as he does not expose himself, this secret will not be passed back to the bright world for the time being.

When he grows up and becomes a giant in the bright world, it will be much better for him to announce the secret at that time!

"Okay! It's your freedom to spread it or not. I just need you to help at certain times."

Next, it's time for the drunkard to decrypt.

Lin Yu also learned a lot of secrets.

First, the bright world and the dark world originally belong to the same universe, that is, in the same space.

It can be understood as one is the water world and the other is underwater.

However, due to the particularity of the dark world, except for those with special abilities who can cross the world and shuttle between the two worlds, ordinary people can only stay in the world they originally belonged to throughout their lives.

Second, the zombie virus is very likely to come from the demon world.

According to the drunkard, only an evil world like the demon world has such a thing that loses human nature.

Third, it is the strength comparison between the two systems.

Take the most basic realm as an example:

Realm comparison:

The late stage of the third realm of Qi Refining = the ninth stage of Warrior, the late stage of the Foundation Building Realm = the ninth stage of Martial Master, the late stage of the Yuan Pei Realm = the ninth stage of the Martial King, the late stage of the Golden Pill Realm = the ninth stage of the Martial God Realm.

The late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm = the ninth stage of the Martial Honor Realm, the late stage of the Out-of-Body Realm - the ninth stage of the Martial Emperor Realm, the late stage of the Transformation Realm = the ninth stage of the Martial Emperor Realm

The Fusion Realm\u003eThe Martial Emperor

Among them, although some realms are equal, in actual combat, the combat effectiveness of cultivators of the same realm is far stronger than that of warriors.

These are all that the drunkard knows.

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly became clear.

It seems that the ghost Si Zhongbai who was in the Soft Love City before was a cultivator in the late stage of the Transformation Realm.

This is why he couldn't break the sky curtain barrier!

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