Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 428 Spiritual weapon! Thunder Staff!

A scream sounded from inside a huge nightmare tree.

At this time, the surrounding nightmares were awakened and shouted warnings to the man.

"Damn guy, you destroyed the Thunder Staff, you stay here forever!"

"Don't ever think about it until the end of your life!"

"I should have killed you immediately!"

A group of nightmares threatened the man with their fangs and claws.

"Haha, if you hadn't cursed me first, I would have attacked you! Let me out quickly, otherwise, when that kid comes, all the nightmares here will die!"

The man was threatening.

"It's what I asked for! Come and kill one by one. Anyway, you can't even think about going out unless you repair the staff!"

A group of nightmares don't like each other.

"Hey! It's quite lively, it's all a nightmare!"

Lin Yu slowly came to the Nightmare Canyon at this time. Looking from a distance, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it was covered with black nightmares. It was like a large mountain formed by a large group of nightmares. It looked very weird.

"This Qilin is also a character. Just by practicing, he can give birth to so many nightmare monsters!"

Lin Yu shook his head and had to sigh at the power of Qilin.

The nightmare was just the evil thoughts that Qilin expelled from his body, but it actually gave him a headache.

It can be seen how strong the Qilin body is.

At least it should be in the Mahayana realm, right?

The Mahayana realm is currently the highest realm in the four realms of cultivation system.

The Void Refining Realm, the Tribulation Overcoming Realm, and the Mahayana Realm are the last three realms.

At this moment, what he needs is to break through the Void Refining Realm and step into the Tribulation Realm!

"Humans, no forward movement is allowed!"

After Lin Yu arrived at the foot of the mountain, a group of nightmares instantly surrounded him and warned him.

"I'm just going to save people, I'll be out right away!"

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Lin Yu changed his words:

"Ahem, I passed by the Nightmare Lake, I passed the test, and I also promised those nightmares that they would repair the Thunder Staff!"

Upon hearing the Thunder Staff, these nightmares soon let down their guard.

"Haha! Brother, if you had said it earlier, we wouldn't have made it difficult for you!"

"Yes! Brother, please, repair the Thunder Staff quickly!"

“I want my energy back!!!”

A group of nightmares directly carried Lin Yu on their bodies as if begging their grandfather to worship their grandmother, and then carried Lin Yu directly towards the direction of the canyon.

This inexplicable enthusiasm made him a little flattered.

"Ahem! I see your bodies are transparent, are you going to be unable to hold on?"

Lin Yu asked curiously.

"..., you have already seen it! Why are you still asking us?"

"Yes! As Qilin's evil thoughts, our survival time is short. With no energy provided, we will disappear soon!"

After understanding the situation, Lin Yu also learned the importance of repairing the Thunder Staff.

Also to save myself!

The Thunder Staff was destroyed and the Qilin Thunder Pond could only be entered but not exited. This was a bad thing!

"Boy! Help me!"

At this moment, the weird man who had not spoken for a long time spoke again, and the sound transmission kept ringing in Lin Yu's mind.

"What's the hurry! I've reached the canyon!"

"I know! I've seen you! Save me quickly, I'm inside that giant tree!"

The weirdo roared angrily.


Lin Yu was stunned.

He also saw the giant tree.

Right under his feet, the huge figure was so conspicuous that everyone could see it.

"Are you in a tree?"

"This tree is called the Nightmare Tree. It is a super prison made of nightmares! They locked me here forcefully. I have been here for nearly a hundred years. I am going crazy!"

Inside the tree, the weirdo kept roaring.

Lin Yu:......

"Do you know him?"

Lin Yu did not rescue without authorization.

After some understanding, he knew that these nightmares were not demons or bad people, and they should not cause trouble to others, but why was this weirdo imprisoned here?

This is a problem!

This weirdo must have done something to arouse the wrath of the nightmare!

"That's a bad guy! He destroyed the Thunder Staff! He caused all our nightmare clan to have no energy supply. Many of my relatives and friends starved to death..."

"He's a bad guy. He didn't give up after destroying the Thunder Staff. He wanted to kill us, so we sealed him away in anger!"

"Don't save him, he's a devil!"

The group of nightmares unanimously agreed to rescue the man trapped in the tree.

The man was very angry when he heard what the nightmare said about him.

Suddenly, the man thought of something.

"Boy, how come you get along so well with these nightmares? Could it be that you have surrendered to the enemy?"

"Damn it! You actually surrendered to the enemy! You are a traitor to us humans!"

the man yelled angrily.

"Haha? Surrendering to the enemy? No, they are not bad creatures, they are all friendly!"

Lin Yu touched the little head of a nightmare, and the little nightmare rubbed its forehead against his palm in cooperation.

"No! These nightmares are synonymous with evil, and they should be eliminated! The level of evil in them even exceeds that of evil spirits, and they are the real evils!"

The man said uncontrollably.

"You're looking for death!"

This group of nightmares became furious instantly, as if some vital secret had been touched upon, and began to "kill people and silence them."

The huge tree began to shrink, and the space where the man was staying was constantly collapsing and shrinking.

The space inside the tree was getting smaller and smaller, and the man was about to be squeezed out, so he began to call for help.

"Boy! Save me! Save me and I can take you out!"

"Let him go first!"

"Otherwise, I won't repair the Thunder Staff!"

Lin Yu frowned.

Nightmare stopped attacking.

"Hmph! Evil thief, you have the nerve to talk about us after destroying the staff. You should have killed this evil thief directly at that time!"

The tree said in a hoarse voice.

"Where is the staff?"

Lin Yu asked.


The broken staff was stuck in the ground beside the tree.

It was a broken staff, with the exquisite patterns on the upper body and the handle on the lower body divided into two.

"Weird man! Do you remember how many years ago you destroyed this staff?"

"It seems to be one hundred and two years! Boy, why are you asking this? Save me out!"

The weirdo was squeezed so hard that he wanted to die.

"Modify! Restore the state of the Thunder Staff to one hundred and three years ago!"

[Ding! Modification successful! ]

After a golden light wrapped around the Thunder Staff.

The next second, the staff returned to normal.

In an instant, the originally dim Thunder Staff became golden and shining. Looking closely, there were countless tiny lightning bolts shining on the Thunder Staff.

"Ding! Ding!"

After being repaired, the Thunder Staff looked very beautiful.

Just when Lin Yu was still watching the staff, suddenly, the Thunder Staff moved!

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