Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 430: Refining the body in the Thunder Pool, half a step into the Void Refining Realm!

This kid actually developed a magical skill? And it has reached perfection?

Mi Heng was instantly shocked.

Inside the Nightmare Tree, Mi Heng's eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, looking shocked.

"Boy! Don't forget me! I'm still inside the nightmare tree!"

Seeing Lin Yu preparing to leave this place, Mi Heng was so frightened that he shouted angrily.

"I have taught you my magical skills, you can't go back on it!"

"Don't worry! I, Lin Yu, am not an ungrateful person!"

Lin Yu smiled.

"Open it! The staff has been repaired by me. I will return the staff to you when I complete the practice!"

He said to the Nightmare Tree.

"Okay! We believe you!"

The Nightmare Tree agreed to the request.

Subsequently, the nightmare tree composed of many nightmares instantly disintegrated and transformed into thousands of little nightmares.

At the same time, Mi Heng, who was trapped in the nightmare tree, also fell to the ground for a while.

"Hoo~! Hoo~!"

"Haha! I'm finally out! I'm free! Haha!"

After Mi Heng was freed, he was ecstatic and celebrated like a madman.

"Now that you are free, you can leave the Qilin Thunder Pond now!"

Lin Yu frowned and reminded.

"Okay! Thank you, boy, goodbye!"

Mi Heng didn't hesitate at all, just a flash and left here directly.

Lin Yu shook his head, "You have to practice quickly!"

"There's only one month left before we have to leave!"

After a three-month recuperation period, he had to set off to participate in the Four Worlds Tournament.

As the number one representative of the ghost world, he is the face of the ghost world.

Escape into the thundercloud, holding the thunder staff to adjust the power of thunder to a range that is acceptable to you.

In this way, a long-lasting practice began.

Outside, after Mi Heng escaped from the Qilin Thunder Pond, he rushed out without stopping.


A meteor-like figure streaked through the void, leaving a violent sensation.

Wang Ge, who was practicing on the fourth floor, was immediately startled.

"What the hell? Is that Chuhe?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, and the speed has become faster again?"

He mistook Mi Heng for Lin Yu, so he made up his mind to continue practicing hard.

"Haha! Master, I'm out!"

The meteor rushed out of the range of the thunder pool in a straight line, and then flew straight to the central city of the central ghost world.

Such exaggerated speed instantly attracted Niu Feizhi's attention.

Niu Feizhi in the hall frowned.

"Is this a fluctuation in the Tribulation Realm? Who is it?"

Niu Feizhi's figure flashed and appeared directly in the void.

A few minutes later, the meteor came to Niu Feizhi's side.

"Huh? You are?"

The moment he saw Mi Heng, Niu Feizhi was stunned, and a very familiar feeling came to his heart.

"Master! It's me! I'm Mi Heng!"

Mi Heng suddenly fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face, and his whole body trembling with excitement.

" Heng...?"

Niu Feizhi was in a trance.

A hundred years ago, he was heartbroken when one of his future heirs completely disappeared.

Originally, he thought that Mi Heng was dead long ago, so he planned to train Lin Yu as the next heir.

Unexpectedly, Mi Heng came back today?

"You! Where have you been?"

After careful inspection, Niu Feizhi was very sure that this was the real Mi Heng and not a liar.

"Master! I went to Qilin Thunder Pond..."

Mi Heng Balabala talked a lot and recounted the whole story.

After saying that, Mi Heng lowered his head in shame.



Niu Feizhi let out a long sigh.

"You! Why do you have to compete with those nightmares? I've already said that when you go out, don't look away from everything that is either good or evil!"

Niu Feizhi taught him a sincere lesson.

This apprentice is just too stubborn to see the existence of demons. He just wants to eradicate the demons whenever he sees them, regardless of the consequences.

It was precisely because of this personality that he was trapped in the Qilin Thunder Pond for hundreds of years.

"Hehe! Aren't you coming back? Haha, master, don't be angry!"

Mi Heng smiled, not feeling ashamed at all.

"Haha, you kid!"

"Oh! By the way! You have been trapped in the Qilin Thunder Pond for a hundred years, why did you come out all of a sudden now?"

"Did someone save you?"

Suddenly, Niu Feizhi thought of something and asked.

"It was a young man named Lin Yu. He repaired the Thunder Staff, and then I was released! It's all thanks to him, otherwise, I would really have been trapped there forever!"

Mi Heng smiled and responded.

Niu Feizhi:......

He was silent. One was his successor and apprentice, and the other was the little guy he had recently adopted. He never expected that fate would be so unpredictable...

Lin Yu unexpectedly rescued Mi Heng by accident. He was so lucky!

"Mi Heng, Lin Yu is your junior brother, he is my new little guy!"

This time, it was Mi Heng's turn to be stunned.

That annoying little guy is actually his junior brother?

This is too much!

Mi Heng clenched his fists.

"So that's the case, it's also a kind of fate, haha!"

Mi Heng felt a little angry in his heart, that boy was hiding with the devil!

Although the other party saved him, the fact that the other party and Nightmare are together cannot be changed. He must teach that boy a lesson!

"Haha! Since you are back, I will give you a seat in the next Four Realms Tournament!"

"Thank you, master, for the favor!"

Inside the Qilin Thunder Pond.

After nearly half a month of training in the thunder pool.

Lin Yu's realm began to loosen.

"Keep strengthening!"

Through the adjustment of the Thunder Staff, the power of Thunder is once again expanded.

After another week, changes began to occur inside him.

Countless bits and pieces slowly emanated from his body.

After a dragon roar erupted in his body, the confinement of the Void Refining Realm was completely broken.

Half step through the tribulation realm!

"Successful! But not completely successful..."

After taking an inward look at his realm, he found that he had only broken through half of it.

But this half is considered a huge breakthrough.

Compared with the peak of the Void Refining Realm, at this time, the vitality in his body has increased by more than five times!

To put it simply, he is at least five times stronger than before the breakthrough!

It can be considered a huge breakthrough.

After breaking through, he handed the Thunder Staff back to the nightmares.

This did not belong to him in the first place, and he could not leave the Qilin Thunder Pond without returning the staff.

"It's time to leave!"

Lin Yu used Qilin Step, and a figure more terrifying than a meteor instantly cut through the void and flew out of the thunder pool.

The sudden strange noise startled Wang Ge again.

"Made? Is this kid getting stronger again?"

"How long has it been?"

Lin Yu's repeated reinforcements almost made him autistic...

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