Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 623: Peak of the Divine Lord Realm, Battle against the Hundred Great Divine Lords! (1)

At this time, Long Aotian also understood.

Why was Lin Yu able to pass the Third Heaven Assessment with ease!

He has the body of a divine dragon, and the growth of his body is very exaggerated!

Long Aotian, who also has the body of a divine dragon, knows this very well.

"Haha! Brat! I didn't expect you to give me a surprise!"

Long Aotian did not directly disturb Lin Yu's promotion. He just closed the door and stood aside, quietly waiting for Lin Yu's promotion.

At this time, Lin Yu's consciousness entered the body.

Inside him, a giant dragon has been captured by him.

The giant dragon was originally struggling, but after being captured by him, it became much more honest.

Finally, Lin Yu slowly activated the dragon's consciousness.



The conscious dragon (Lin Yu's divine body) roared.

Erupted from Lin Yu's body!

At this time, the promotion was successful!

Divine Lord Realm, accomplished!

"Phew~! Finally succeeded!"

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Dragon God?"

When he opened his eyes, the first target he found was the Dragon God, Long Aotian!

Long Aotian smiled and said hello.

"Dragon God, when did you come in, I..."

Lin Yu became a little wary.

The dragon body is his secret!

When he was just promoted, he was exposed many times.

If Long Aotian came in when he was promoted, he probably already knew the secret!

"Haha! Don't get excited! I already know about the divine dragon body in your body. I won't do anything to you, and I won't ask you how you got the divine dragon body!"

When Long Aotian was promoted to Lin Yu, he specifically checked the opponent's bloodline.

He found that although Lin Yu had dragon blood in his body, it was very thin.

It’s not rare, the situation is very special!

The very strong dragon blood was deposited somewhere in Lin Yu's body, but it was only a minority in the blood.

It can be found that Lin Yu is integrating the dragon bloodline, and it is only the preliminary integration now!

"I..., well, that's how I passed the exam!"

Lin Yu shook his head awkwardly.

Anyway, it has already been exposed, so it is better to confess the truth.

"Haha! It's okay! You have a divine dragon body, which is a good thing. It means that your upper limit will be higher in the future!"

"Do you know why I can resist the three heads of the temple alone?"

"It's because of the divine dragon body!"

Long Aotian smiled.

"With this kind of divine body, your combat effectiveness will be improved by several levels among gods of the same realm!"

Next, after explaining the matter, Long Aotian left here.

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that if the other party found out about his physique, they would directly take away his divine dragon body and take it as their own.

With Long Aotian's current state, even if Lin Yu weakened the other party's state, the other party's state would directly drop to a larger state.

He still couldn't be Long Aotian's opponent.

In front of Long Aotian, he was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

"Haha! Now it's revision time!"

Long Aotian didn't expect that the next minute after he left, Lin Yu would improve tremendously again!

The original early stage of the Divine Lord Realm was directly promoted to the peak of the Divine Lord Realm!

"Now I should be able to challenge the top 100 war gods in the Divine Lord Palace!"

God of War, this is the ranking list of Divine Court in various temples.

Those who can stand out among the top 100 in each major temple will be called the God of War.

In the Divine Sovereign Palace, those war gods are naturally in the Divine Sovereign Realm.

Most of them are at the peak of the Divine Lord Realm and have the same strength as Lin Yu.

Lin Yu went to the Shenjun Pavilion, the central hub of the Shenjun Palace!

"Hey! Is it your kid again?"

The man who gave Lin Yu his school uniform last time recognized Lin Yu.

"Yes! It's me!"

"Brother! What do you have to do now? As long as I can help, you can ask me for help!"

The man smiled.

"I want to challenge the Hundred Gods of War in the Palace of Gods. How should I find them?"

Lin Yu's sincere question shocked the man.

The smile on the man's face froze instantly, and he was stunned.


"Hello? Hello?"

"Ahem! You want to challenge the Hundred Wars God, right?"


Lin Yu nodded.

"Ahem! There are two ways to challenge the Hundred Gods of War. One is to find the opponent in private, and then have a decisive battle with the opponent in the arena area of ​​Shenjun Pavilion. There will be supervising elders on site, and the winner can become the new one. The God of War!"

"What about the other one?"

"The other option is to directly choose the God of War you want to challenge in the Shenjun Pavilion. Of course, if you haven't even entered the Hundred Gods of War, then you can only challenge from the 100th place!"

"Every time you challenge and win a ranking, you can challenge the God of War before you and rank them one by one!"

Lin Yu also understood, and then chose to challenge Liu Heng, who was ranked 100 in the Divine Lord Realm.

"Haha! I didn't expect that the brat I beat up that day was actually a God of War?"

Lin Yu was a little surprised.

Half an hour later.

Liu Heng came to Shenjun Pavilion cursing.

When he got to the front desk, he started yelling.

"Damn! Which idiot wants to challenge me?"

"Are you looking for death?"

Liu Heng cursed.

Since he is the last one on the God of War list, people who want to replace him come to challenge him every day.

Originally he didn't plan to fight.

However, he had no choice but to agree according to the regulations of Shenjun Pavilion.

Therefore, every time he fought, he would get angry and curse in his mouth.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, but my temper is just as bad!"

Lin Yu laughed and cursed.

"Who? Dare you say I have a bad temper? I..."

Liu Heng was about to get angry, but after seeing the challenger's face clearly, the anger in his heart was extinguished instantly.

It turned out to be the freshman who beat them up a few days ago!

But he remembers it clearly!

He was punched directly by the freshman and flew out of the Shenjun Pavilion!

"Boy! It's you!"

Since he was the first one to be knocked away, he didn't know that Lin Yu made a big fuss in the Shenjun Pavilion and defeated a hundred-year-old veteran by himself.

Otherwise, he would definitely not have shouted so loudly, and it would be too late to run away!

"Haha! Are you still angry?"

"What? Are you still not convinced?"

"If you ask me, just give up your position to avoid a beating!"

"Boy! I was careless last time and didn't dodge. This time you just wait to die!"

The two of them were at war with each other. When the man on the side saw this, he quickly said:

"According to regulations, the battle must be held in the arena area on the second floor!"

The two snorted coldly, and then entered the arena area on the second floor.

"bring it on!"

"Are you so anxious to find a fight?"

Lin Yu stretched and said calmly.

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