Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 659: Breaking through the sea, entering Yunzhou!

"Boy! Where are you going?"

After he passed the entrance of the passage and entered the fourth heaven.

He was blocked by a mortal immortal.

"Who are you?"

"Haha! Didn't you pass the test?"

"I am the guard responsible for the location of the state here. The nature of the work is the same as that of the group of mortal immortals in front. I am the guard guarding the passage!"

The mortal guard smiled, and then waved his hand, and a vast map appeared in Lin Yu's eyes.

In front of him was a 20-inch super-large map, and the names of the regions on the map were marked.

Feitianzhou, Jianzhou, Longzhou, Mozhou...

After searching for a while, Lin Yu finally found the location of Fangzhou.

It was the smallest plate in the northernmost part of the entire map, and the area was nearly three times smaller than other states.


The mortal guard was stunned.

"Are you sure?"

The mortal immortal asked back.

"Oh? Any explanation?"

The mortal immortal was a little confused.

Why this expression?

Could it be that his choice was wrong?

But he had to go here to rescue Long Yue?

Could it be that he didn't go?

"To tell you the truth! You should have never known the fourth heaven of the fairyland!"

"Look at the map! The whole map is in the shape of a crossroads. The center of the crossroads is the most prosperous center of the entire fourth heaven, and it is also the holy land of the fourth heaven-Jinxianzhou!"

"There, it is the gathering place of all the strongest people in the first layer of the entire fourth heaven and the fairyland!"

"There, even if you are a little god who has not been promoted to the fairyland, in that prosperous area, you will be promoted to the fairyland in the future, or improve your future limit. It is the best place!"

Faced with the huge temptation, Lin Yu was moved!

He heard that Kang Heng said that there are still many realms ahead of the Golden Immortal.

If the starting point is Jinxianzhou, then his starting point is not the end point of others?


Suddenly, Lin Yu thought of something.

If Jinxianzhou is really as magical as he said!

Then, why don't other immortals go?

Faced with the question, the guard smiled.

"Do you think I don't want to? Other immortals don't want to?"

"The Golden Immortal State, if you want to enter it, there are clear regulations!"

"You must at least reach the peak of the Xuanxian Mirror!"

"Only gods like you who have passed the fourth heaven assessment are qualified to directly land in the Golden Immortal State!"

Lin Yu suddenly realized, I didn't expect there is such a saying?

It seems that the fourth heaven is relatively friendly to gods who have passed the assessment.

"It's strange to say, how did you pass the assessment?"

"The giant won't let you go? Can a small god like you defeat a mortal immortal?"

The guard thought to himself.

Lin Yu scratched his head.

This process naturally cannot be said more, otherwise, his modification power will be exposed, let alone the Golden Immortal State, even if he enters Fangzhou, it is estimated that there will be many immortals who come to assassinate him every day to seize his opportunity!

"Have you thought about it? Where are you going?"

"I've thought about it! Fangzhou!"

The mortal immortal staggered and fell to the ground.

It seems that he just said a lot of nice things, but this guy didn't listen to a word!

"Forget it! It's up to you! Anyway, I have reminded you!"

"If I didn't see that you are the first one to pass the test in the past hundred years, I would not bother to pay attention to you!"

The man shook his head, and then swung his hand, and Lin Yu felt that he was sitting on an ancient ship.

The next second, the ship broke through the wind and went straight into the sky.

The speed of the ship was very fast. Sitting on it, feeling the terrifying movement of the clouds, he felt like he was dreaming!

Fortunately, the ship has its own protective shield.

Otherwise, the terrifying air flow fluctuations near the ship alone are enough to make Lin Yu's soul fly away.

In Lin Yu's eyes, the ship is just an entry-level prop that every mortal immortal can have.

However, the immortals with a little strength in all continents understand what it means that this ship will start!

"Has someone passed the test again?"

"Awesome! This ship started up a hundred years ago!"

"Yes! It's been a long time! I didn't expect that after the difficulty of the test increased so much, there are still capable people who can pass it!"

"What do you think, which state will that capable person go to?"

"Of course, it must be Jinxian State!"


The ship that Lin Yu was riding was extremely fast, and it would pass through a state in basically one minute.

But Lin Yu was completely unaware.

However, every time the ship passed by, the powerful people in the local states were shocked!

The Poji Boat actually started up again!

Who passed the test again?

Soon, the Poji Boat passed from the southernmost state to the top of Jinxian State.

Jinxian State, this is the center of the fourth heaven, and it is a treasure land where all the golden immortals gather.

Jinxian is the highest realm of the fourth heaven.

Therefore, after the Poji Boat entered the sky above Jinxian State, it instantly attracted the attention of all the golden immortals.

"Fuck! Pojizhou! My god, someone actually passed this abnormally difficult test?"

"Awesome! Even though he's just a little god, this record is so impressive that even I want to say 666!"

"Haha! We will be able to meet this capable person soon. Let me see who has this ability?"

"But what if this person does not come to Jinxianzhou?"

"No! Are you crazy? A hundred years ago, before the difficulty of the assessment increased, which little god did not come to Jinxianzhou?"

"That's right! Those little gods are just greedy for resources. Who would be so stupid?"

A group of Jinxian began to discuss.

Under their expectant eyes, something that made them all dumbfounded happened!

The Poji Boat continued to travel northward at a very fast speed, and flew directly out of the state area belonging to Jinxianzhou and disappeared!

Golden Immortals: ? ? ?

"Fuck! Did he really fly away?"

"Impossible! Did that kid not know the map distribution of the fourth heaven? So he chose other areas?"

"Haha! That's a pity! That genius missed the best development area, and it is estimated that he will be lost in the crowd later!"


The Golden Immortals expressed pity for Lin Yu's choice.

If Lin Yu made the right choice, the upper limit in the future would definitely be much higher!

The Poji Boat continued to fly and soon arrived at the northernmost part, over Fangzhou.

All the immortals were very excited.

Unexpectedly, the Poji Boat chose to come to their northernmost tiny place!

This was something they never expected!

Even Fangzhou's strongest force, the Lion Rudder, gathered at the place where the Poji Boat was about to land.

Under the attention of everyone, Lin Yu landed in Fangzhou in confusion...

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