Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 713: Promoted to True Immortal!

"Buzz! Buzz!"

A few vibrations!

The realm restrictions in Lin Yu's body were completely loosened!

At this moment, he also successfully promoted to the realm of true immortals!

"Is this the feeling of a true immortal?"

After being promoted to a true immortal, Lin Yu felt the difference from the previous heavenly immortals.

Heavenly immortals, including the fairyland before heavenly immortals, only used immortal power for attack and defense.

However, after entering the realm of true immortals, he unexpectedly discovered that immortal power had already become conscious!

For example, when Lin Yu relaxed his vigilance, if someone attacked him.

Then, the immortal energy emanating from Lin Yu would automatically defend and remind the owner!

Including, even part of the immortal power can be left on other people to achieve the purpose of protection!

Imagine that a powerful true immortal bodyguard who can attack at any time can hide on other people anytime and anywhere.

In this way, the protected person can be safer!

"This should be one of the means used by Monkey Brother, right?"

Lin Yu guessed curiously.

At that time, Monkey Brother also left a monkey hair on him, and it is estimated that the effect is similar to this.

Not only this effect.

Even, he found that.

Even if he did not practice.

The fairy power would automatically attract the fairy energy around, and slowly absorb them and swallow them up, thereby strengthening the main body!

It can be said that even if Lin Yu did not practice, he could continue to become stronger just lying down every day!

It can be seen how perverted this is!

The real fairyland is indeed extraordinary!

"But! I don't have time to become stronger slowly!"

Lin Yu laughed.

Automatic strengthening is indeed good, but the efficiency is too slow!

He still likes the more efficient one-click strengthening!


[Ding! Modification successful! The current host's realm has been upgraded to the peak of the real fairyland! ]

Not bad!

Lin Yu stretched comfortably.

Since the real fairyland has been successfully upgraded, it is necessary to start the following things.

He is not willing to be just a small prince.

What he needs is to become an "Emperor", then enter the Golden Immortal State, and step into the core area of ​​the entire Fourth Heaven!

"Come on!"

Lin Yu took out the human puppet materials and began to make the human puppet.


It was still the familiar hammer that hit, but the human puppet material did not immediately become a human puppet of the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but was still a human puppet of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

This surprised Lin Yu a little.

"It seems that there are still processing steps?"

Lin Yu continued to raise the immortal weapon hammer and hit it.


Sure enough, in a second, the human puppet changed, and the human puppet burst into a dazzling light.

The next second, the human puppet turned into a human puppet of the True Immortal Realm.

It was just the early stage, not the peak realm.

"One more hammer?"


The next second, the human puppet of the peak of the True Immortal Realm appeared in front of Lin Yu!

Lin Yu wiped the cold sweat.

He thought that the realm limit of the human puppet was the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

In this case, the combat effectiveness of his human puppet army is very limited!

You know, after the True Immortal Realm, there are Xuanxian! A Xuanxian can easily resist hundreds of thousands of human puppets and retreat easily. In this way, Lin Yu can't be called "Emperor" at all, let alone Jinxianzhou! However, now it seems that everything is good! "Continue! Continue!" After tasting the sweetness, Lin Yu began to continue to refine human puppets. One human puppet, two human puppets... Under the basement of Longfeng Pavilion, powerful human puppets are born one after another. ... Linzhou has just been established, and this newly born vassal state instantly attracted the attention of the surrounding vassal states. "Brother Luo! Do you think Linzhou will attack us?" At the banquet of the vassal states, a white-haired, young man raised his glass and drank it all. And sitting next to him was an old man. Strangely, the young man actually called the old man brother! "Brother An Nian, do you think that since Lin Yu rose to power so quickly and established a vassal state, he is a guy without ambition?"

Luo Xiao did not say it clearly, but just introduced Lin Yu's situation.

An Nian narrowed his eyes and then smiled.

"Then how do you think we should deal with Lin Yu, Brother Luo Xiao?"

"If we can't be friends, then we can be enemies!"

Luo Xiao did not say more, and continued to drink vigorously.

But the answer is already very obvious!

The next day.

Lin Yu received the news.

A vassal state called Nianzhou near Linzhou sent an apostle to discuss with Lin Yu some matters about communication between vassal states.

Naturally, Lin Yu did not refuse.

"You are the envoy from Nianzhou, right?"

In a very magnificent hall in Hongzhou.

Lin Yu sat on the central dragon chair, looking down at an older man in the distance.

The old man was wearing a long robe, showing etiquette everywhere, and the power of the vassal state could be seen at a glance!

Even the envoy was top-notch!

"Yes! I am from Nianzhou, and I came here at the order of King An to discuss the situation of the vassal states with the king!" The old man said politely. Lin Yu raised his hand, signaling the other party to continue.

"The king has established a new vassal state, but he doesn't know that if he wants the surrounding vassal states to recognize the king's Linzhou, he needs to send Linzhou's outstanding top combat representatives to the major vassal states to compete with the top combatants of each major vassal state. A discussion!”

"If it's a draw or a victory, then the king's Linzhou will be able to establish diplomatic relations with other vassal states!"

Lin Yu frowned unconsciously.

The old man seemed to be here for friendly exchanges.

The words were full of education for Lin Yu, and he was clearly here to give Lin Yu eye drops!

The only thing to say directly is that your Linzhou has not yet been recognized by the surrounding vassal states. Therefore, your Linzhou is not yet a true vassal state.

"This apostle! What you mean is that if we don't follow this process, then we in Linzhou will be isolated by you, right?"

National Master Shaolong walked down the steps, his eyes locked with the apostle's, and he sneered.

"Of course! This is a rule, a rule recognized by the fourth heaven!"

The apostle lowered his head and did not argue with him.

"What a rule!"

Shaolong was furious.

He knows the current situation in Linzhou best!

There are at least a lot of mysterious immortals in the surrounding vassal states, and the strongest ones in Linzhou are only true immortals, which are not of the same magnitude at all.

If there is a confrontation, there is no way to win!

This is clearly other princely states suppressing Linzhou!

This behavior made Shaolong very angry.

"National Master!"

Lin Yu waved his hand.

Only then did Shaolong snort and retreat.

"Your Majesty! What do you think?"

the apostle asked with a smile.

It seemed like he was asking Lin Yu, but in fact he was forcing Lin Yu to make a decision.

Whether you can succeed in Linzhou is just a matter of one sentence!

"Okay! I agree! I like to do things according to the rules!"

Lin Yu laughed.

This scene made many ministers present puzzled...

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