Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 78: The warrior army is defeated, the gamble of the century!

While Lin Yu was still studying the little Loli brand bionic warrior in front of him, the sound of thick footsteps came.

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face and firm eyes walked towards them.

"Are you Lin Yu? Let me introduce myself, I am Fang Hao, the deputy head of Yutang!"

After seeing Lin Yu, Fang Hao showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Sure enough, he is majestic and has an extraordinary temperament!"

After meeting Fang Hao, Lin Yu still looked confident and did not act very panicked. He was very different from other people of the same age, which Fang Hao admired very much.

Having a strong state of mind has many benefits on the path of cultivation!

"Meet the deputy hall master!"

Lin Yu and others bowed and saluted.

"That's it, let's get down to business."

"Lin Yu, what do you think of our Yutang headquarters?"

Fang Hao smiled generously and asked.

"Very good, but there is no doll sister card..., uh, no, these bionic technologies make my eyes light up."

Lin Yu almost spilled the beans.

"Well, I invited you to come to the headquarters. Actually, I have something important to discuss with you."

Fang Hao's tone became serious, and seeing this, Lin Yu also became serious.

"You should also know that our Blue Star has been invaded by thousands of tribes all year round. Every year, many elite warriors from our Dragon Kingdom die at the hands of those hateful tribes."

Lin Yu and the others nodded.

This is in their elementary school textbooks.

"Although the situation is bad, in this confrontation, our Blue Star and the Ten Thousand Clans are evenly matched, but."

Fang Hao paused.

"However, in recent years, the forces of all races have become more powerful. Until this year, our army of warriors from Blue Star has been completely unable to stop their pace!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that we lost the battle in the Pacific!"

"Under strong pressure from all ethnic groups, we finally signed unfair regulations with them."

Fang Hao's expression was solemn and his eyes were full of sadness.

After learning this shocking confidential information, everyone at the scene felt very depressed and uncomfortable.


How much content can be explained by these two simple words, and how much indescribable helplessness does it contain?

"Deputy Hall Master, why are you telling me this?"

Lin Yu is a smart man. Since the other party told him this kind of national secret, he must want to help him.

But, I am just a peak martial artist, how can I help a martial king or even the entire Dragon Kingdom?

"It does have something to do with you!"

Fang Hao continued to preach.

"Because our army of warriors lost, the Ten Thousand Clans asked us to sign various unfair treaties, but we did not agree to one of them."

"That is to give up the identity of the indigenous people of Blue Star and hand over the control of Blue Star to them!"

Lin Yu's eyes widened, giving up control of Blue Star? Wouldn't that be equivalent to giving the Blue Star Hand to all races?

It seems that this matter is far more than just the Blue Star warrior army losing a battle!

"We, the Blue Star Federation, did not agree. After several days of discussion, we unified the plan!"

"Then we have to fight them to the end. Even if we die! We will never give up to Blue Star!"

Fang Hao's eyes were full of murderous intent and he gritted his teeth and said.

"However, there has been a turning point recently. We have received a message from Wanzu, asking us to have a gamble of the century!"

"The content of the big bet is that both sides will send ten warriors under the age of one hundred years old to fight against each other on the pinnacle island in the Pacific!"

"If we fail, Blue Star will be completely controlled by the Ten Thousand Clans; if we succeed, the Ten Thousand Clans will withdraw their troops and will not invade Blue Star for a hundred years."

Lin Yu frowned.

This gamble seems very fair, but within these rules, Wanzu has hidden many tricks.

First, the cultivation talents of Wanzu are generally higher than those of Blue Star warriors, and they can practice very quickly. This leads to the fact that at the same age, Wanzu absolutely dominates warriors.

Second, the strength of the strongest human race is not weaker than that of all races, but if they participate in this gamble, their strength will become empty talk.

"Why did you agree to the bet? Why didn't you fight them to the death?!"

Lin Yu clenched his fists, somewhat confused by the decision above.

For a country as big as Dragon Kingdom, it stands to reason that those in the think tank should not make such a huge strategic mistake and take such a risk!

Fang Hao shook his head helplessly, "It's not that we don't want to, but the strength of the Ten Thousand Races is too strong, and we, Blue Star, are no longer able to resist."

A big gamble, if you win, you can guarantee a hundred years of stability!

If you lose, you can still fight to the death!

This plan is a compromise, and even though it seems crazy, it is impossible to do.

"So, you chose me?"

Lin Yu's eyes flashed and he made a bold guess.


Fang Hao nodded directly and admitted, "Originally, our Dragon Kingdom planned to send the ten most outstanding people in the past century to participate in Blue Star's election, but after seeing you, we decided to use the whole country's efforts to train you!"

Lin Yu suddenly realized that he had said so much just because he wanted to represent the Dragon Kingdom in the war.

"In order to ensure the strength of Blue Star participating warriors and improve the winning rate of the bet. Two years later, the Federation will hold a martial arts conference in the United States, and the ten strongest warriors will be selected as a representative team of warriors to challenge all races..."

Lin Yu understood this decision.

After all, if you want to fight against thousands of races, you must choose the strongest person from Blue Star for a hundred years, so that you can have a chance to win such a huge bet.

"What about time?"

Lin Yu asked.

"After selecting the places to participate in the war two years later, the third year will be the battle against all races."

Fang Hao said passionately.

So, this is three years from now?

Suddenly, the stone hanging in Lin Yu's heart dropped.

Three years is not a long time, but for him, it is enough to make earth-shaking changes.

You know, it only took less than half a year for him to rise from useless to the peak martial arts master he is today.

Calculated at one hundred years old, according to his estimation, even the Ten Thousand Clans would only be at the level of King Wu at most.

Being promoted to Martial King within three years is more than enough!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu relaxed like a deflated rubber ball and continued to study the "combat type" bionic warrior.

Fang Hao:? ? ?

Fang Hao's old face was filled with black question marks.

No, I told you so passionately, but you turned around and fell into these "toys" again?

He began to wonder if there was something wrong with his vision, and he actually handed over the future of the Dragon Kingdom to a sex addict?

Lin Xian'er was a little embarrassed, scratched her head and gave Lin Yu a head start.

"What are you doing~! Ouch!"

The old girl's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he is afraid that one day he will be knocked to death by a head jumper.

"Deputy Hall Master, please rest assured! In three years, I will definitely win the bet!"

Lin Yu returned to his casual look and declared seriously.

"Okay, I believe you!"

"This is a confidentiality agreement. After signing it, you must keep what I just told you a secret, and the same goes for your girlfriends!"

Fang Hao preached seriously.

Lin Yu signed the agreement without any hesitation and promised loudly:

"Don't worry, my girlfriends won't tell!"

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