Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 820: Finishing work in the Corpse District, Moving on to the Demon District (2)

Under Lin Yu's calm and decisive command, Yi Yue led an elite force to lurk in the only way behind the Corpse Alliance Army.

They were like hunters hiding in the dark, quietly waiting for their prey to fall into the trap.

Once the Corpse Alliance attempts to escape, they will be greeted by a thunderbolt from Yi Yue's troops!

This is exactly what Lin Yu expects to see!

Lin Yu knows that these mountain masters will not easily choose to fight to the death.

As the battle progresses, when the situation becomes unfavorable, these mountain masters will inevitably want to retreat. After all, who can really ignore their own safety...

"Kill!" With Lin Yu's passionate command, the entire army of spirit puppets pounced on the Corpse Army like a tiger descending from the mountain, and a thrilling fight broke out in an instant. In an instant, the sky was dark, as if the end of the world had come.

All kinds of gorgeous fairy methods and mysterious and strange magic filled the entire battlefield, flying everywhere.

This fierce battle can be called epic! Countless spirit puppets were annihilated in front of the powerful firepower of the corpse clan, but at the same time, the brave and fearless spirit puppet warriors mercilessly killed the corpse clan army one by one.

The two sides fought hand-to-hand, and the battle was extremely tragic, no less than the legendary battle between immortals and demons!

"My lord! The situation is a little bad! Should we retreat first...!"

As the battle became more intense, many leaders of the corpse clan army gradually realized the seriousness of the situation!

They were shocked to find that their corpse clan warriors were struggling to fight against the spirit puppets that had evolved to the level of Taiyi Jinxian! What was the reason?

It turned out that these brave and fearless corpse clan warriors were only at the peak of Taiyi Xuanxian, or only at the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian, far from the peak of Taiyi Jinxian!

In terms of realm alone, the gap between the two sides was like a difference between heaven and earth!

Secondly, although the number of the Spirit Puppet Army is inferior to that of the huge coalition army composed of 150 medium-sized forces, they showed an astonishing spirit of fearlessness in the battle.

There was no intention of retreating, and they marched forward bravely, ready to die!

However, these corpse warriors were all flesh and blood creatures after all. How could they not be afraid when facing such a desperate enemy?

In summary, the corpse army fell into an extremely passive situation as soon as it encountered the Spirit Puppet Army.

If the situation continues to develop in this way, it will take only a few days, or even just one day, for their corpse alliance army to be wiped out!

"What should we do?"

At this moment, a group of mountain masters watched the situation in front of them become increasingly unfavorable.

Just as the fierce battle was in full swing, they made a prompt decision and held an emergency meeting.

"In my opinion, let's retreat first! After all, as long as we save our lives, we will have a chance to come back in the future! If we are wiped out here, what can we do to avenge our hatred in the future? Not to mention settling accounts with Lin Yu and the Demon Puppet Sect!"

The proposal of this mountain master immediately resonated with many other mountain masters.

Although these corpse clan mountain masters have formed the so-called corpse clan alliance, in fact, they are all scheming and only want to protect their own interests.

Once their own interests are damaged, they will not care about the lives of others, and they are lucky to escape by themselves!

"Okay! In this case, let's retreat quickly!"

The decision was finally unanimous, and many mountain masters turned around and began to flee to the back without hesitation.

And all this was seen by Lin Yu in the distance.

"Yi Yue! They are going to run away! Get ready to fight!"

Looking at the members of the corpse clan alliance who fled in panic, Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, outlining a faint smile.

Haha, I really thought I could run away!

Lin Yu smiled secretly.

Lin Yu's eyes were like torches, as if he had seen through everything.

He knew the enemy's cunning and cowardice, and he expected that they would choose to flee the battlefield. Sure enough, when he slightly blocked the enemy's escape route, the so-called alliance army immediately suffered a heavy blow!

"Bang, bang, bang!" Just when the alliance army was hoping for a chance and tried to escape quietly, thinking that the army of spirit puppets would be difficult to catch up, several sudden loud noises exploded among them.

In an instant, a thrilling epic battle set off waves again.

For a time, screams and wails resounded throughout the camp of the corpse clan alliance army.

Those originally majestic mountain masters were now trembling with fear!

"Protect the emperor! Protect the emperor!" These corpse clan mountain masters were terrified, and they never thought that the retreat they had carefully planned had already been firmly locked by the army of spirit puppets.

Now they are in a desperate situation with no way to escape!

"Humph! Want to run? Get past me first!"

Yi Yue rode a giant horse, wearing heavy armor, holding a spear, and looked heroic as if she was a female war god descending to the earth.

She shuttled through the army of corpses, as agile and nimble as a dragon, and enemies fell wherever she went.

After the rear of the alliance army was delayed by the sneak attack of Yi Yue's army, the army of spirit puppets on the front battlefield also moved towards the rear after solving the enemies in front.

For a while, the corpse alliance army attacked from front and back. Within a day, all the medium-sized corpse forces in this group of corpses that did not participate in the immortal and demon battlefield were annihilated one by one by Lin Yu's army!

So far, Lin Yu has completely completed the annexation of all the restless forces in the corpse area!

After spending several days to simply clean up the battlefield, Lin Yu immediately passed the good news to Austin, who was far away at the front line of the Corpse Clan.

Austin was ecstatic to learn that Lin Yu had completely annexed all the restless forces in the Corpse Clan area!

However, there was another piece of news that made Austin reluctant to leave.

Lin Yu: Lord Austin! I have completed your mission! The Corpse Clan area does not need me at present, and I plan to move to the Demon Clan area. If there is a request, Lin Yu will return to the Corpse Clan area to respond!

Seeing Lin Yu's final farewell message, Austin felt deeply sorry.

If a person like Lin Yu can stay by his side for a long time, he will become one of the top ten corpse kings of the Corpse Clan in the future, which is a nail in the coffin!

You know!

In less than a month since he met Lin Yu, Lin Yu has turned from a sinner to his capable subordinate.

Moreover, the achievements he achieved in a month are also difficult for his father to achieve!

In the Corpse Clan area, those medium-sized forces that did not participate in the Immortal Demon War, their mountain masters are all experienced, if he relies on his own strength, it is really difficult to annex and subdue them all.

But Lin Yu did it!

After bidding farewell to Austin, Lin Yu led the army of spirit puppets to return to the Black Mountain Ridge area in the Demonic Area again!

Black Mountain Ridge!

This is the first force he conquered after entering the fifth heaven!

"Black Mountain Ridge! We are back!"

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