Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 825: The two princes openly oppose each other, and the resistance to advancement is huge


Lin Yu sat in the army of spirit puppets and gave an order. In an instant, tens of thousands of spirit puppets surged out like a tide, followed by a thrilling invasion.

It is majestic and powerful.


The mountain master forces guarding one side were terrified. Facing the overwhelming army of spirit puppets, they had no power to fight back. If they didn't escape, the only thing waiting for them would be destruction!

Anyone in this situation would inevitably choose to escape.

Lin Yu was well versed in the art of war and quickly divided the army into six groups to attack at the same time, advancing together.

All of a sudden, the originally calm situation became turbulent. In just a few days, one-third of the more than two hundred demon forces that had not participated in the battle between immortals and demons had been captured by Lin Yu.

The entire battle progressed extremely smoothly, and Lin Yu secretly rejoiced, thinking that everything that followed would be as smooth and smooth as it was in the realm of the corpse clan.

However, the good times did not last long. On the sixth day, the situation took a turn for the worse

. Lin Yu, who had successfully annexed half of the forces at this time, once again led the army of spirit puppets to launch a fierce attack on the city of the demon forces.

However, no matter how bravely the spirit puppets charged, they were still unable to break through the enemy's solid defense line.

This made Lin Yu wonder: How could a mission that could be easily accomplished suddenly become so difficult and indestructible? Full of confusion and confusion, he decided to carefully sneak into the front line to find out.

After he arrived at the battlefield, he realized as if he was waking up from a dream that the situation had developed to such a serious stage!

At this moment, the demons are entrenched on the city wall and are waiting in formation. As far as you can see, they are all Taiyi Golden Immortal-level beings. What's more, there are even more powerful monsters with special powers, such as formation masters, who are holding on to the city and not giving up an inch of ground.

At this point, Lin Yu finally realized why this offensive suddenly encountered many obstacles-it turned out that the crux was here!

"Where do these reinforcements come from?"

Lin Yu frowned, narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart!

You must know that for the middle-level forces of this kind of demon, the strongest person is nothing more than the so-called Mountain Lord, but his cultivation level is mediocre, and he has only reached the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

However, at the moment, the city walls are densely covered with hundreds of enemies who are also at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level. It is obvious that this kind of combat power is by no means inherent to the average level of the demon, and must have obtained a powerful force somewhere. Due to reinforcements!

"Is it really support from the prince?"

Lin Yu frowned and murmured to himself: "This is impossible! Prince Hel must be hoping to use my hand to rectify the entire Demon District and eradicate those restless forces, thereby adding to his own political achievements. Why would you set up obstacles for me at this juncture?"

Lin Yu thought hard and couldn't figure it out, but judging from the cultivation level of these supporters, it was obvious that they could not come from ordinary small sects. So who is it?

Lin Yu thought to himself, and couldn't help but feel doubts and worries in his heart.

However, he was only half right.

In fact, these so-called supporters do not come from ordinary forces, but from powerful Demon warriors in the core area of ​​the Demon District.

With their outstanding strength, they should have devoted themselves to the frontline battlefield to fight fiercely with the immortals and fight bloody for the demons.

But now, under the leadership of Prince Wright, he turned around and rushed here non-stop, with only one purpose - to prevent Lin Yu from successfully achieving the glorious result of calming down the turbulent forces for Prince Hull!

This sudden change caught Lin Yu off guard, and the conspiracy hidden behind it was even more unfathomable.

Faced with such difficulties and obstacles, can Lin Yu save the day and continue to complete his mission? Everything is still unknown...

"Hahaha! Great! The army of spirit puppets really can't break through our defenses! Haha! Prince Wright is so powerful! Hahaha!"

"That's right! Prince Wright is indeed very powerful. Even the masters from Taiyi Golden Wonderland can send so many to help us. It's just a pity that we have spent a lot of money to find Prince Wright!"

A mountain owner said with a distressed look on his face.

"Stop complaining! Prince Wright is lucky to be able to help us defend the city! We can still make money after the money is gone. Do you want to be like those demon forces that were annexed by Lin Yu, and the city fell and became a wanderer? A lost dog?"

"This... let's forget it! I'd rather have empty pockets!"

After many fierce attacks, but each time being defeated by the opponent's powerful reinforcements, Lin Yu realized that continuing like this was not an option, so he hurriedly led the army to retreat, and chose to camp at a nearby force that had been annexed to rest.

Not only Lin Yu's side, but also the other five soldiers sent by Lin Yu all encountered the same thing as what he has encountered now!

No matter how they attack, they just can't attack!

Moreover, this incident happened too suddenly, as if it was mentioned in advance just to disgust Lin Yu.

So, after learning the news, Lin Yu recalled all the people and held a meeting again for discussion.

"Sir! My subordinates have not completed the task you gave me! We cannot capture their fortress!"

"Me too! Their fortress seems to have suddenly received support, making it very difficult for our spirit puppet army to advance!"

January and February analyzed it one after another, feeling a little depressed.

"Brother Lin, I didn't..."

Qing Xiao was a little disappointed, and lowered his head silently, looking like he was about to cry.

Lin Yu waved his hand.

"It's okay! I have learned the identity of the supporter! This has nothing to do with you! It's none of your business!"

Lin Yu smiled and comforted everyone under his command.

"Who is it?"

"It's also the prince's team, but it's not Prince Hull. It should be the hostile prince who wants to stop Prince Hull from completing the achievement of quelling the rebellion!"

Lin Yu said secretly.

"It's actually the prince too?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and their faces showed astonishment.

They never expected that the prince would actually participate in the quelling of the rebellion this time!

And it was organized by the prince's forces!

After a little thought, Lin Yu immediately contacted Prince Hull and reported this shocking news to him.

The moment he understood the situation, Prince Hull was furious: "Wright! You despicable guy! When I quell the turmoil and ascend the throne, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

In a rage, Prince Hull not only cursed at Wright, but also supplied a large number of various rare spirit puppet forging materials according to Lin Yu's requirements, so that Lin Yu could build more powerful attacking forces.

And Lin Yu did not disappoint Prince Hull's expectations and trust. He devoted all his efforts to the casting of the spirit puppet army.

At the same time, he also planned to join forces with the other six forces to attack a key stronghold together, and establish this joint combat mode as a regular strategy for future attacks!

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