Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 828: Prince Hull is overjoyed after defeating the Demon Alliance

"Kill them!"

Yi Yue rode a huge warhorse, galloping on the battlefield like a god of war. As the leader of the spirit puppet army, she marched forward bravely and was unstoppable.

Behind her, thousands of spirit puppet soldiers followed closely, rushing towards the city ahead without fear.

These spirit puppet armies seemed to have endless power and courage. They fought side by side with Yi Yue, like a surging torrent, quickly capturing one fortress after another.

Every spirit puppet was full of fighting spirit, fighting bravely, and engaging in a fierce battle with the oncoming demon guards.

As time went on, the spirit puppet army continued to pour into the city, and its number was as large as the endless torrent of river water.

Not long after, the spirit puppet army swept the entire city with a crushing force, wiping out all the demon soldiers in the Demon Alliance.

Even the one million elite demon guards sent by Prince Light were not spared and were annihilated in this battle.

At this point, Prince Light had lost all his bargaining chips and means.

When he heard that the guards he had worked hard for many years were annihilated, he was furious and fainted on the ground in excitement.

However, Lin Yu did not stop because of the victory in front of him.

After successfully repelling the reinforcements sent by Prince Light, he immediately issued an order: the entire army was divided into six teams, continued to attack, and launched a fierce attack on other remaining demon turbulent forces.

He was determined to pursue the victory and never let the enemy have a chance to breathe, striving to quell the demon rebellion in one fell swoop and return peace and tranquility to the world.

Hearing that the supporting guards sent by Prince Wright had been completely annihilated by Lin Yu on the front line, the remaining demon forces with ill intentions were terrified and trembling.

After all, that was a full million guards!

They were elite warriors among the demons, and everyone had extraordinary strength at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, and they were on par with the mountain masters of various forces!

But even with such a powerful lineup, they were defeated so easily by Lin Yu?

So, how powerful is the army of spirit puppets under Lin Yu?

So far, Lin Yu has not led his army to attack where they are, but at this moment, every mountain master is full of fear and uneasiness, a feeling of despair that is helpless in the face of fate and can only wait for death to come!

"Report--My Lord! Something bad is happening!"

Suddenly, a terrifying roar broke through the sky and resounded through the clouds, as if to tear the whole world apart.

This sound was like thunder in the sky, exploding loudly, shocking the mind and making people shudder.

It turned out that the scouts in front reported military intelligence: Lin Yu led his majestic and mighty army of spirit puppets and was rushing towards this side with overwhelming force! They were like a surging tide, overwhelming and unstoppable!

Upon hearing this news, the mountain master of the demon force suddenly turned pale and trembled all over.

His eyes were full of fear and despair, as if he saw the end of the world coming.

"Hurry... run! It will be too late if you don't run!" At this moment, he had completely lost his former majesty and calmness, and was scared to death and incoherent.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, how could the mountain master still have the slightest resistance?

He made a prompt decision and issued an order to abandon the city and escape without hesitation.

However, this situation is not an isolated case.

Other mountain masters who also felt the pressure of the spirit puppet army made the same choice at the same time - escape!

These mountain masters who were usually majestic and arrogant became a group of stray dogs at this time, only caring about saving their lives.

They abandoned their territories and people and fled in a panic. It was precisely because of the cowardice and fear of death of these mountain masters that Lin Yu was extremely smooth in the subsequent process of subduing these demon turmoil forces, and encountered almost no substantial obstacles.

From the annihilation of one million demon guards to the annexation of all the restless demon forces, the time span between these two events was as short as less than a day!

Such a whirlwind of annexation speed is simply jaw-dropping!

"Haha! It's really a group of vulnerable rabble!"

After successfully swallowing up all the restless demon forces in the demon clan territory, Lin Yu couldn't help but burst into laughter and sigh.

At first, he was worried that after losing Prince Wright's assistance, these evil demon forces could at least hold back their spirit puppet army for a few days.

However, the opposite happened. These guys were completely scared and had no power to fight back. They didn't even dare to resist. They just fled in a panic.

In this way, their annexation operation was extremely smooth.

After pacifying the turbulent demon forces in the demon area, Lin Yu couldn't wait to pass the good news to Prince Heer who was in the core area of ​​the demons through the sound transmission technique.

After receiving the news, Prince Heer was as excited as a child and jumped up directly from the gentle place, scaring the demon beauty next to him.

"Excellent! Great! Lin Yu, you are worthy of being my highly respected general! Hahaha!"

The turbulence and instability in the demon world have long been a concern for the ten extremely powerful demon kings, and they have always wanted to completely eradicate these problems.

Unfortunately, when the front line and the army of the fairy world were in a fierce battle, the ten demon kings were completely unable to spare the energy to deal with the mountain masters who chose to betray and try to protect themselves during the chaos of the war.

But what is unexpected is that such a seemingly difficult and arduous mission was easily accomplished by Prince Hull alone!

Although the success of this operation is indeed inseparable from Lin Yu's assistance, in the final analysis, Lin Yu at this time was just following Prince Hull's orders, and the entire annexation plan was also planned and directed by Prince Hull himself.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that all these merits should belong to Prince Hull himself!

If his father, the demon king who is feared by the world, learns of this good news, he will definitely seize this opportunity and give full play to the huge influence of this incident, and even find ways to expand this influence, so as to win the hearts of more demons and make them wholeheartedly loyal to Prince Hull.

When the time is right, it will be natural for Prince Hell to succeed his father and ascend the throne of the Ten Great Demon Kings.

As for Prince Light, who fought against him from the beginning and prevented him from completing the rebellion, after this failure, he is doomed to never be able to become one of the Ten Great Demon Kings again!

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