Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 835 Miasma Heaven District 11

"Damn it!" Feeling the violent explosion, Lin Yu couldn't help but curse.

This damn guy really knows how to make choices!

In order to keep the secret, he refused to reveal even a little information about the miasma heaven, which is really annoying. These miasma demons are really united!

Just when Lin Yu felt extremely depressed and thought that this victory was useless.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his mind: "My lord!"

Lin Yu's heart was shocked and he immediately responded: "What's the matter?"

It turned out that a spirit puppet on the front line reported the situation to him through telepathy.

I only heard the spirit puppet say: "My lord, we captured a female miasma demon on the front line. This miasma demon is very afraid of death and expressed her willingness to tell us all the news about the miasma heaven, just to spare her life!"

Hearing this news, Lin Yu was overjoyed!

Originally thought that nothing was gained, but I didn't expect that there was still a survivor left, and he was so cooperative! This is undoubtedly great news!

Lin Yu's mouth corners slightly raised, outlining a faint smile.

He walked hurriedly, as if something important was waiting for him.

Along the way, he was anxious and wanted to fly to the destination immediately.

Finally, he arrived at that place. However, when he saw the scene in front of him with his own eyes, the whole person seemed to be fixed and unable to move.

He widened his eyes, his face full of astonishment and confusion... Oh my God!

This is not the fierce and brutal, hideous miasma demon in the legend!

It's simply a peerless beauty who is stunning!

The female miasma demon in front of him still retains the iconic features of the Rakshasa clan: the long vermilion hair falls on her shoulders like a waterfall, the dark skin exudes a mysterious atmosphere, and the blood-red eyes add a bit of charm and weirdness.

There is no doubt that she is indeed a miasma demon.

However, her appearance is completely different from the ugly appearance of other male miasma demons or Rakshasa!

She has a nearly perfect body proportion, with curves and curves, and can be called a beauty on earth.

Such beauty makes people fall in love with her.

"Are you a miasma?"

Lin Yu squeezed out this sentence from his throat with difficulty, with a hint of disbelief in his voice. The female miasma nodded gently, with deep tension and fear in her eyes.

"Yes! I am a miasma, we are from the tenth district."

Her voice was soft and gentle, like the sound of nature, but it revealed endless sadness and helplessness.

Lin Yu stared at the breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of him, and countless doubts and puzzles emerged in his heart: Why is such a beautiful and moving person called a terrifying miasma by the world?

What kind of changes and hardships did she go through to become like this? And why did she appear here?

A series of intricate mysteries entangled in his heart like clouds and mist, making him deeply immersed in contemplation.

The mysterious tenth district came to mind again - just now, the miasma leader also mentioned the so-called tenth district.

At that time, Lin Yu wanted to ask for the truth, but the other party chose to self-detonate without hesitation, making everything confusing, which really made Lin Yu feel quite tricky.

"Are you the most beautiful one in your tribe?"

Lin Yu couldn't help but ask curiously.

The female miasma was slightly startled, and then chuckled and said: "My lord, you are really a joke!"

Then she added: "In fact, we have a close blood relationship with the Rakshasa clan.

In the Rakshasa clan, the faces of male Rakshasa are usually ferocious and terrifying; however, female Rakshasa are born beautiful and graceful, and it can be said that they are all peerless beauties! In comparison, I am just a more ordinary one among them."

After listening, Lin Yu nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood this passage a little.

It turns out that these miasma demons have the blood of the Rakshasa clan flowing in their bodies, no wonder they have such outstanding looks.

However, regarding the secrets hidden behind the tenth district and the miasma demon clan, I am afraid that further in-depth exploration is needed to uncover the truth...

"How much do you know about the miasma heaven? Tell me everything, and I will let you go!"

Lin Yu asked in a cold tone.

Suddenly, the female miasma demon, who had originally breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the other party was easy to talk to, trembled all over, and was frightened and confessed everything.

"My Lord! This is the situation! The territory of our Miasma Heaven is about ten times that of the Rakshasa clan. Because of this, our Miasma Heaven is divided into eleven areas, which are called "Eleven Districts" by the world!"

"And here, the Miasma Heaven is located in the center. It is the Eleventh District and the core of the entire Heaven! The Miasma Heaven controls the other ten areas!"

"The combat power and overall strength of each area are different. Among them, the first area is the strongest, and the tenth area is relatively weak!"

The female Miasma Demon talked endlessly.

Lin Yu listened attentively and nodded from time to time to show his understanding.

So that's it. The territory of the entire Miasma Heaven presents a unique ring structure.

From the tenth area to the eighth area constitutes the outer circle, which belongs to the outer edge of the Miasma Heaven; and the inner layer is composed of the first and second areas, forming the inner area of ​​the Miasma Heaven, where many Miasma Demon masters gather!

It can be said to be impregnable, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The innermost layer is undoubtedly the Eleventh District. As the core area of ​​the Miasma Heavenly Court, it can be said to be the base and home of the Miasma Heavenly Court!

You know, the most powerful and top-level miasma demons in Miasma Heaven are gathered there!

Thinking of this, Lin Yu couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, and deeply felt the horror of the miasmatic heaven!

It seems that this kind of strength is probably not far behind the real heaven.

However, the reason why Lin Yu had this idea was actually because he had never witnessed the true appearance of Heaven with his own eyes, so he had such an illusion.

"You can go!"

After knowing all the information about Miasma Heaven, Lin Yu kept his promise and let the female Miasma Demon go without killing her on the spot.

This move confused the accompanying spirit puppet leader Yiyue and others. Isn't this the same as letting the tiger return to the mountain? After all, that woman is from District 10. Once she returns, she will definitely reveal their current whereabouts!

"Haha! Don't worry, everyone! With her little courage, she won't dare to talk nonsense after she goes back. She doesn't want to cause trouble for herself!"

Lin Yu smiled confidently.

"Okay! Now I give some tasks for you to complete!"

Lin Yu will once again lead the spirit puppet army to explore the tenth area in January. It is best to get the map of Miasma Heaven.

If that doesn't work, they should at least understand the entire scope of District 10.

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