Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 846: The Tenth District has been cleared, Caesar collapses

As Lin Yu performed his magical and unpredictable method of removing obstacles, the thick and suffocating miasma around the tenth area dissipated in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Prince Zhuzi gave the order without hesitation, and a large number of brave and fearless Rakshasa warriors under his command followed closely like tigers descending the mountain, rushing straight into the mysterious miasma heaven.

This group of Rakshasa people were once full of fear and awe of this land, but now they stepped into this forbidden land without hesitation. Fighting spirit burned in their hearts and they were determined to follow Lin Yu to avenge his shame.

"Wait a moment!" Lin Yu shouted loudly, his voice resounding through the sky. He looked at everyone with sharp eyes, and then said:

"Everyone first disperse to various cities, hide your whereabouts, and do not expose your position. After I have completely eliminated the miasma in the tenth area, we will launch the next round of offensive!"

Prince Zhuzi nodded slightly, indicating that he understood Lin Yu's intention, and then quickly issued instructions to arrange for the Rakshasa warriors to act according to the plan.

Lin Yu knew that this mission was arduous and dangerous. Although he did not stay in the Miasma Heavenly Court during this period, he learned important information through the closely connected consciousness exchanges with many spirit puppets:

Caesar always stood firm in the inner tenth area and stood still, seemingly waiting for an opportunity.

Occasionally, he would send a team of thousands of miasma demons out of the city to gather information on the outskirts.

The spirit puppet army, under the exquisite command of generals such as January, was able to successfully intercept and kill the spies sent by the enemy every time, preventing the enemy's conspiracy from succeeding.

This made Lin Yu quite satisfied, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: It turns out that my people are reliable! Look at the way this person does things resolutely and neatly, it’s so awesome!

At the same time, in a palace in the core area of ​​the tenth district, Caesar was walking around restlessly in the palace, unable to sleep all night.

Ever since the periphery of the 10th District under his control was annexed by Lin Yu in one fell swoop, he had not been able to sleep peacefully for a day. He was always worried and found it difficult to relax.

In order to regain the territory that originally belonged to him, Caesar did not hesitate to lower his body and humbly asked Meng Hao to send troops for help many times.

However, every time, Meng Hao not only sneered at him, but also only sent tens of thousands of miasma demons to form a so-called "heavy army" to support him.

You know, a force of this size is no more than a few squads of miasma demons at best. How can it be considered a heavy force?

Faced with this situation, Caesar was furious!

"It's so abominable! This time we were teased by that bastard Meng Hao again! He is simply an iron beast with no humanity!"

Caesar was furious and roared in the hall.

His roar was like thunder, resounding throughout the palace and even causing waves of echoes.

The miasma demon leaders standing aside were trembling with fear, lowering their heads, not even daring to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sir! Should we report this to the higher ups?"

A miasma leader warned Caesar carefully. The so-called "above" actually refers to the Miasma Heaven—a place located at the top of the world and surrounded by mysterious forces.

The Miasma Heavenly Palace is divided into multiple areas, the core part of which is surrounded by ten major areas.

Here, sits a peerless powerful man whose majesty is unshakable.

Even a prince with such a high status as Caesar is just a small character who obeys orders in front of this powerful man!

However, when his subordinates suggested reporting to his superiors, Caesar refused without hesitation: "No!"

He knew very well that if the superiors were alerted at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

The reason why he was trying to please Meng Hao at this moment was just to avoid angering that powerful man, so as not to bear all the blame on himself.

Only when the big shot successfully defeated Lin Yu and regained the territory that belonged to them in District 10 before he knew that the outer city of District 10 had fallen, could Caesar have the confidence to face questions and accusations.

Otherwise... offering it to your door now is tantamount to asking for death!

"No! You can't report it to the Miasma Heavenly Court! The ten districts of our Miasma Jungle are under their own jurisdiction. If your Excellency learns that our tenth district failed, he will definitely blame me!"

Caesar strongly disagreed.

"Send spies again to find out the news. As long as Lin Yu relaxes a little, our army will immediately launch an attack! Even if we can only recapture one city, it is a small victory for us!"

"I don't believe in evil anymore! Will he hide outside all his life?"

Caesar's conjecture was indeed true.

Lin Yu would never be satisfied with just annexing the periphery of the 10th District. After all, although this territory is small, it occupies half of the entire 10th District, and the miasma demon combat power here is less than 10% of the total strength of the 10th District. one.

What he really longs for is the entire tenth district of Miasma Heaven!

While Caesar continued to dispatch the miasma demon team to the periphery to explore the actions of the spirit puppet army, Lin Yu was secretly using the method of removing obstacles, bit by bit, clearing away the dense layer of miasma covering the core area of ​​the 10th District. .

At first, the leader of the core area, Grand Prince Caesar, did not notice anything strange, but suddenly one day, he exclaimed: "Not good!"

In the early morning of this day, the sun shone through the windows into the magnificent palace, but Caesar was not in the mood to appreciate this beautiful scene.

At this moment, he was pacing back and forth in the hall anxiously, frowning, thinking hard about how to deal with the opponent who gave him a headache-Lin Yu.

Just as Caesar was immersed in his thoughts, he unconsciously raised his head and looked out the window.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, his face full of astonishment.

I saw that the tenth district, which was originally shrouded by thick miasma and fog, became clearly visible at this moment! The sky that used to be dark red all day long is now clear and cloudless, which is completely different from before!

This sudden change made Caesar dumbfounded and at a loss for a while.

"No! Lin Yu can actually get rid of these miasma!"

Although he was extremely reluctant to admit it in his heart, and even couldn't believe that Lin Yu had mastered this long-lost obstacle removal technique, everything that happened before his eyes was so real that he couldn't bear any doubts.

On the other side, the people in the outer area also felt this amazing change.

As the miasma dissipated, the vision became wider, and the enemies that were hiding in the fog could not hide. Lin Yu knew that the opportunity was not to be missed, so he immediately found Prince Zhuzi and called everyone together and said: "Everyone! Now we can start! The miasma in the tenth district has completely dissipated. This is a great opportunity for us to launch a counterattack! Let's seize this opportunity and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

Everyone was eager to fight and their morale was boosted.

They understood that the key to the victory or defeat of this battle was at this moment, and they had to go all out and not give the enemy any breathing space.

Under the leadership of Lin Yu, they acted quickly and marched towards the tenth district...

A thrilling battle was about to begin.

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