Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 851: Started the attack, suffered heavy losses

After Lin Yu successfully occupied the tenth district, he was not in a hurry to continue expanding to attack the ninth district. In his opinion, the strength of the ninth district far exceeds that of the tenth district.

Although their current military strength is strong and the number of the spirit puppet army has doubled, the most critical problem at present is still the Rakshasa clan! Yes, since Lin Yu annexed the tenth district, Prince Zhu Zi's father, the Rakshasa King Heng Longshan, has contacted him again and highly praised his behavior. This made Lin Yu feel extremely excited and proud.

At the same time, after receiving the support of Heng Longshan, millions of Rakshasa troops entered the tenth district.

They did this for only one purpose, that is, to stabilize the tenth district that had been annexed. As Prince Zhu Zi said: "We have gone through untold hardships to recover this difficult land. This time we must not easily return it to the miasma clan! You know, this is our territory! We just took back our own ancestral land!"

The entry of the Rakshasa clan has made the situation in the tenth district more stable.

Lin Yu knew that in order to gain a foothold in this land, many other problems needed to be solved.

However, with the support of Luosha King Henglongshan, he was full of confidence in the future. In the days to come, he will go all out to lead the Luosha clan and his army to move towards a higher goal...

This firm attitude shows the determination of the Luosha clan to defend the tenth district.

One month after occupying the tenth district.

After waiting for all the Luosha clan to enter the tenth district, Lin Yu began to discuss the attack on the ninth district with Prince Zhuzi.

"Lin Yu, are you confident?"

Prince Zhuzi did not agree directly, but looked at Lin Yu with a frown, revealing a trace of doubt and worry in his eyes. After all, in the last battle to attack the tenth district, if Lin Yu had not bravely taken the lead, faced the strong enemy, and restrained the powerful Caesar, they would probably have found it difficult to successfully take the tenth district.

At that time, the Luosha clan was surrounded by the army of miasma...

So, after experiencing the last thrilling battle, Prince Zhuzi became more cautious and stable.

Facing Prince Zhuzi's inquiry, Lin Yu nodded without hesitation, his eyes firm and confident: "Of course!"

His voice was steady and powerful, as if giving people an invisible sense of peace of mind.

Hearing this, a big stone in Prince Zhuzi's heart finally fell to the ground, and the expression on his face was much more relaxed.

After careful consideration, Prince Zhuzi finally agreed to Lin Yu's request to attack.

This news was like a spring breeze, quickly spreading throughout the Rakshasa army.

When the soldiers learned that they were about to attack the ninth district with the brave and fearless Lin Yu, they were all excited and excited.

They danced and celebrated this exciting moment, full of expectations and confidence in the future victory.

Under Lin Yu's heroic leadership, the Rakshasa clan successfully recaptured their ancestral land-the territory of the miasma heaven.

This feat made Lin Yu's prestige in the hearts of the Rakshasa people soaring, even surpassing some Rakshasa kings.

Most of the Rakshasa people are kind-hearted and know how to repay kindness. The nine Rakshasa kings all praised Lin Yu.

However, nothing is absolute, there is always an exception.

The Rakshasa king was deeply dissatisfied with Lin Yu's high reputation in the Rakshasa clan, but due to the strong support of Henglong Mountain, he finally had to give up the idea of ​​"killing the donkey after it has done its job".

Faced with this situation, Lin Yu was unusually calm.

After all, he had been in contact with the Rakshasa clan for a long time and knew their customs quite well.

Individual people with malicious intentions do not need to pay too much attention.

The Rakshasa clan is not dominated by a single Rakshasa king, and everyone has his own ideas and positions.

"Killing the donkey after it has done its job? Haha, when I improve my cultivation, I want to see which 'brother' has the courage to do this!"

Lin Yu had a sneer on his face.

After Prince Zhuzi agreed to the request to attack, Lin Yu immediately took action.

He led a huge army of spirit puppets, acting as a charge squad, bravely paving the way for the Rakshasa clan.

You know, spirit puppets are nothing but dead things without life. It would be too cruel to let the living creatures of the Rakshasa clan take risks and sacrifice.

Moreover, once the ninth district is conquered, the Rakshasa clan will also help collect the precious materials used for forging spirit puppets in the local area.

In this way, as long as this war is won, Lin Yu will definitely win and be a great success. So, he doesn't need to worry about this at all.

Of course, Lin Yu is not a kind-hearted old man, he will never do anything that is not beneficial to himself.

So, the armies of both sides gathered together on the edge of the ninth district. However, they were not in a hurry to enter the ninth district.

"Everything depends on you!" Prince Zhu Zi's eyes were full of expectations.

Lin Yu nodded slightly, indicating that he understood, and then cast his eyes on the scarlet mist covering the entire ninth district.

"Destroy!" With a roar, a powerful bright red energy burst out from Lin Yu's body.

Then, he concentrated on the work of clearing obstacles. Thanks to the unique method of removing obstacles mastered by the Shura clan, Lin Yu can completely clear the miasma and fog in the ninth district in just a few days!

"Okay, it's done!" After several days of intense preparation and the assembly of the army, Lin Yu decisively issued instructions to Prince Zhuzi.

The two leaders nodded understandingly, and then launched a fierce offensive against District 9.

However, when the fierce battle actually broke out, Lin Yu was shocked to realize that something was wrong!

According to the information at hand, the ninth district is only slightly stronger than the tenth district.

Moreover, this time the Rakshasa clan sent a large number of additional troops into the battle.

Therefore, Lin Yu did not regard District 9 as a difficult place to conquer at first.

But after the actual fight, he realized the seriousness of the problem!

The miasma demon army in District 9 was as continuous as a surging river, rushing towards them from all directions.

As we all know, the combat effectiveness of the miasma demon army is far superior to that of ordinary armies.

Whether it is a powerful spirit puppet or a brave and fearless Rakshasa warrior, they are powerless to fight back against the enemy in front of them.

At this moment, the enemy not only has an absolute advantage in numbers, but is also arranged so closely. How can this battle continue?


As 30% of the Rakshasa warriors died heroically, the spirit puppet army also suffered heavy losses. Lin Yu immediately issued a withdrawal order.

Prince Zhuzi watched countless Rakshasa warriors fall in a pool of blood, tears could not stop rolling in his eyes, but he was powerless and could only retreat with the large army.

This battle can be said to be a complete and tragic defeat!

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