Gao Wu: I can modify the production date of everything

Chapter 882 The miasma dissipates, the delayed promise

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

Lin Yu felt that the combat power in his body had surged tenfold again. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, and his heart was filled with endless gratitude.

At this moment, he felt an unprecedented powerful force, which was rushing through his body like a surging torrent.

He was originally only in the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian, but now he has a hundred times increase in combat power, which makes him more confident, and he even feels that he has the ability to compete with the half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal.

And all these gifts come from the inherited rewards of this mysterious senior in front of you!

"Haha! No need to thank me! If you want to thank me, just thank your extremely intelligent and kind-hearted wife! If it weren't for her, you wouldn't be here, let alone get this precious inheritance."

The skeleton smiled slightly, with a hint of relief in his tone.

After hearing this, Lin Yu felt a warm current in his heart.

He knew very well that without Asura's company and support, they would have died in the dangerous environment.

At this moment, his love for Asura became deeper and deeper.

"Okay! Boy! The inheritance has been entrusted to you. I hope you can live up to the trust and fulfill the promise you just made! In the future, I look forward to you leading the Shura clan to prosperity!"

The skeleton said earnestly.

Lin Yu nodded solemnly and replied with firm eyes: "Senior, don't worry! I will do my best to fulfill my mission!"

However, when he raised his head again, he was surprised to find that the originally majestic and solemn skeleton figure had gradually turned into countless twinkling stars.

These stars were like the bright stars in the night sky, shining with a weak but warm light, and then gradually dissipated before his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly realized.

It turns out that this senior Shura has been existing in this corpse form to this day, all because of his deep obsession with the Shura clan.

And his arrival happened to be the key to unlocking this obsession.

At this point, my wish was fulfilled, and this respected senior Shura finally left with satisfaction...

Looking at the senior Shura clan who had turned into stars all over the sky, Lin Yu bowed deeply in the direction where senior Shura died.

This senior Shura can be said to be Lin Yu's nobleman.

At this time, Lin Yu seemed to be completely reborn, with a heart-stopping aura exuding from his whole body.

After gaining a hundredfold increase in combat power, he felt as if he was on top of the world and could look down upon all enemies in the world!

Even if the legendary Da Luo Jinxian comes, he may not be able to compete head-on with him now!

"That's right! Miasmic Mist!"

Lin Yu suddenly remembered the mission of entering the Miasma Palace.

Originally, he needed to deal with the miasma fog that could not be completely eliminated and was constantly recovering.

However, now that his senior has left, how should he deal with it?

Just when Lin Yu fell into deep self-blame, a miracle happened! The originally dark and gloomy sky began to gradually become brighter.

The dazzling sunlight penetrated the layers of clouds and mist, shining into this miasmatic heavenly palace that had not seen the light of day for a long time!

"The miasma...dissipated!"

Lin Yu's eyes widened and he looked at the blue, gem-like sky in disbelief.

At this moment, the image of his senior transforming into starlight and disappearing flashed in his mind, and tears suddenly poured out of his eyes like a flood that broke a bank!

At this time, he finally understood that the miasma that filled the miasma heaven was actually a defensive barrier set up to protect Shura's inheritance!

Now that the inheritance has been entrusted to Lin Yu's hands, the miasma has naturally lost its meaning and quietly dissipated...

Lin Yu stood there quietly, filled with emotions.

He knows very well that the responsibility carried by this inheritance is extremely important.

And he will shoulder this mission, continue to move forward, explore more unknown areas, and let the Shura inheritance shine more brightly in the world!

"Thank you, senior..."

Outside the Miasma Heavenly Palace, ten Rakshasa kings stared intently at every move within the Miasma Heavenly Palace.

When they saw that the miasma fog that filled the Miasma Palace gradually dissipated and the sky returned to its original blue and freedom, all the Rakshasa could not restrain their excitement and cheered.

They shouted Lin Yu's name, their voices rising and falling, resounding through the sky.

For a time, Lin Yu's reputation blew through the hearts of every Rakshasa like a spring breeze and was deeply rooted in their souls.

He has become the spiritual pillar of gratitude and respect for all the Rakshasa clan!

"The Miasma Heavenly Palace has been cleaned up. You go in to clean up the battlefield. I will go first!"

Lin Yu flew out of the Miasma Heavenly Palace, and after explaining to the Rakshasa King Henglong Shan, he couldn't wait to rush towards the entrance of the Miasma Heavenly Palace, aiming directly at the territory of the Rakshasa clan.

At the same time, in the south of the Rakshasa clan, on the old site that once belonged to the Shura clan, Asura was absentmindedly playing with some weeds.

Her eyes were empty and confused, as if the whole world had nothing to do with her.

She stared silently at the wild grasses swaying in the breeze, feeling an indescribable emotion well up in her heart.

Although these weeds are inconspicuous, they have tenacious vitality and can grow and thrive even in harsh environments.

Asura couldn't help but think, why couldn't he be such a "weed"?

Now she is the only child left in the Shura clan, shouldering the heavy responsibility of reviving the family.

However, this road is not easy to walk. Countless powerful people in the Rakshasa clan are full of fear of the Shura clan. Her childhood was extremely miserable and lonely.

Once upon a time, Asura thought he had found someone he could rely on - Lin Yu.

The man verbally promised to help her, but now there is no trace of him.

This kind of disappointment and despair came to her heart like a tide, making her feel helpless like never before.

However, just as she was immersed in pain, a mighty and domineering figure suddenly fell at an astonishing high speed near the old site of the Shura clan.

This figure was as fast as lightning and carried an unparalleled momentum.

Asura looked in surprise and saw a tall, mighty man standing there.

He exuded a powerful and mysterious aura that made people shudder.

"Lin Yu?"

A glimmer of hope surged in Asura's heart, and he asked with some uncertainty.

"Asura! I'm back!"

Lin Yu shouted loudly with a smile on his face.

Asura was very excited and threw himself directly on Lin Yu without caring about his image.

Feeling the softness on his body, Lin Yu closed his eyes happily and quietly enjoyed the warm moment of his family.

Later, Lin Yu told Asura the news that Miasma Heaven had been completely annexed by him.

For a moment, Asura was even more happy.

Because Lin Yu had agreed to her before that as long as he annexed the entire Miasma Heaven, he would come back to complete the wedding with her.

Asura's face turned red with embarrassment.

"Asura! Sorry!"

Lin Yu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Can you postpone the wedding for a little longer? I want to give you a big surprise!"

"Before that, I need to seize the time and improve again!"

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