"Dad, I'll go back to my room to cultivate first, and you'll call me when I eat..."

"Well, go for it!"

Jiang Mingyuan answered casually and didn't say anything more.

Soon, his phone was connected and he immediately said: "Hey, Xiaoke, I remember that you have a qi and blood detector at home, right?" Will you have time to send it to me later and borrow it for me? "

"Later? Yes, you can send it to me when you have time..."

Listening to the sound of his father's call, Jiang Che immediately went back to the room, and then continued to practice the 'Blood Bath Body Technique'...

When Zhang Lan finally came back from work and saw her husband, she was pleasantly surprised, "Husband, when did you come back?" "

Jiang Mingyuan looked at his wife, who he hadn't seen for a long time, and a smile appeared on his face, "I arrived home at about five o'clock in the afternoon." "

"Then why didn't you call me?"

"Hehe, I thought you were still at work, and you were almost off work, so I didn't call you."

Jiang Mingyuan replied with a smile, and then said, "By the way, Xiao Che told me just now..."

Jiang Mingyuan immediately told Zhang Lan about Jiang Che.

After hearing this, Zhang Lan was slightly stunned, her eyes widened in surprise, and she was stunned: "Husband, is it really fake?" Xiao Che, he really said that? "

Jiang Mingyuan said, "There should be no fake." After all, I have already asked Xiao Ke to send me a qi and blood detector, and it will arrive later. "

"At that time, you will know that Xiao Che should not lie about this kind of thing..."

Zhang Lan took a deep breath, tried to calm the waves in her heart, and slowly said, "This is also true." Still, I couldn't believe it. You said, why did Xiao Che, a good kid, deliberately hide his strength? "

Jiang Mingyuan shook his head, "I forgot to ask him just now. However, he is cultivating in the room at this time, so let's not disturb him first. "

"I'll ask him later..."

"Well, that's fine!"

Zhang Lan looked up at Jiang Che's room.

Inside the room.

Jiang Che felt that the increase in qi and blood in his body was almost 'saturated', so he finally stopped cultivating.

Then, he immediately checked his qi and blood values in the system, and a smile could not help but appear on his face.

“7.963...... After more than two hours of cultivation, it rose by almost 0.55! The third-order beast general blood I took before still has the effect of one day. "

"By the end of tomorrow, my qi and blood value should be able to reach 9!" It is only a little short of the human body limit value of 9.99! "

"I'll have to talk to my father later, ask him for money, and then go buy a hundred milliliters of third-order beast blood tomorrow." In this way, three days later, Li Ruoyan will provide me with another hundred milliliters of third-order beast blood. "

"At that time, my scholarship should also come down, and it can be seamlessly connected!"

"I just don't know if there will be any bottlenecks or the like if cultivating this blood hegemony technique wants to break the limits of the human body..."

Jiang Che muttered secretly in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Lan's voice suddenly sounded outside the room: "Xiao Che, come out to eat!" "

"Oh, okay, Mom, I'm coming..."

Jiang Che hurriedly answered, and immediately walked out of the room.

Seeing Jiang Che come out, Zhang Lan suddenly couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Che, you really deliberately hid your strength before, and when you tested qi and blood in the school's monthly assessment, you only used less than one-third of your qi and blood?" "

Hearing his mother's inquiry, Jiang Che immediately replied, "Mom, it's true!" "

Hearing this, Zhang Lan couldn't help but ask, "Why are you deliberately hiding your strength?" "

Jiang Che coughed dryly and said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, I just want to keep a low profile, I don't want to be too swaggering." "

After speaking, he quickly diverged his words: "Okay, Mom, let's eat first!" "

Zhang Lan opened her mouth, and wanted to ask something, Jiang Che had already pushed her to the other side of the table to sit down to eat...

As soon as I sat down, there was a knock on the door outside.

Jiang Mingyuan said busily: "It should be Xiaoke sending the qi and blood detector over, I'll open the door." "

With that, he ran to open the door.

Soon, I saw a young man in his thirties walking in with Jiang Mingyuan.

He also holds a qi and blood detector in his hand.

"Come, Xiaoke, sit first!"

Jiang Mingyuan greeted.

This young man, named Song Ke, was one of the members of Jiang Mingyuan's 'hunter' team.

After Song Ke entered the house, he hurriedly said hello to Zhang Lan: "Hello sister-in-law!" "

"Eh, Xiaoke, I bothered you to make a special trip..."

Zhang Lan responded with a smile and said, "By the way, Xiaoke, have you eaten?" Would you like to sit down and eat together? "

Song Ke said busily: "Thank you sister-in-law." However, I have already eaten it just now. "

After that, he looked at Jiang Mingyuan again and handed over the qi and blood detector in his hand, "Brother Jiang, give..."

Jiang Mingyuan answered and immediately took it.

Then he looked at Jiang Che and said, "Come, Xiao Che, you can test it right away!" "

Hearing this, Jiang Che had to get up and walk over.

"Okay, you inject the power of qi and blood, don't deliberately hide it anymore!"

After Jiang Mingyuan turned on the qi and blood detector, he immediately said.

"Got it, Dad!"

Jiang Che pursed his mouth, immediately reached out and pressed on the detection board of the qi and blood detector, and then mobilized the power of qi and blood in his body to inject it into it...

Seeing this, Song Ke couldn't help but look at it with some curiosity.

'Buzz! ’

As the qi and blood detector trembled slightly, a red light lit up on the indicator light.

Immediately afterwards, a value was suddenly displayed on the screen - 7.96!

When he saw this number, Jiang Mingyuan suddenly became short of breath, and his face was a little excited: "7.96!" 7.96......"

"Xiao Che, your qi and blood value is actually approaching the eight-point mark!"

As he spoke, Jiang Mingyuan suddenly looked up at Jiang Che, pleasantly surprised, and his face even flushed with excitement.

Zhang Lan also looked excited, stared at the qi and blood detector, and opened her mouth wide.

"My God, our family's Xiao Che's qi and blood are almost breaking through eight o'clock! Wouldn't that be... There is a chance to be admitted to the four major martial arts academies!? "

After speaking, Zhang Lan immediately looked at Jiang Che, and couldn't help but excitedly slap him directly on the head, and said with disgust: "You dead child, obviously the qi and blood value is so high, you actually deliberately hide your strength, even we hide it!" "

Although it was a blame, Zhang Lan's tone was full of joy and pride, pride!

I thought that the son with mediocre qualifications and difficult to do great things turned out to be a genius, and the surprise brought by that huge contrast made Zhang Lan's heart surging, completely irrepressible!

In the face of his mother's 'blame', Jiang Che could only laugh for a while.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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