Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 10: Shocked Zhang Lianchang


Lin Mo exhaled a breath and stood up slowly.

"After practicing all night, I feel that my energy and blood have improved a lot! The "Thunder Breathing Method" is really wonderful!"

After feeling his own condition, Lin Mo had a smile on his face.

After washing up, Lin Mo ate fifteen steamed buns and three bowls of meat porridge in one go before getting up with satisfaction and getting ready to go to school.

Lin Ya, who got up earlier, was already carrying her schoolbag and getting ready to go out.

"Xiaoya, wait for me for two minutes and let's go together!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Who wants to go with you!" Lin Ya rolled her eyes at him and said, "I made an appointment with Senior Ye Qing, do you think it's appropriate for you to follow?"

Ye Qing?

Lin Mo was slightly stunned, this was a famous figure in the school.

Although compared with Hu Qing, Ye Qing's health value is only 8.9, but in terms of actual combat ability, Ye Qing completely crushes Hu Qing.

There are rumors that Ye Qing has received invitations from several martial arts universities!

Looking at her silent brother, Lin Ya curled her lips, opened the door and left the house.

Lin Mo didn't care about Lin Ya's attitude. He slowly packed his schoolbag and followed him out.

As soon as he arrived at school, Liu Lei approached Lin Mo with a mysterious face and said, "Let me tell you, something big happened. This morning, I heard my dad say that someone died in the martial arts field!

The Sheriff's Department is now investigating the murderer! "

"Have you found any results from the investigation?" Lin Mo's heart moved and he looked at Liu Lei.

Liu Lei's father works in the Public Security Department and may have first-hand information.

"There are no clues. There are no cameras at or around the crime scene." Liu Lei paused, covered his mouth, leaned close to Lin Mo's ear, and whispered: "I heard that the murderer's method of committing the crime was extremely cruel, and his head was beaten into pieces. Rotten watermelon...My dad speculated that the murderer might have a special hobby...a bit perverted..."

Lin Mo: "..."

"What's wrong with you? You're scared, aren't you!" Seeing Lin Mo remain silent, Liu Lei thought he was scared: "We will all become warriors in the future. You can't stand such a bloody scene. With your psychological quality It’s too bad!”

Lin Mo glanced at him and suddenly wanted to see what Liu Lei's expression would be if he knew the murderer was standing in front of him.

"Lin Mo, the head teacher wants you to go to the office!"

A figure flashed in outside the door, it was Li Wei whose ribs were broken by Lin Mo's kick.

He looked at Lin Mo with a look full of gloating.

After being injured by Lin Mo, his family spent a lot of money to buy a Bone Renewal Pill, which allowed him to recover from his injury in the shortest time.

This morning, Li Wei was sent to school by his father Li Daming in order to seek justice for him.

"Are you very proud?" Lin Mo glanced at him lightly.

I don't know why, but looking at Lin Mo's eyes, Li Wei suddenly felt a kind of fear in his heart. He trembled all over, opened his mouth, and finally returned to his position without saying a word.

Arriving at the office, Lin Mo knocked on the door and entered, seeing the middle-aged man sitting in front of Zhang Lianchang.

The middle-aged man looked somewhat similar to Li Wei. When he saw Lin Mo coming in, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Are you Lin Mo?!" Li Daming stood up and asked sharply.

Without waiting for Lin Mo to answer, he strode up to Lin Mo, raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo in the face.

"Mr. Li, stop!" Zhang Lianchang's expression changed. He did not expect that Li Daming would suddenly take action.

He wanted to stop him, but the distance between them was too far and it was too late.

According to Zhang Lianchang's estimation, although Li Daming is not a warrior and his health value is only about 3, he has an absolute advantage against Lin Mo!

What's more, Li Daming also practiced martial arts!


With a muffled sound, Zhang Lianchang's heart suddenly sank, and he subconsciously rushed towards Lin Mo.

But just halfway through the rush, he saw Li Daming taking a few steps back and looking at Lin Mo with shock on his face.

Lin Mo, on the other hand, maintained his stance of punching, with coldness in his eyes.

"This..." Zhang Lianchang was shocked. He saw Li Daming's trembling hands.

So... Lin Mo had the upper hand just now? !

How can it be! !

Also shocked was Li Daming. Before coming, he had roughly estimated Lin Mo's strength through Li Wei.

In his opinion, a person with a health value of around 2 cannot be his opponent at all.

But in the collision just now, he was injured!

"Mr. Li, please calm down!" Zhang Lianchang came to his senses and stood between the two of them: "Li Wei was injured in the practical class.

You have also taken practical classes, and you should understand that it is normal for this kind of thing to happen!

Even if there is a mistake, it is because I did not supervise it properly as a teacher. I can apologize to you, but if you dare to take action against my students, don't blame me for being rude! "

As Zhang Lianchang spoke, a powerful aura erupted from his body.

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he looked at Zhang Lianchang.

According to the school's information, Zhang Lianchang's strength should be that of a second-grade warrior, with a vitality value of around 110.

Feeling the power of Qi and blood emanating from his body, Lin Mo felt yearning in his heart.

Li Daming, who was facing this aura, took two steps back with a pale face, stared at Zhang Lianchang and said: "It seems that Teacher Zhang wants to protect this kid to the end?

Hope you don't regret it! "

After that, he turned around and left here.

Looking at Li Dawei's leaving figure, Zhang Lianchang frowned slightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for helping me!" Lin Mo bowed to him with a smile.

Zhang Lianchang came back to his senses, waved his hand at Lin Mo, and said: "You are my student. Don't say that you did nothing wrong. Even if you did something wrong, I can't let him hurt you in front of me...

However, even if I don't do anything, he shouldn't be able to hurt you..."

After a pause, Zhang Lianchang looked up and down at Lin Mo, and said with a puzzled look: "What was your blood value when you last measured it?"

"2.8" Lin Mo told the truth, but after another night, Lin Mo didn't know what his blood value was now.

"2.8!!" Zhang Lianchang's eyes widened, his face full of shock: "It's only been a day, and you've increased your blood by 1.1!"

"Genius! A genius who has just begun to awaken!"

Zhang Lianchang excitedly turned around in the office, looking up at Lin Mo from time to time, as if he saw his future son-in-law.

"Lin Mo, take this Qi and Blood Pill first!"

He turned around and took out a box from the drawer of his desk, which contained a Qi and Blood Pill.

"I will try to apply for another Qi and Blood Pill from the school. If I can't get it, I will apply for a bonus for you!

In short, don't worry about anything for the rest of the time, practice hard and improve your Qi and Blood value!

In addition, there will be an intermediate practical class later, you can attend it! Your current Qi and Blood value can already start practicing martial arts!"

"Understood, thank you teacher!" Lin Mo smiled and said.

"No, this is what I should do!" Zhang Lianchang waved his hand: "If you have any other requests, as long as they are not too excessive, the teacher can try to satisfy you!"

"During this last period of time, I want to be free and practice at home..."

"No problem!" Zhang Lianchang nodded in agreement: "However, you still have to attend the practical class every week, which is good for you!"

Lin Mo nodded, took the Qi and Blood Pill and left the office.

Looking at Lin Mo's back as he left, Zhang Lianchang picked up the phone on the table and dialed it out.

"Principal, this is Lian Chang..."

After the call was connected, he told the story between Li Daming and Lin Mo.

"I would like to ask the school to warn Li Daming and tell him not to mess around..."

"Thank you, Principal!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Lianchang let out a long sigh.

Li Daming has connections with some gray personnel in Jinling, and he is worried that Li Daming will retaliate against Lin Mo.

With the school's intervention, Li Daming should be restrained.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Mo packed up and came to the practical classroom.

As soon as he entered the door, dozens of eyes looked over.

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