Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 12 You can’t take him away!

The sudden change shocked everyone. The students looked at Lin Mo curiously, while Zhang Lianchang and principal Chen Xingzhi frowned.

As for Lin Mo's test results on the computer, no one noticed.

"Captain Wu, what's going on?" Chen Xingzhi looked at Wu Di, the captain of the Public Security Department.

"We have evidence in our hands that Lin Mo is the murderer of the staff at the martial arts venue. Now we need to bring him back to assist in the investigation!"

Faced with Chen Xingzhi's inquiry, Wu Di explained.

"Impossible!" Zhang Lianchang said quickly: "Lin Mo is still a student, how could he kill someone?"

"Teacher, we arrest people based on evidence!" Wu Di took out his cell phone and clicked on the video provided by Li Daming.

Even though the picture was blurry, everyone could still see that the person who killed Feng Fei was Lin Mo.

"Really killed someone!"

"It's so scary. If you hit it with a stick, your brains will come out..."

"This person in the martial arts field must have already practiced martial arts. Lin Mo was able to kill him. It's incredible!"

The students present couldn't help but started talking, and some of them looked at Lin Mo with a little fear.

Liu Qi took a deep look at Lin Mo. His blood level was higher than Lin Mo's, but when faced with Lin Mo's situation, he asked himself that he couldn't be as calm as Lin Mo!

"Lin Mo... did you really kill this person?" Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo with difficulty: "Do you have any difficulties?"

"I killed the person!" Facing the video, Lin Mo nodded decisively: "He wanted to kill me and steal my things..."

"We'll tell you what's going on when we get to the Public Security Department!" Wu Di raised his hand and interrupted Lin Mo: "Take it away!"

Several security guards immediately escorted Lin Mo outside.

Zhang Lianchang instinctively wanted to follow, but Chen Xingzhi stopped him with his eyes.

"Killing the staff of the martial arts field... This crime is too big!" Chen Xingzhi shook his head. Judging from Lin Mo's current talent, it is not worth the school's intervention to save him!

Zhang Lianchang looked ugly, but finally nodded.


At this moment, Yu Qiang, who was standing by, glanced at the numbers on the computer screen and couldn't help shouting: "Didn't Teacher Zhang say that his blood value is 2.8?"

Hearing Yu Qiang's words, Zhang Lianchang trembled all over and turned his head to look at the computer screen.


The red numbers were displayed quietly on the screen, and Zhang Lianchang couldn't help but rub his eyes.

That’s right, it’s indeed 4.1!

"When he was in the junior practical class, his Qi and blood were 1.5. The last measurement was 2.8, and now it's 4.1!" Zhang Lianchang muttered to himself: "How many days have passed?!

Three days! ! "

"The principal can't let them take Lin Mo away!" Zhang Lianchang raised his head and looked at Chen Xingzhi: "Lin Mo is a genius! Nothing can happen to him!!"

Chen Xingzhi was shocked by Zhang Lianchang's expression. He frowned and said, "Teacher Zhang, I know you think highly of Lin Mo, but there is no shortage of geniuses in the school. There are hundreds of people with 4.1 HP and above..."

"But a week ago, his Qi and blood was only 0.8!!! On Saturday, his Qi and blood was 1.5! Now, his Qi and blood has become 4.1!!" Zhang Lianchang shouted as if he was crazy: "The whole school, How many people have such talent?

How many people in Jinling have such talents? ! "

"What did you say?!" Chen Xingzhi couldn't help but widened his eyes and stared at Zhang Lianchang: "Increased 2.6 points of energy and blood in three days?!"

"There is also his fighting talent. He has no martial arts training, but he can kill Feng Fei and face Li Daming's attack without losing!" Zhang Lianchang said with a solemn face: "Keep him! I believe Lin Mo must have the ability to kill people." Difficulties!”

"I understand!" Chen Xingzhi's face became serious: "Follow me!"

The two of them rushed directly to the door and chased after Wu Di.


"In three days, my blood value increased by 2.6, is it true?!"

"Could it be that you took medicine? How many Qi and Blood Pills did you take?!"

"Even if you take Qi and Blood Pills, you must have the ability to absorb them. If you take too much of the same Qi and Blood Pills, the absorption value will decrease!"

As soon as Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang left, the entire practical classroom became noisy, with a group of students talking in shock.

"You only paid attention to Qi and blood, didn't you pay any attention to his fighting ability?" Yu Qiang said solemnly: "When he killed Feng Fei, he should have just finished measuring Qi and blood, and it should be 2.8 at that time.

I checked Feng Fei's information. His blood is 2.5, and his proficiency in martial arts has reached advanced levels!

Facing Lin Mo, who has never practiced martial arts, Feng Fei should be able to crush him...

But what's the end result? "

Those who can enter the intermediate practical class are all top students in the school. After hearing Yu Qiang's words, their faces immediately changed.

"So strong!"

Some people couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It is indeed very strong... but my energy and blood are higher than his, and I have practiced martial arts longer than him. Now I can definitely crush him!" Liu Qi thought in his heart.

The level of combat power depends on the proficiency of martial arts.

The proficiency of martial arts depends on talent, but also depends on the time spent practicing martial arts.

Liu Qi has been practicing Diamond Finger longer than Lin Mo, and his proficiency is now only one step away from the intermediate level.

He had absolute confidence to crush Lin Mo.

In fact, most of the students present had similar thoughts as Liu Qi when they were sighing.

Just when the students were shocked by Lin Mo's strength, Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang had already caught up with Wu Di at the fastest speed.

"Captain Wu, wait a minute!" Chen Xingzhi stepped forward and stopped Wu Di: "You can't take him away!"

Wu Di looked at Chen Xingzhi and said with a smile: "Principal Chen, you are making things difficult for me! You have also seen the video, I must take Lin Mo away!

He killed someone from the martial arts field..."

The martial arts field belongs to the Wumeng, even if it is an ordinary staff member, it cannot be killed casually!

"What about the people in the martial arts field? I want to know why Lin Mo killed him for no reason!" Zhang Lianchang stood aside and couldn't help but speak.

"Captain Wu, I won't let you take my student away before the matter is clear!" Chen Xingzhi said lightly.

Wu Di's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Is Principal Chen going to embarrass Wu?"

After the words fell, the security guards following Wu Di reached for the pistols on their waists.

Chen Xingzhi glanced at their actions and smiled faintly: "The people Chen wants to keep, you can't stop them with the pistols in your hands!

However, Chen is not an unreasonable person...Lin Mo, tell me what happened at that time!"

Lin Mo nodded and told the whole story.

"There is a video in the trading area. The process of Feng Fei and my transaction should be recorded. You can check it!" Lin Mo looked at Wu Di: "In addition..."

Lin Mo paused, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, clicked a few times, and called up a recording.

"What do you want to do?"

This is Lin Mo's voice.

"What?" "Boy, I gave you a chance when I was at the exchange, but you didn't cherish it! Why are you so greedy at such a young age! It would have been great if you sold it to me at 55,000 yuan a plant! You forced me to kill you, now you won't get a penny! "

This is Feng Fei's voice.

When Lin Mo realized that Feng Fei was following him, he turned on the recording function of his mobile phone before entering the alley.

With the recording in hand, Lin Mo's killing can only be regarded as self-defense at most!

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