Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 132 Wherever you are, that is the Ye family!

The faces of everyone in the Ye family changed wildly. They did not expect that a pill recipe could cause everyone to be so crazy!

Mr. Ye opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out.

What else can they say at this time? No matter what you say, it will be a slap in your face, and it will be difficult to see the ultimate!

At this time, it is better to just shut up and pretend not to care.

"Why didn't Mr. Ye make a bid? Is it because he is not interested in the elixirs? Or is it that the Ye family is planning to withdraw from the competition for these elixirs from now on and concentrate on being the Yue family's lackey?" Lin Mo said with a faint smile, but still With a worried tone: "The Ye family has been studying elixirs for many years and has accumulated a lot of experience. If we stop here, many people will be disappointed!

And, this is such a pity! With such a big family business, if you say you don’t want to do it, you won’t do it! "

When everyone in the Ye family heard this, some of their faces changed wildly and looked at Mr. Ye.

They were not very smart and thought that what Lin Mo said was true. They really thought that the Ye family did not intend to continue the elixir business!

Some people looked at Lin Mo with shocked looks in their eyes.

Because Lin Mo's move was too vicious, there are too many people here today. If these words are spread by someone who is interested, the name of the Ye family that does not want to continue to be in the elixir business will spread all over the world!

By then, even if the Ye family tried their best to explain, it would be useless, and it would be impossible to change everyone's views!

"My Ye family has never said that we would give up the elixir business, but you, Lin Mo, are using vicious means to force my Ye family to give up the elixir business.

But our Ye family will not give in. We, the Ye family, cannot compete in the market for primary Qi-blood pills and have given up. However, in the market for intermediate-level Qi-blood pills, our Ye family will continue to desperately occupy a larger market..."

"Hahaha, is Mr. Ye stupid? At the same cost, you can only produce three primary Qi and Blood Pills, but my improved pill recipe can produce eight!

By then the price of one hundred primary Qi and Blood Pills will be around five million!

But how much will the price of your intermediate Qi and Blood Pill be? Twenty million!

Do you think they will choose the primary Qi and Blood Pill or the intermediate Qi and Blood Pill? "

Lin Mo spoke calmly, revealing a terrifying fact.

That's the same increase in Qi and blood, but the price of the primary Qi and blood pill will be one-quarter of the intermediate Qi and blood pill!

By then, the number of people buying intermediate Qi and Blood Pills will be greatly reduced, and the market for intermediate Qi and Blood Pills will be directly destroyed!

Mr. Ye's expression was cold, and he suddenly shook his large sleeves, turned around and walked outside: "Let's go first, Lin Mo, bully my Ye family, in the future, whoever is a disciple of my Ye family who can become a strong person will look for you. revenge!

let's go! "

After saying that, he turned around and left his back to everyone.

Lin Mo stood there, watching all this with a chuckle. At least for now, the goal has been achieved!

“Please give us some time to figure out how to deal with the Danfang issue in the end, and we will reply to you in a very short time!

If you are really interested, please have a good understanding of the background and prospects, and then make a comprehensive consideration..."

A sound sounded. It was the special sound of the Military University. It would only be fired when something special happened.

Everyone got the answers they wanted and left with satisfaction.

They gained a lot this time. They got a prescription in vain. Although it was not as good as the prescription Lin Mo gave to the old principal, it was much stronger than the previous prescription!

They still have a lot of materials at home, so they have to go back and seize the time to refine them, and sell as much as possible in the shortest time!

As long as you sell enough, you will make a lot of money!

A group of people's eyes were bright, imagining the prosperous business in the future. The smiles on their faces became more and more satisfied. They bowed their hands towards the school and left quickly.

"What's the matter with you kid? Where did these prescriptions come from?!"

The old principal took Lin Mo and Ye Qing back to the office. He gave Ye Qing a hint, and the latter immediately turned around and left.

After Ye Qing left, the old principal remembered to point at Lin Mo and curse.

"Master, isn't it a little inappropriate for you? I gave you such a big gift, and you don't even give me any gift in return, but you still blame me!"

"Shut up, you know that's not what I said!

What's going on with these prescriptions! ? "

"Teacher, didn't you say you wouldn't ask about my privacy issues?" Lin Mo said sheepishly.

"The teacher is not asking about your privacy, but he is worried that if you don't have a strong background, these things will be snatched away by others sooner or later!

I just hope that the teacher can protect you for a few more years! "


Just this sentence made Lin Mo's eyes turn red.

The old principal was really kind to him, and it could be said that he was helping him sincerely.

"Thank you, teacher!" Lin Mo said seriously: "I will prepare now and set off tomorrow morning into the abyss!"

After coming out of the office, Lin Mo's face became extremely heavy.

What the old principal just said contains too much information, the most important of which is that the old principal is likely to die soon!

Having lived to such an old age, he had been fighting for many years in his early years, and had already suffered from all kinds of illnesses.

"Is there some kind of medicinal material in the abyss that can directly heal these old wounds and hidden wounds? Then the old principal may have the possibility to go further!"

Lin Mo spoke, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Back in the dormitory, Ye Qing was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

After hearing the sound of Lin Mo coming in, she turned back to look at Lin Mo: "Thank you!"

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for standing firmly by my side when I was kicked out of the Ye family!" Ye Qing's eyes were red.

There is no doubt that what happened today was a huge blow to her!

She was kicked out of the house by her family, deceived by her beloved grandfather, and all kinds of managers made her collapse to the extreme!

"Wherever you are, that's the Ye family!" Lin Mo said softly and put a hand on her shoulder.

The warm palms conveyed warmth, extending from his shoulders to Ye Qing's heart.

With just one sentence, Ye Qing's eyes lit up instantly.

"Wherever I am, that's the Ye family!" Ye Qing murmured, repeating Lin Mo's words.

"Thank you, Lin Mo, I understand!"

Ye Qing held Lin Mo's hand with one hand, and the two of them held each other's palms tightly, feeling each other's warmth, with warm smiles on their faces.

The room was quiet, just the two of them.

At this moment, the two people's palms were touching each other and their eyes were looking at each other. A special atmosphere grew and spread between the two people.

"Ahem, I'm going to practice first!"

Finally, Lin Mo suddenly coughed slightly, let go of Ye Qing's palm, turned back to the mat beside the bed, sat cross-legged there, and began to practice.

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo's posture, and a look of helplessness suddenly appeared on her face.

The two of them were just a little bit close to having a fight, but in the end, Lin Mo actually backed down!

"Coward, I'm not afraid of any girl. What are you afraid of? Why are you being reserved? Do you want me, a girl, to take the initiative?" Ye Qing said in her heart.

But after saying such a sentence in his heart, Ye Qing's face suddenly turned red.

She covered her cheek and secretly spat at herself: "Ye Qing, Ye Qing, when did you become so shy?!"

"By the way, we have a day off tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is the day to set off. What you should do now is seize the time to rest!" Lin Mo, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and warned.

Ye Qing nodded and lay on the bed with her clothes on.

Turning around and looking at Lin Mo who was practicing, Ye Qing couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

After thinking for a moment, she gritted her teeth and unbuttoned two buttons on her white shirt.

"I... really don't feel embarrassed! It's so embarrassing!" With this thought in mind, Ye Qing secretly blamed herself countless times and finally fell asleep.

Sure enough, as she imagined, when she fell asleep on her side, she showed a beautiful scenery.

However, at this moment, Lin Mo did not have time to look at these scenery, but relied on the Qi and Blood Pill to enter the dreamland.

Entering the dreamland this time, Lin Mo suddenly discovered that the scenery in front of him had changed again.

There is no doubt that this place should be a big city in the East, and many of their characteristics are the same as those of the Chinese...

"It's so scary that there is such a city. I don't know if it was made by special means. It's a pity that such a city was built back then but didn't develop!"

Lin Mo learned some bits and pieces from the current situation and made his own calculations about the entire game world.

According to his calculations, the game world is likely to be a projection of his real world in the future. The city in front of him is extremely advanced, but many reserved positions for combat positions do not appear in the city!

Such a scene just represents that the city was not planned perfectly in the end.

Lin Mo did not continue fighting in the dungeon he had conquered before, but entered another dungeon.


As soon as he entered the dungeon's room, Lin Mo heard a burst of wind.

Lin Mo moved away from the spot almost instinctively. At this moment, he saw a scene he would never forget.

A wide tentacle hung down from the sky. It was blood-brown in color and covered with suckers of different sizes. It looked extremely terrifying.

"Where did this thing come from? It looks so scary. If someone is sucked in..."

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, he saw small monsters and elite monsters suddenly appearing in the room.

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the elite monster.

"Hahaha, I don't know what good things the elite monsters will reveal to me this time. I hope they can give me something useful for this trip to the abyss!"

Before officially entering the abyss, Lin Mo had already started making wishes!

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