Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 21: Principal, great news!

In the practical classroom, there was silence at first, and then a burst of exclamations broke out.

A group of students looked at Lin Mo with shock in their eyes. Zhang Lianchang on the side was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses and quickly stepped forward to help Ye Fan up.

"Are you okay?" Zhang Lianchang looked at Ye Fan's hand and couldn't help being surprised.

At this moment, Ye Fan's right hand was dripping with blood.

"I'm keeping my hand." Lin Mo said with a smile: "It shouldn't be abolished!"

After the words fell, Ye Fan's face became even more ugly.

"Yu Qiang, you and Wang Hong send Ye Fan to the infirmary together!" Zhang Lianchang handed the person to Yu Qiang, and then looked at Lin Mo, his face still full of disbelief.

"Have you really reached advanced proficiency?"

"Really!" Lin Mo smiled bitterly: "Didn't you just see it?"

"This... how is this possible?" Zhang Lianchang seemed to have something collapsed in his heart: "In one week, raising the Diamond Finger to an advanced level of proficiency... is unheard of, at least there is no such person in Jinling!

Are you a monster? ! "

"Teacher, I just use the time when others are sleeping to practice!" Lin Mo thought for a while, then stared at Zhang Lianchang and said seriously.

Hearing these words, Zhang Lianchang's face was suddenly moved.

To him, Lin Mo's words meant that he was practicing day and night.

What Lin Mo wanted to express was that he had improved his proficiency to a high level just by sleeping...

"Did you all hear it!?" Zhang Lianchang calmed down and looked at the many students: "Lin Mo's blood was less than 1 a month ago, but with his own efforts, he has raised his strength to a level that you can look up to!

I have always told you that in martial arts, seize every day!

Which of you has done it?

Look at Lin Mo, then look at you!

I think all of you need to reflect on this! "

Lin Mo's face was slightly red, and he was really embarrassed to tell everyone that he was actually a loser...

"It's a pity that your health value is too low, otherwise with your current martial arts proficiency, you can take advanced practical classes!"

Zhang Lianchang looked at Lin Mo with some regret.

According to regulations, there are two conditions for entering the advanced practical class:

First, the blood value exceeds 9.0!

Second, the proficiency of one martial skill has reached advanced level!

After all, Lin Mo's health value is still low!

Although Zhang Lianchang felt that Lin Mo's qi and blood value had increased, he did not think that Lin Mo could increase his qi and blood value from 4.1 to over 9.0 in a week.

"Teacher, in terms of energy and blood, I should have reached the standard!" Lin Mo smiled, walked to the measuring instrument aside, and put his hands on it.

"The advanced practical class requires a blood level of 9.0 or above. It should take a while for you. Let's do this. Starting next week, you, like Ye Fan, will attend..."

Halfway through Zhang Lianchang's words, he was stunned.

He stared at the measuring instrument with a shocked expression, as if he saw two Kunkun dancing on the screen. You are so beautiful...

"9.6?! How is this possible?!"

"Is the measuring instrument broken?"

"Slap me quickly. I'm afraid I'm not dreaming. In one week, the blood value has increased by 5.5?"


A group of students couldn't help but shout out what Zhang Lianchang wanted to say.

"Keep in touch, Lin Mo. Come to my office after class!" Zhang Lianchang confessed and left in a hurry.

"Lin Mo, did your blood value increase so fast?!"

"Lin Mo, boss, take care of me!"


After Zhang Lianchang left, a group of students immediately surrounded Lin Mo.

In their opinion, with 9.6 Qi and blood, he has become a being comparable to Hu Qing!

On the other side, Zhang Lianchang left the classroom and walked directly towards the principal's office.


Zhang Lianchang pushed open the door of the principal's office, rushed in, and said with excitement: "Principal, I have some good news for you! Our No. 3 Middle School is going to be famous this year!"

In the principal's room, Chen Xingzhi was frowning at this year's student status table, and was startled by Zhang Lianchang who suddenly rushed in.

"Famous? Famous for what?" Chen Xingzhi glared at Zhang Lianchang and said angrily: "I just received news that there are many first-level warriors among the students of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School!

The genius Su Zhe from No. 1 Middle School has even reached the level of a second-grade warrior!

Our Third Middle School is really going to become famous this year. After all, our Third Middle School doesn’t have a single first-grade warrior this year. It’s so embarrassing! "

The strength of the three top high schools in Jinling has always been similar, but this year, the strength of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School suddenly surged, and the distance between them and No. 3 Middle School was widened.

As a result, the educational resources available to the No. 3 Middle School will be much reduced next year. On the contrary, the No. 1 Middle School and the No. 2 Middle School will receive more resources.

Therefore, this year is likely to be the beginning of the decline of No. 3 Middle School.

If No. 3 Middle School declines, he as the principal will also decline.

"No, principal, listen to me!" Zhang Lianchang said quickly: "There is a genius in our school!

Absolute genius! "

"Genius? Hu Qing, right?" Chen Xingzhi shook his head helplessly: "This kid is just a fool. I keep asking him to take a Qi and Blood Pill to break through and become a warrior, but he has always been unwilling and insists on relying on his own cultivation to break through!

It really pisses me off! "

"It's not Hu Qing! It's Lin Mo!" Zhang Lianchang said quickly.

"Lin Mo?!" Chen Xingzhi was stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly: "That kid is completely opposite to Hu Qing. He relies solely on taking medicine to get up. No matter how high the blood value is, what's the use? He can't support him. ah!"

One Qi and Blood Pill costs 200,000, and the Qi and Blood threshold for a first-level warrior is 10. Therefore, if you want to rise to a first-level warrior from scratch and rely entirely on Qi and Blood Pills, you will need more than 15 pills, which is 3 million!

Moreover, at the level of a warrior, each upgrade costs at least 300!

Don't mention it at all. After surpassing the cover and becoming a warrior, the span of each grade will reach 100 qi and blood.

The cost will then reach more than 30 million!

This is still under ideal conditions, the actual cost will only be more than this!

What's more, the warriors trained in this way can only be regarded as high-blooded waste.

"No, listen to me!" Zhang Lianchang waved his hands repeatedly: "On Monday, Lin Mo entered the intermediate practical class and learned the diamond finger.

Do you know what his current proficiency level is? "

"How much is it?" Chen Xingzhi said casually: "Has it already reached the elementary level?"

"It's an advanced level!" Zhang Lianchang said with excitement: "In less than a week, I have upgraded my Diamond Finger to an advanced level of proficiency!

Even if Diamond Finger is just a low-level martial skill, the speed of improvement is terrifying! "

"Senior?!" Chen Xingzhi suddenly stood up from his chair: "Are you telling the truth?!"

"It's true, I saw it with my own eyes!" Zhang Lianchang nodded: "Moreover, his health value has reached 9.6!

On Monday, the value was 4.1! "

"!!!" Chen Xingzhi was shocked: "Monster! Monster... No, this is the great savior of our No. 3 Middle School. Quick, let him come to see me...

No, I will go see him in person!

The third one is saved...hahaha! "

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