Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 228 Does this thing look like... you?

The night in the Black Fire Prison is not dark, but it is accompanied by a brown light. The origin of these lights is unknown, but when night falls, they will appear and disappear around you.

At this moment, accompanied by the brown light, Lin Mo saw the black forest composed of corpses in the distance.

They just stood there quietly, and then slowly turned around.

Such movements are silent and quiet, and the movements are neat, but they give people a creepy feeling!

Especially when the gray-white pupils looked at them, Lin Mo felt like a poor man stared at by countless bloodthirsty devils in hell!

"It's over!"

Yang Gui on the side spoke first, and he looked at the old man on the side with a pale face: "Are we considered to be walking into a trap?"

The old man did not speak, but Lin Mo on the side quickly stabilized his mind and said in a deep voice: "We swallowed those insects. In theory, are we their kind?"

Yang Gui's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to look at the old man.

The old man still didn't speak, and raised his legs to walk towards the corpses!

Lin Mo hesitated for a moment, then followed, and Yang Gui could only grit his teeth and followed.

"How much do you know about the old senior's identity?" Lin Mo lowered his voice and looked at Yang Gui.

"Not much." Yang Gui shook his head: "It can even be said that he knows nothing... I only know that his purpose here is to find his own identity!"

Find his own identity?

After hearing this excuse, Lin Mo was stunned.

At this time, they could no longer say more. There was an unpleasant smell around them, and the corpses were standing silently around them at this moment!

The terrifying breath was always lingering around them.

Even because they had walked into the pile of corpses, the corpses were also turning around silently. The rotten bodies did not move at all, but those gray eyes were always focused on them.


Some of the corpses made such a sound, like a sneer from hell!

"Old senior, what are we doing? Where is the entrance to the secret realm?" Lin Mo caught up with the old man and spoke softly.

However, after the voice fell, Lin Mo saw the old man's eyes and almost screamed out in fright!

The old man's eyes turned grayish-white at some point!

And it can be seen that the old man's body was rapidly decaying.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo felt cold sweat all over his body.

He glanced at Yang Gui, and after seeing that his eyes were normal, he said with a stiff face: "Is there any change in my eyes?"

Yang Gui glanced at Lin Mo, shook his head and said: "At present, there is no change!"

Yang Gui did not continue to speak, but was signaled by Lin Mo's eyes.

He followed Lin Mo's gaze and looked at the old man on the side, and his expression suddenly became uglier.

"What...what's going on?" Yang Gui stuttered, "Why do you look like the corpses around you?"

Lin Mo nodded solemnly, "Is there a possibility that some of these corpses have developed wisdom? They get along with the humans in the Black Fire Prison in order to lure them here!"

Lin Mo pointed around and said in a grim tone, "After luring us here, we will become their feast!"


Hearing such a term, Yang Gui's face showed an expression that was uglier than crying: "There is a legend in the Black Fire Prison that there are individuals with wisdom among the corpses!

Those individuals are the so-called kings of corpses!

They lead the entire group of corpses, but I didn't expect to see him so soon! And he is someone I am more familiar with!"

Yang Gui still looked ugly, but he said such a thing.

"So, you haven't seen the King of Corpses in ten years, but the truth is, the King of Corpses has always been by your side?"

Lin Mo looked at the old man with a serious expression: "But we are all here, why don't they eat?"

They have been surrounded by corpses, some of whom have reached the peak of martial saints, and the old man's strength is obviously above the peak.

But why don't they take action now?

"Haha, it is said that if you find the King of Corpses, you can find the secret realm of the abyss! Yang Gui, you are really good, you actually found the King of Corpses!"

At this time, a sneer sounded.

Not far away, more than a dozen figures flashed in front of them.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a long scar on his face.

Seeing him, Yang Gui sneered: "Cui Jie, I didn't expect you to come here! You want to enter the secret realm, do you want to see if you have such a good life?"

"Why don't I have such a good life?" Cui Jie looked behind him: "I have united all the people who can be united.

With such a large force, these corpses are not enough to kill!"

"How did you get in? Could it be that the King of Corpses has not taken action and is actually waiting for you?" Lin Mo couldn't help asking.

"Of course we followed you in!" Cui Jie had a smug smile on his face: "Our people have been monitoring you all the time. When we saw you leave the cave, we immediately followed you out!

Although the weather is very cold, our strength is not weak and we can hold on!

I didn't expect that after coming here, all the coldness disappeared!"

"Boss, why waste time talking to them? Just do it and kill the King of Corpses!

According to the records we have obtained, those corpses dare not do it here. As long as we kill the King of Corpses, we can open the door to the secret realm!"

A younger brother beside Cui Jie spoke.

Lin Mo's expression moved. It was obvious that Cui Jie knew more than them.

Killing the King of Corpses can open the door to the secret realm?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at the old man with some hesitation.


At this moment, those people behind Cui Jie took action!

They were divided into three groups, two of which rushed towards Lin Mo and others, and the remaining group had ten people, all of whom rushed towards the old man!

All kinds of weapons exuded terrifying light, and these people were desperate as soon as they came up!

Lin Mo looked solemn, and greeted him with a cold shout. By now, his boxing proficiency has improved a lot again. At this moment, he can be said to be very aggressive.

The fist light burst out, and the man who besieged him was directly blown away!

On the other side, Yang Gui's strength was also very strong. His fist was invincible. Every time he punched, it was like thunder exploding!

It didn't take long for the winner to be decided!

Screams rang out, and those who besieged the old man had already suffered casualties.

There was no emotion in the old man's eyes. He pulled his palm out of a person's body, and blood instantly splashed on him.

The face remained unchanged, letting the blood flow.


The terrifying blood power spread out, condensed into a pair of hands, and slapped the other person.

This is an eighth-grade peak martial saint, but under such a blow, it can only become a pool of meat paste!

Lin Mo's face was solemn. The old man's strength was too strong. Every time he made a move, a corpse would fall!

Such a scene was simply shocking to the extreme!

"Cui Jie, you saw it, they are looking for death!" Yang Gui's face was still pale, looking at Cui Jie, a little gloating.

It was obvious that the old man was no longer the person he knew. Now he was showing a strong fighting power and was killing people. Would they become one of the corpses?


At this moment, Lin Mo encountered a corpse.

His face changed slightly with fear. When he was about to deal with this emergency, he saw the face of the corpse!

"This is..."

Lin Mo couldn't help but shout out: "Look at this person, does he look like you?"

Yang Gui looked at the corpse that Lin Mo pointed at and was shocked.

Because as Lin Mo said, the corpse looked exactly like him!

While the two were stunned, Cui Jie also exclaimed, because there was another corpse standing not far from him, and it looked exactly like him!

"These... can't be you?" Lin Mo couldn't help but take two steps back and distanced himself from Yang Gui, but his heart had sunk to the bottom.

If Cui Jie and Yang Gui were both corpse kings, then he would be in danger!

Surrounded by three corpse kings, how likely is it to survive?

"It can't be me, it just looks like me..." Yang Gui looked nervous. The next moment, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly lifted up a piece of clothing on the corpse and looked at the shoulder blade of the corpse.

There was a slightly rotten wound there, but the horror of the wound could still be seen.

After seeing the wound, Yang Gui's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

"This... is impossible... How could I be a kind of corpse?"

He murmured.

On the other side, Cui Jie also kept retreating with an ugly expression.

Lin Mo was frightened by this weird scene. He looked around, trying to find a corpse that looked more like him.

But after searching, he felt a lot more relieved, because those corpses looked different from him.

"At least I'm not one of them!"

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the old man.

At this moment, the old man had killed eight people, and there were only two left.

However, screams rang out, and the last two did not hold on for long, and were directly torn to pieces!

The old man's eyes fell on Lin Mo, Cui Jie and others, and he walked towards them step by step with a bloody smell all over his body.

The three people's faces changed at the same time, and they retreated step by step. In the end, they stood together and looked at the old man vigilantly.

While Lin Mo was vigilant to the old man, he also had to be vigilant to Yang Gui and Cui Jie.


Just when Lin Mo thought that a big battle was inevitable, the old man suddenly shook twice and fell in front of them.


Cui Jie moved the fastest, and directly made a lightning-fast move and cut off the old man's head!

Such a scene scared Yang Gui and Lin Mo.

Just when the two were about to take action against Cui Jie, a light emanated from the old man's body.

Then, an invisible door appeared in front of them.

The entrance to the secret realm!

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