Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 273: Enlightenment in Heaven

"This kid... is his talent so good?"

Sun Kong looked at Lin Mo, who was gradually becoming blurred, with a surprised look on his face.

"Is there something wrong with this kid? Should we catch him and check him?" The middle-aged man with animal horns on his head spoke softly.

Although they said so, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Even several of them waved their hands at the same time, and a stream of blood and energy escaped, covering Lin Mo in the center.

In an instant, Lin Mo seemed to have entered a completely quiet environment, and the whole world was only filled with his breathing.

He was seriously comprehending, and the two martial arts were constantly interweaving and merging.


He moved his body, and the whole person rushed out like lightning!

And in this process, his figure was constantly flashing.

The flashing time was not long, but every flash gave people an extremely ethereal feeling.


A sound of sucking cold air sounded all around, and Sun Kong and the others looked at each other, and they could see the strong shock in each other's eyes.

"This... Am I drunk? Am I hallucinating? This kid actually mastered this martial art? And his proficiency has reached an advanced level in an instant!" A woman spoke in surprise. She had a purple wine gourd on her waist. While speaking, she took off the wine gourd and raised her head to take a sip.

"Eighth Junior Sister, you are indeed drunk. You actually think that this kid just practiced martial arts to a high level of proficiency..."

Another older man spoke softly.

Facing the puzzled eyes of the eighth junior sister, the man raised his hand, and a ball of energy suddenly burst out from his fingertips and flew towards Lin Mo!

When this ball of energy hit Lin Mo, Lin Mo's figure happened to be in a flashing state.


The energy flashed directly from Lin Mo's body!


The energy hit the walls around the martial arts field, and immediately made a shocking booming sound!

Ripples appeared on the wall, and then the booming sound gradually disappeared.

"This... Senior Brother, what you mean is that this guy not only cultivated this martial art to a high level, but also improved it?"

"That's right. When he rushed forward, he would briefly enter a state of nothingness. In this state of nothingness, he was... invincible?"

"Invincible means immune to damage!"

Several people commented on this new martial art that Lin Mo had just mastered, with surprise and excitement on their faces.

After a long time, Lin Mo's speed slowed down.

"The initial fusion of the two martial arts was so smooth? It makes me feel that these two martial arts seem to have the same origin!" Lin Mo's figure gradually stopped.

He was a little surprised and excited at the same time.

"As long as I can leave this test alive, even if I am not the final winner, it is a huge gain to get this martial art!

In the forward state, I can briefly enter the state of nothingness. In this state, I can be immune to damage... at least the damage of the martial emperor level is ineffective against me!

I believe that as the proficiency is improved again, the state of nothingness will be further prolonged..."

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with light, and his face showed excitement.

"Pa pa pa!"

A round of applause rang out, and the remaining eight disciples all stopped practicing and looked at Sun Kong and others who were applauding.

"Very good, very good, among you disciples, there is a kid who I admire very much, very good!" Sun Kong said: "Okay, today's practice ends here, as a reward, I will take you to see the uncle!"

Sun Kong smiled, and his mouthful of white teeth showed in front of everyone.

Behind him, the rest of the people also laughed, but that smile was full of bad intentions?

The disciples behind Lin Mo did not see the ill intentions in their smiles, but followed Sun Kong and others excitedly to leave the martial arts hall and walk towards another hall.

"That is the Elder Hall, where all the elders of the Heavenly Court live. If ordinary disciples rush in, they may be crushed by the pressure from inside!

But with us leading you, you should be safe and sound."

"Should?" Lin Mo frowned and looked at Sun Kong and others in front of him, always feeling a little unreliable.

Thinking of this, they have entered the range of the Elder Hall.


The moment they stepped into this range, a dragon roar sounded.

Then dozens of terrifying auras spread down and locked onto Lin Mo and others.

Everyone, including Sun Kong, made a sound of bones cracking at the same time.

The Thunder Breathing Method was automatically activated at this time, and thunder was faintly heard from Lin Mo's body.

The sense of oppression was much smaller at once.


A light exclamation sounded, and then Lin Mo felt that a spiritual force seemed to fall on him.

Lin Mo's spiritual force resisted instantly, almost instinctively.


This time, the light exclamation sounded with some surprise and excitement!

"What a strong spiritual force!"

The voice of emotion resounded, and then Lin Mo felt that the spiritual force that was probing him disappeared all of a sudden.

"Sun Kong, you little guys, there were obviously hundreds of disciples selected by Heavenly Court this year, but now you have only eight people left. You really deserve to be beaten!"

This voice sounded again, and at the same time, a sound of thunder resounded from Sun Kong and others.

Cries suddenly came out from the mouths of Sun Kong and others.

Among these cries, only the eighth junior sister was drinking and cursing while pointing in the direction of the Elder Hall.

The oppressive force on Lin Mo and others had disappeared. Looking at such a scene, they felt a little funny.

But at this time, they are not fools. If they can't help laughing, God knows what kind of punishment will be waiting for them!

After a long time, the sound of thunder dissipated. Sun Kong and others tidied up their hair that had been raised up by the electricity. They turned to look at Lin Mo and others. They couldn't help but blush, coughed slightly, and said:

"Ahem, Elder Lei is joking with us. He has given us the opportunity to temper our bodies with thunder. As long as you work hard in the future, the same opportunity will come to you!"

"Senior brother, you are so shameless!" The eighth junior sister said softly, holding the wine gourd.

Sun Kong immediately glared at him with dissatisfaction, then turned around and led everyone to continue walking towards the Elder's Hall.

Not long after, they entered the hall.

As soon as he entered it, Lin Mo felt an inexplicable palpitation in his heart.

Looking around, endless silver brilliance was shining.

As far as the eye can see, the entire hall seems to have endless space!

Among these silver brilliance, doors can be seen from time to time.

Those gates were golden and emitted immeasurable light, like a sun embedded in silver!

Sun Kong walked towards one of the doors, raised his hand to knock on the door, and said respectfully: "Uncle Master, my disciple Sun Kong is bringing everyone to see you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the portal suddenly opened.

"come in!"

A faint voice sounded from inside the door.

Sun Kong walked in with a group of people.

Before Lin Mo entered, he felt that the voice just now was a bit familiar. After entering, looking at the existence inside, he immediately understood why he felt familiar.

Because it is the silver dragon entrenched inside!

It is still silver all over, the scales are constantly opening and closing, and the power of Qi and blood is constantly emanating from his body, and the golden chains on his body are still hanging high in the endless unknown land.

Seeing the silver dragon, a group of people showed frightened looks on their faces, and they couldn't help but take a small step back.

Only Lin Mo remained motionless, staring at the silver dragon curiously.

"It's all the fault of you little bastards!" Yinlong looked at everyone's fear of him and glared at Sun Kong and the others angrily.

"Uncle Master, calm down, my disciples brought them to see you just to explain clearly, so as not to affect your glorious image!" Sun Kong said quickly.

Then he took out a mirror from his body, raised his hand and breathed in a breath, and pictures began to appear in the mirror.

That was the scene on the ladder earlier.

However, the scene was slightly extended. After they left, the blood on the ground suddenly disappeared.

The remains of corpses also slowly dissolved.

The picture flowed, and on the square, those people who were previously thought to be dead were all sitting there, opened their eyes, and looked around blankly.

Then they got up and left.

"Those who fail to meet the standards will have their memories related to heaven erased and return to the foot of the mountain to become ordinary people!" Sun Kong said with a smile, but Lin Mo could read the sadness in those smiles.

Feeling that smell, Lin Mo instantly understood where this sadness came from.

It’s easy to say that you should be an ordinary person all your life, but being ordinary means being ignorant, or at least ignorant of the reality of the world.

Lin Mo can be sure that the future that everyone in Heaven is worried about must have appeared, and then the appearance of that day must also mean the death of countless ordinary people!

Isn't it pitiful to die in the unknown?

Lin Mo felt a little emotional, but he quickly suppressed these emotions and looked at Yinlong.

Although it has been determined that the silver dragon in front of him is the silver dragon guarding Longjing.

But how many things happened between the time when the silver dragon became the shadow guarding Longjing?

Lin Mo was extremely curious about this period of history!

"You little guys, since you came to see me, at least I can't let your visit go in vain..."

A rare smile appeared in Silver Dragon's eyes, and then the dragon's power was endless, covering everyone!

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and the essence of Dragon Fist came directly to his mind!

When he first started learning Five Beast Fist, Lin Mo knew very well that if he wanted to completely master this martial art, the best way was to observe the five ferocious beasts corresponding to Five Beast Fist.

Ordinary ferocious beasts are easy to see, but dragons and phoenixes, how can they be easily seen on weekdays?

Now, Lin Mo has a chance to meet the dragon!

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