"Who are the two masters?" Lin Mo looked at the two figures in front of him and spoke slowly.

"Mr. Lin arrived at Luobu City and didn't recognize our master?" One of them said with a smile: "My master's name is Xiao Qian."

"My master's name is Xiao Yan."

The two of them spoke one after another, and Lin Mo was stunned by what they said.

Are they all from the Xiao family?

Before coming, Lin Mo had inquired about the three major forces in Luobu City, one of which was represented by the Dog King.

Then came the power of the Luobu Xiao family, but there were two people in the Xiao family, and they respectively controlled the two lifebloods of the huge city of Luobu.

So in other words, the Xiao family is the other two major forces.

Xiao Qian controls the transportation network of Luobu Abyss, while Xiao Yan controls the security work of the entire Luobu Giant City.

Don't underestimate these security work. According to the information, the entire security team of Rob Giant City are all military kings who have retired from the Ministry of War, and there are many strong ones at the level of Martial Saints.

Such a force cannot be underestimated not only in the giant city of Luobu, but also in the capital city.

"Both masters are the masters of Rob Giant City. They invited me at the same time. I really don't know which one to meet..." Lin Mo pondered: "Why don't I host here and invite the two masters? How about getting together here?"

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Xiao Qian's servant looked at Lin Mo with surprise: "How many people want to see our master but they can't. Today our master took the initiative to summon him, but you actually asked the master to come to see him. you?!"

"I don't know how high the sky is!" Xiao Yan's servant said coldly: "If it weren't for your unfamiliarity with the forces here, I would have ordered someone to kill you!"

As soon as the two people finished speaking, they released a stream of energy and blood power, reaching the level of the second-grade Martial Emperor.

These are just two servants of the Xiao family, but they actually have such strength. It is really terrifying!

However, if you think you can control Lin Mo in this way, you are totally wrong!

"Since my suggestion doesn't work, let's forget it!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "You two, please come back!"

"I came to invite you in the name of my master, but now that no one has been invited, you want me to go back?

Do you really think that my Xiao family is easy to bully? "

The two servants spoke at the same time, as if they were about to take action.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo suddenly felt helpless.

"I have no intention of being an enemy of the Xiao family, but the two of you are a bit too domineering. In this case, I don't mind... destroying you!"

After Lin Mo's words fell, his mental power enveloped the front. In just a moment, the two of them were completely enveloped.

Wrapped in the terrifying mental power, they couldn't even move.

"So strong...mental power!"

Their eyes flashed with shock.

"Since you two are here, why would you let your servants humiliate me? Do you think I, Lin Mo, are easy to bully?"

Lin Mo suddenly looked outside the door and spoke loudly.

The voice fell, but no figure appeared.


Lin Mo raised his hand and slapped it down without any warning, and one of them's head was smashed into pieces.

The blood was flowing, and the yellow and white things looked disgusting.

With a smile on his face, Lin Mo raised his hand and patted the remaining person.

"Wait a moment!"

A voice sounded, and then two figures appeared in front of the door.


But Lin Mo's hand still slapped it down, smashing the head of the remaining person into pieces.

The expressions of the two figures at the door were extremely ugly.

"Two seniors, I'm sorry, my strength is low, and I can't achieve whatever I want with my full strength..."

Lin Mo's voice was apologetic, but his expression was extremely calm.

"Xiao Qian and Xiao Yan!"

Chen Banzi stood next to Lin Mo and said softly: "The one in black clothes is Xiao Qian, and the one next to him wearing golden armor is Xiao Yan.

The two are half-brothers, and it is said that their relationship is not very good. This time, they appear here at the same time for you! "

Lin Mo's eyes flickered. Just when he took action, he suddenly felt the presence of the two people. He thought they would take action to save the two servants.

Unexpectedly, until the end, they didn't show any signs of taking action.

This made Lin Mo's perception of the two of them drop a lot.

But after all, if he is not one of his own, he will die if he dies.

"What did Brother Lin say? They are just two servants who don't understand etiquette. It would be good for you to teach them a lesson!"

Speaking of which, I also want to thank you! "Xiao Qian was the first to speak. With a smile on his face, he took the initiative to walk forward and stretched out his hand.

"Thank me for what?"

“Thank you for killing Lord Dog.

This bastard turned out to be someone planted by the Dark Blood Society in the giant city of Rob, and he had mastered the important entrance to the abyss of Rob for so many years.

I can't imagine how much damage the entire Rob City will suffer if he waits until the day he takes the initiative to expose his identity!

Brother Lin took the initiative to solve this hidden danger for our Luobu Giant City. Please accept my respects from Xiao Qian! "

After saying that, he clasped his fists at Lin Mo and bowed in salute.

"My elder brother is right. Lord Dog has been accumulating strength overtly and covertly over the years, and unknowingly he has mastered the power to be on equal footing with us.

Now that the Dog King is dead, it’s time to rectify his powers! Xiao Yan said with a chuckle, and at the same time he took a step forward and saluted Lin Mo with clasped fists: "On behalf of the entire Luobu City, I bow to you!" "

Xiao Yan is in charge of the security work of the entire Luobu City, so it makes sense for him to represent Luobu City.

Lin Mo was not polite and just stood there, watching them salute.

He could finally see that these two people came here with obviously bad intentions and took a fancy to the power left behind after the death of Lord Dog.

Since Lord Dog can be called the third largest force in Rob Giant City, he must have quite a lot of power in his hands.

Now that the Dog Prince is dead, if Xiao Qian and Xiao Yan can control this force, their strength will definitely increase dramatically!

"Don't worry, you two. Since Lord Dog is dead, someone will naturally take over his power!

Every decision I, Lin Mo, make not only represents myself, but also the entire military department behind me..." Lin Mo pointed to the top of his head mysteriously, with an unfathomable look on his face.

Seeing Lin Mo's actions, Xiao Qian and Xiao Yan's hearts suddenly sank.

Not long after Lin Mo appeared in Rob Giant City, both of them actually noticed him.

But at that time, Lin Mo had more contact with Lord Dog, so the Xiao family did not follow them.

But he arranged for someone to secretly monitor Lin Mo's every move.

Now that they got the news that Lord Dog had been killed, they jumped out immediately.

Lin Mo looked at the two people in front of him and said in a neither humble nor arrogant voice: "If you want to pick peaches, you have to see if you have the strength.

Many times, if you take something you shouldn't take, you will die ugly! "

The expressions of Xiao Qian and Xiao Yan changed at the same time.

They looked at Lin Mo deeply, with fear in their expressions.

They knew Lin Mo's strength very well, but they didn't know Lin Mo's combat power.

The Dog Prince's martial arts level was much higher than that of Lin Mo, but he still died in Lin Mo's hands.

What's more, Lin Mo said that he listened to the orders from above.

God knows who is the person above Lin Mo?

However, for daring to kill the Dog Prince here, the two speculated that Lin Mo's backer status must be very high!

If Lin Mo knew what the two of them were thinking at this moment, he would definitely laugh to death, because what he said just now was purely deceiving. I didn't expect these two idiots to actually believe it!

"In this case, I would like to ask, who will control this force in the future? We can understand it in advance so that we can do our work better in the future!" Xiao Qian is much older than Xiao Yan. He spoke very logically at this moment.

His excuse was very suitable, so Lin Mo didn't say anything for a while.

"This is my master Chen Banzi, and he controls the forces behind him!" Lin Mo pointed at Chen Banzi and said with a smile.

Chen Banzi took a step forward, with a solemn look on his old face.

Over the years, Chen Banzi has been in a high position and has the aura of a superior person.

Now standing next to Lin Mo, the aura emanating from his body suddenly frightened the two of them.

"Are you...that Mr. Chen from the capital?"

Xiao Qian looked at Chen Banzi, thought for a while, and suddenly asked with a shocked expression.

"In all these years, I have never heard of a second person with this name in China!" Chen Banzi said with a smile.

"It's really that Chen Banzi!" Xiao Qian murmured: "Banzi, Banzi, Shengtian Banzi, it is said that one person and one shot killed hundreds of Neon people's martial arts, and the strongest martial artist among them has reached Reached the level of Martial Saint!

The most important thing is that when calculating those martial arts practitioners, your strength is only that of a warrior! "

"There is such a thing, but that happened many years ago!" Chen Banzi smiled and waved his hand: "However, since I will be in charge of this force in the future, I have to ask you two to take care of me!"

Chen Banzi's name seemed to frighten the two of them. They looked at Lin Mo, then at Chen Banzi, and finally they could only nod.

"Now that the ownership of this force has been resolved, we will take our leave now..." Xiao Qian handed over his hands and turned to leave.

Xiao Yan suddenly looked Lin Mo up and down: "Brother Lin, I would like to ask, in your Dantian..."

Lin Mo frowned slightly. The small tree in his dantian had taken root. It was usually hidden in the blood. How could anyone see through it?

But Xiao Yan actually asked such a question inexplicably, which made Lin Mo surprised and at the same time endlessly vigilant.

"Mr. Lin, don't get me wrong. If I see correctly, there seems to be a small tree in your Dantian...

I want to know if it was obtained in the secret realm of Eye of Quicksand in Robe Abyss? ! "

Xiao Yan looked at Lin Mo nervously with an excited look on his face.

At this moment, Lin Mo could see the excitement in Xiao Yan's eyes, and at the same time, he could not feel the slightest killing intent.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mo nodded.


Seeing Lin Mo nod, Xiao Yan knelt directly on the ground.

"Brother Lin, I have an unkind request, and I ask Brother Lin to agree to it!" Xiao Yan knelt on the ground and said loudly.

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