Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 319: Infiltrating the Black Dragon Society

"It doesn't matter whether you tell me or not..." Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "I have the address of your headquarters. I can break into your headquarters by myself. Do you believe it?"

Lin Mo's eyes flashed with murderous intent, as if he was going to kill with a knife in the next moment.

"I don't..." The man spoke loudly with a look of contempt on his face.

But he stopped talking halfway.

A terrifying sense of oppression swept over Lin Mo, and the pressure like mountains and seas made his forehead full of cold sweat.

There was a knife stuck in his chest, the handle of the knife was held in Lin Mo's hand, and the tip of the knife had already pierced deeply into his chest.

With a sneer on his face, Lin Mo moved the knife closer and closer to the man's heart.

Death was coming little by little, and this feeling could be said to be extremely terrifying.

The man was very strong and could see inside himself, so he could clearly see the distance between the tip of the knife and his heart shortening little by little. In the end, he even saw the tip of the knife cut through the membrane outside his heart...

Death came quietly...

"I... I said!" At this moment, the man collapsed directly. He shouted a location: "In the dungeon of the Black Dragon Society headquarters, someone will be locked up this afternoon.

I don't know if it is the person you are looking for, I just know this much!

Please, let me go!"

Once the bottom line is broken, it will be much easier to break it again.

The Bushido spirit that the man had mentioned before has been completely abandoned by him, and the tone of his pleading is like a wild dog howling after its spine is broken.


The knife pierced the man's chest without hesitation, and his screams stopped abruptly.

"Sorry, I don't have the Bushido spirit you mentioned." Lin Mo said lightly, then looked up at Crow: "The rest has nothing to do with you, thank you!"

Having already obtained the address where Ye Qing might be detained, Lin Mo was not in a position to stay here any longer.

He stood up, opened the door and walked outside.

Crow stood in the room, and after a little silence, he began to clean up the bodies on the ground.

In the corner, Lin Mo's spiritual clone slowly dissipated and finally merged with the shadow.

The Black Dragon Society has a huge industry in Kyoto City, ranging from manufacturing to service industries, and its annual income accounts for a considerable proportion of neon tax revenue.

As the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society, Kyoto City directly occupies a huge building area in the city center of Kyoto City. There are at least 10,000 people in this huge building, managing the various industries of the Black Dragon Society.

An hour later, Lin Mo's figure had appeared outside the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society. Looking at the luxurious building in front of him, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh.

The capitals of Japan and South Korea are indeed far ahead in enjoying life.

The mental power dissipated little by little, slowly exploring the range that the entire building could cover.

This is the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society. Lin Mo didn't know how many strong people there were, but one thing was certain: there were definitely many people whose mental power and blood power exceeded Lin Mo's.

So when Lin Mo used his mental power to explore here, he was always cautious.

As expected by Lin Mo, there were at least a dozen auras in the building that were superior to him in both mental power and blood power.

"Let's get in first!" Lin Mo made up his mind.

Although he didn't find the specific location of the dungeon, Lin Mo had roughly grasped the security range of the entire building through the previous exploration.

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Mo's figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he had come to the shadow of a certain building.


The knife in his hand directly killed a guard, and then after dealing with the body, he changed into the guard's clothes.

After silently estimating the time, Lin Mo turned and walked towards the inside of the building.

Every ten minutes, all guards have to take turns in a certain order.

The guard that Lin Mo replaced happened to be on duty inside the building.

There were more than a hundred guards in the entire building. Many times they did not know each other, and everyone had a hat on their heads, so Lin Mo was not worried about being recognized.

After entering the building, Lin Mo stood in the arranged position.

Not far from him stood another guard.

"Brother, have you heard that there will be a girl from China in the dungeon this afternoon? Tsk tsk, I heard she looks very good!"

Lin Mo looked at the guard and took the initiative to speak.

He had a smile on his face that all men understand, and the words he said were also very obscene.

After hearing this, the other guard's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really? That's great, it's the two of us guarding the dungeon this evening!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and there was this unexpected surprise? He was just worried about not being able to find the entrance to the dungeon, but he found the guide inexplicably!

"Hehe! Then I have to prepare well later!" Lin Mo and the guard looked at each other and then smiled knowingly.

In the following time, Lin Mo and the guard kept changing shifts and their relationship became harmonious.

"When I was on guard with you before, you were always too serious. I never saw your face!" The guard lit a cigarette for Lin Mo during the break and said with a slightly complaining tone: "If I had known you were this kind of person, we would have become good friends a long time ago!"

"Hehe, I am a more introverted person!" Lin Mo smiled shyly.

"You are still so shy!" The guard laughed: "When we are on guard in the evening, we will find that woman and enjoy it together!

You will go first and I will go later!"

Lin Mo looked at the guard up and down, and was already looking at the angle from which to cut the knife.

He nodded at the same time. In Lin Mo's eyes, this person was already dead.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the guards inside the entire building became much stricter. The captain of the guards specially gave everyone a lecture and asked not to let any strangers enter here.

"It's a pity that I have already come in. Brother, you said it too late!" Lin Mo spoke silently in his heart, but he responded loudly: "Ha Yi!"

Through this, Lin Mo has made a judgment, that is, Ye Qing should have been locked up.

As expected, about an hour later, the captain of the guard came again, moved up the time of the shift change by one hour, and the number of guards increased three times.

"According to reliable information, the person we want to catch has arrived in Neon, so everyone must be vigilant at all times and must not let any strangers approach the dungeon entrance!

Also, once you find Lin Mo's whereabouts, immediately sound the alarm on your body, do you understand!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded loudly.

Lin Mo glanced at it, and including him, the number of guards guarding the dungeon suddenly expanded to 20 people!

And the strength of these people is actually all at the peak of the martial king realm!

Don't underestimate the peak of the martial king, you must know that there are not many people with this strength in the whole Neon.

But in the Black Dragon Society, such strength can only be used as a guard, which shows that the strength of the Black Dragon Society is really strong!

Under the leadership of the captain, they came to the entrance of the dungeon.

Lin Mo's mental power dissipated, and instantly captured the dungeon. There are other strong people, and their mental power is also very terrifying.

"I don't know if it is a prisoner or a guard in the dungeon!" Lin Mo's mind was thinking quickly.

If it was a prisoner, if he wanted to rescue Ye Qing later, he might be able to use this prisoner.

If it was a guard, then what Lin Mo had to do was to kill him directly!

After the captain of the guard gave a ten-minute lecture, he left with two lackeys.

Lin Mo glanced at the guard he had just met, and after a wink, the two took the initiative to undertake the patrol work inside the dungeon.

When the door of the dungeon was opened, a musty smell came to the face. The whole building was magnificent, but there was a place like a dungeon.

It was like the two extremes of one thing, and it looked like a collection of hell and heaven.

With his mental power spread out, Lin Mo immediately found the location of the strong man.

"It seems that there is a very strong person imprisoned here. I suggest that this person be checked!" Lin Mo looked at the guard and spoke righteously.

The guard nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, check that person carefully first, and strengthen the formation inside the dungeon at the same time, don't let it affect our fun later!"

The murderous intent in Lin Mo's eyes suddenly deepened, and he followed the guard all the way to a cell in the deepest part of the dungeon.

Standing at the door of the cell, Lin Mo looked inside the cell.

There was an old man sitting cross-legged there, wearing a coarse linen shirt, with scars all over his face, and it was almost impossible to see his original appearance.

There were two huge hooks on the old man's collarbone, which had penetrated his body.

It is unknown how long these two hooks have existed, and they are covered with rust. The place where they passed through the body was pitch black, which was the blood that had dried up for many years.

Lin Mo glanced at the information of this person, and his eyes flashed.

Li Lei! ?

This name turned out to be a Chinese!

The strength has reached the peak of the second-grade martial emperor!

The mental power has also reached about 100,000 points.

Lin Mo smiled and glanced at the formation control core next to him: "What will happen if I press this?"

"Baga, if this button is pressed, the people inside will instantly recover their strength, and then both of us will die!" The guard was startled by Lin Mo's action and shouted loudly.

But it was too late at this time, and Lin Mo pressed the button without hesitation.

Accompanied by a light sound, like the sound of something breaking through the ice.

Lin Mo saw Li Lei, who was sitting cross-legged inside, suddenly opened his eyes, and the blood power was like a tide, instantly reaching the strongest state!


After a loud bang, Lin Mo felt a huge force sweeping over, and then he and the guard flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.


The two of them spit out blood at the same time. The only difference was that Lin Mo was pretending to spit blood, while the other was about to die!

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