Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 340: Entering the Orchard

“Kneeling… kneeling?!”

A group of people looked at the Holy Mountain Messenger and Lin Mo with shocked expressions on their faces. Some even raised their hands and rubbed their eyes, fearing that there was something wrong with their eyes and they saw it wrong.

However, after repeated confirmation, they found that the Holy Mountain Messenger was really kneeling in front of Lin Mo, looking pious.

Lian Bo’s expression when he looked at Lin Mo also changed from shock to solemnity.

“Let them come back!”

Lian Bo looked at the two servants beside him and spoke softly.

They, of course, refer to the two people he had sent out to investigate Lin Mo’s identity before.

Now, the Holy Mountain Messenger is respectful to Lin Mo, how dare he investigate Lin Mo’s identity? If Lin Mo knows, wouldn’t that be courting death? !

Princess Yu’er, who was standing next to Lin Mo, stared at Lin Mo with her almond eyes wide open.

She knew Lin Mo’s origins very well, but now the Holy Mountain Messenger actually knelt down to a human from outside, which shocked her extremely.

As for those who said that Lin Mo might not be able to eat melons, they looked uncomfortable and constipated.

Some people even turned their heads and prepared to leave secretly. After all, if they didn't leave, no one knew whether Lin Mo would cause trouble for them.

As for Lin Mo himself, although he had a smile on his face, he had already started to think in his heart.

First of all, he had a golden finger on him, but the function of this golden finger was only to increase his cultivation speed, not to make people bow to him when they met.

Secondly, his current strength was not very high, and he was not a creature of the abyss, so these Holy Mountain messengers could not kneel to him!


Lin Mo thought of the origin of his clone.

A blood seed, plus spiritual power as an aid, created this clone.

So the reason why the Holy Mountain messenger knelt was because of the blood seed in his body?

Thinking of this, Lin Mo already had his own guess in his heart. Although it could not be confirmed, Lin Mo felt that the possibility of this guess was still very high.

"Get up!" Lin Mo said lightly: "Take me in!"

After thinking for a while, he decided to go in first.

This clone is condensed from the seeds of blood and qi. Lin Mo's main body is waiting below. Once something happens, the clone will melt directly and leave the seeds.

It just takes some time to condense the clone again!

The Holy Mountain Messenger showed an excited look on his face. After getting up from the ground, he nodded and said: "Yes!"

After that, he turned around and walked towards the gate of the Holy Mountain.

"Wait a minute, what about us?!"

Someone in the crowd spoke, but after speaking, he quickly closed his mouth and hid in the crowd.

As if he was afraid that the messengers would blame him.

"As usual!" Someone among the Holy Mountain Messengers spoke.

After the voice fell, he bowed deeply to Lin Mo, and then turned around and continued to move forward.

Lin Mo followed behind with Princess Yu'er and others.

"Is the holy fruit ripe?" Lin Mo asked.

The Holy Mountain Envoy stopped and looked at Lin Mo quietly.

The people following Lin Mo and others also pricked up their ears and listened attentively, fearing that they would miss some important information.

"It's ripe, but because of your arrival, the quality of the holy fruit provided this year will be better!

One holy fruit will definitely create a martial emperor!"

After the Holy Mountain Envoy's voice fell, Lin Mo clearly felt that the breathing of those behind him seemed to become rapid.

Originally, one holy fruit could only create a martial emperor, but now, one holy fruit can directly create a martial emperor!

How many martial artists can refuse such a temptation?

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo on the side with a look of shock on her face.

Because of Lin Mo's arrival, the quality of the holy fruit provided has improved?

Could it be that Lin Mo really has such a high status that the high Holy Mountain Envoy made such a decision?

Others naturally thought so, and some even looked at Lin Mo with gratitude.

Unlike everyone else, when faced with such a good thing, Lin Mo's first thought was not these.

"Are these bastards going to use the blood and qi in my body to improve the quality of the holy fruit?"

"This possibility is very high!"

"I have to be careful, I can't capsize in the gutter!"

A series of thoughts have surged in Lin Mo's mind, but he didn't show them on his face.

Following the Holy Mountain Messenger, they climbed over the steps and the overgrown forest, and finally stopped outside a fruit forest.

The Holy Mountain Messenger paused slightly, turned around and looked at everyone, with an extremely pious expression.

"Kneel down, kneel down to the holy tree that gives you power! Pray for him to give you power, increase your blood and energy, and make you stronger! Let your descendants also become stronger!

Let the abyss be eternal, and let the abyss holy spirit stand on the bright land one day!

We want to see the sun..."

The Holy Mountain Messenger kept speaking, as if chanting an ancient oath.

Everyone knelt down, only Lin Mo stood there, as if he didn't hear their words.

The Holy Mountain Messenger didn't seem to be displeased with Lin Mo's actions, but thought that all this was natural.

Behind Lin Mo, everyone knelt there, looking extremely pious.

It took half an hour for the Holy Mountain Messenger to finish his words. As the last syllable faded, they slowly breathed.

Some people's faces showed excitement.

"Everyone, the test will begin when you step into the woods. Your blood will be spilled on the ground, and your life will remain here, but you must believe that you are eternal!

Now, follow my footsteps and go in!"

After saying that, the Holy Mountain Messenger stepped into the woods step by step.

Lin Mo naturally followed closely behind, and of course his hand was placed on Yu'er's fragrant shoulder.

At this time, she also accepted her fate and stopped struggling, but followed Lin Mo's side, not daring to walk around.

Behind her, the rustling sound of footsteps on the fallen leaves resounded, that was the sound of everyone following into the woods.

"Didn't you say there was danger? Why didn't I feel it?!" Lin Mo looked at Yu'er and asked in a low voice.

When Yu'er was about to speak, a scream suddenly came from behind her.

Lin Mo suddenly turned around and saw a humanoid creature with two horns on its head, but at this moment, his head was gone and fell to the ground not far away.

Lin Mo looked solemn. They didn't feel any danger approaching just now, but the head of this creature was gone!

"Keep going forward. Once you enter this forest, you can't stop!" Princess Yu'er's voice rang in Lin Mo's ears.

"I want to see... how they died!" Lin Mo said softly, and then stood there quietly.

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