Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 342: Inside the Gate of Nothingness

Three figures slowly stepped into the gate of nothingness.

Lin Mo only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and this feeling was similar to when he first entered the abyss.

But the only difference was that there was no upside-down feeling after traveling through the abyss.

Slowly opening his eyes, Lin Mo's heart moved slightly, because Princess Yu'er and the guards beside him were gone.

Lin Mo first confirmed that this was not the secret realm of the abyss, and then looked around.

Everything here seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist, which was not clear, but could be seen vaguely.

"Lin Mo..."

A light call sounded, and Lin Mo turned around and looked at it.

Yu'er, who had disappeared before, was standing behind him.

And, as soon as Lin Mo turned around, everything around him began to change.

First of all, the rockery and stones that could be seen in the haze disappeared, and secondly, this place became a place like a bedroom.

But the layer of mist still existed.

In the dim light, Princess Yu'er can be seen lying on a big red bed, with her knees slightly bent, forming a capital M shape.

There is no fat on her tight calves, and her slightly plump thighs are like white jade, full of temptation under the dim light.

"Lin Mo... I drove him away, and no one can disturb us now!"

Princess Yu'er's voice seemed to ring in the depths of Lin Mo's mind, making Lin Mo's heart itch.

"Come here quickly!"

Princess Yu'er exhaled like orchids, with some resentment and coquettishness in her voice.

She is very beautiful, and now she makes such a voice, which makes people feel even more excited.

Lin Mo walked towards Princess Yu'er step by step with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Princess Yu'er smiled, and even stretched out her pink tongue to lick her lips, which was extremely tempting!

Lin Mo approached step by step, and his eyes seemed to have become blurred.

He staggered, and even his breathing became clear and audible.


There were slight sounds all around, and if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't hear them at all, let alone someone like Lin Mo who was already immersed in the beautiful scenery.

The rustling sound continued, and you could see that on the ground, the earthy brown roots were spreading rapidly from somewhere.

There were bright red whiskers growing on those roots, and they were constantly wriggling at the moment, looking extremely disgusting.


The roots soon came to Lin Mo's feet, and they slowly spread upward along Lin Mo's feet.

As time went by, the speed of spread became faster and faster, and in the end, they actually went all the way up along the calves.


When the roots wrapped around Lin Mo's legs, they no longer continued to move upward, but all the roots trembled violently, and there was a vibration sound in the air!

That was the sound of the air being shocked by the energy.

The roots instantly became firm from the wriggling state, and then stabbed at Lin Mo's legs fiercely!

The roots were flashing with blood, just like they were made of blood-colored metal. Such roots should be indestructible, but they broke directly when they stabbed Lin Mo's legs!

When Lin Mo's feet were entangled, his body did not stop. He still raised his legs and walked forward woodenly, as if he did not notice his current state.

But at the moment when those roots broke, Lin Mo's eyes seemed to fluctuate, and then he began to struggle violently.

"Come on, Lin Mo, come on!"

Princess Yu'er, who was lying on the bed, had been paying attention to Lin Mo's situation. After seeing the struggling Lin Mo, a ruthless look flashed in her eyes.

Unconsciously, the surrounding mist turned into light pink. The most important thing is that these light pinks were all wrapped around Lin Mo in just a few minutes!

However, Lin Mo did not notice anything about all this!

The clarity in Lin Mo's eyes disappeared instantly, and he became wooden again.

"Princess Yu'er... I'm coming!" Lin Mo made such a sound, as if he was suppressing his inner joy, and as if he was enduring some kind of pain!

The roots continued to rustle and began to climb up again.

However, this time, they did not restrict Lin Mo's movement.

The roots and Lin Mo seemed to have reached a certain balance. When Lin Mo was walking, the roots were also following Lin Mo's footsteps.

As for the end, Lin Mo was completely covered by the earth-brown roots, looking like a clay sculpture made of soil!


The light sounds in the air came again, and the roots turned into crystal clear needles again in an instant!


This time, when those blood-colored needles pierced Lin Mo, they actually brought a sound of breaking wind!

This is enough to show how powerful these roots are.


Ding Ding Ding!

Accompanied by a series of light sounds, the roots collapsed again!

Princess Yu'er, who was lying on the bed, showed an expression of disbelief on her face: "This... this is impossible! No one can escape my temptation, not even you!

I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Princess Yu'er seemed to be going crazy, roaring with all her strength.

At the same time, the roots began to dance wildly.

At this moment, those roots were dancing like Princess Yu'er's hair, and some of the roots actually had sharp teeth growing on them!

The teeth on the roots bit directly towards Lin Mo's body.

But it was still useless, these sharp and sharp teeth still couldn't bite through Lin Mo's physical defense!


Those roots actually made a series of soft noises, as if they were venting their dissatisfaction.

Some roots extended out from Lin Mo's body, chewing on the rocks on the ground.

Those solid stones are like tofu under the teeth!

But even with such sharp teeth, they still couldn't bite through Lin Mo's body!

The roots danced, but the way they danced looked full of confusion.

After all, they couldn't understand why their teeth were so sharp but they still couldn't eat Lin Mo's flesh and blood?

"Really boring……"

Just as the anger on Princess Yu'er's face became more intense, a soft hum sounded in her ears.

Hearing this voice, the anger on Princess Yu'er's face suddenly disappeared, replaced by a look of astonishment.

She looked around with wide eyes, and her eyes finally stopped in front of the earthy brown statue in front of her.

"You..." Princess Yu'er pointed to the pile in front of her and said with difficulty: "Are you... okay?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm fine!" Lin Mo's voice had a matter-of-fact tone.

Before Princess Yu'er could refute, all the roots on Lin Mo's body fell off instantly!

And this was far from over. After the roots fell off, Lin Mo raised his foot and stepped hard on the ground!

Suddenly, a powerful force of energy and blood rushed around, and the original mist suddenly disappeared and the surrounding area became clear.

At this time, Lin Mo realized that he was standing in a stone room.

The area of ​​the entire stone chamber is not small, it is more than 300 square meters, and there are different patterns on the surrounding walls.

However, those patterns had been destroyed. Lin Mo looked at them for a while and found nothing. He couldn't even identify what was painted on those patterns.

After Lin Mo looked at it for a week with his hands behind his back, he slowly turned around and looked at Princess Yu'er who was still lying on the bed with a face full of shock.

"Are you still like this?" Lin Mo chuckled.

Princess Yu'er opened her mouth and said, "I don't understand what you mean..."


As soon as the words fell, Lin Mo's figure came to her, raised his hand and held Princess Yu'er's neck!

Without waiting for Princess Yu'er to speak, she clenched her tightly.


Lin Mo could hear the sound of the throat bones dislocating, and he could even feel that the woman in his hand was almost unable to breathe.

"I...I said! I am willing to change back to my original appearance!"

Just when Lin Mo wanted to crush Princess Yu'er to death in one go, she began to beg for mercy in his palm.

Hearing such a voice, Lin Mo had a faint smile on his face and threw her to the ground.

The moment she fell to the ground, the woman's figure and appearance changed.

This woman in a green dress has a pretty face and a sense of agility all over her body.

The only thing that was out of place was her eyes. They were so pure, and she didn't look like someone who could do anything bad!

"Where are the people who came in with me?" Lin Mo didn't stay on her face for long, but spoke directly, asking about the whereabouts of Princess Yu'er and the guards.

The woman in green bit her lip, and finally raised her hand and waved lightly. Suddenly, there was another mist in front of her eyes, and the person standing inside also woke up.

The first thing they did when they opened their eyes was to confirm what situation they were in, and then they looked around.

At this moment, there were five people standing in the mist, including Princess Yu'er and the guards.

"Lin Mo!" When Princess Yu'er opened her eyes and saw Lin Mo, her eyes suddenly lit up and she instinctively rushed towards Lin Mo.

But he stopped directly when he was still about one meter away from Lin Mo.

"Mr. Lin!" The guard also walked up, but he looked at Lin Mo with a strange look.

Looking at the guard's eyes, Lin Mo glanced at the woman on the ground again: "What did you do to the two of them?"

Hearing these words, Princess Yu'er's face suddenly turned red.

"I...I just want you to feel happy!" A timid voice came out of his mouth, even crying.

"Give me happiness?" Lin Mo almost laughed at this sentence.

God gives me happiness!

Didn't you see that the guards looked at me wrong?

Lin Mo just felt like he had a lot of dirty words in his heart and didn't know who to say them to.

In the end, I can only hold it in myself.

"Okay, who are you, and what is your ultimate purpose in catching me?!"

Lin Mo looked at the woman in green and couldn't help but ask directly.

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