"Do you want to try burying the seeds under the tree?" Xiaolu pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"Buried under the tree?" Lin Mo thought for a while: "Is this the way that Xiaosheng said to improve the quality of the holy fruit?"

Xiaolu shook his head: "Seeds improve the quality of the holy fruit, which is a lie. He wants to swallow the seeds directly, and then use the power of the seeds to achieve transformation.

At that time, he had already swallowed Xiaosen, and I was also swallowed by him by 90%. With another seed, Xiaosen and I can be completely integrated into his body.

You also said that he is just a broken stone after all."

Xiaolu's face was full of emotion, and he slowly said: "Only by burying the seeds under the tree can the roots absorb the power of the seeds, turn it into a powerful force, and integrate it into the holy fruit.

If you want to add a few more strong men, you can try to bury the seeds under the tree."

Lin Mo thought about it and finally nodded.

He is a person who can do things when he sits and stands. Since he has made up his mind, there is no need to waste time.

"How long does it take to bury it to improve the quality of the holy fruit?"

"Seven days!" Xiaolu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Lin Mo nodded slowly. It happened that he had something to do. He needed to stay in the abyss for a few days.

With a flash of light in his hand, Lin Mo took out the ice knife and began to dig under the tree.

Soon, the roots of the big tree were exposed.

Lin Mo placed the seed in the middle of the roots.


The seeds glowed slightly, and you could see the roots constantly wriggling like worms, and finally attached to the seeds like veins.

A steady stream of energy began to flow on the roots.

Lin Mo just watched quietly, and at the same time Xiaolu also revealed her true body and stood beside him.

"Are you worried that I'm the same as Xiaosheng?" Xiaolu asked softly.

Lin Mo glanced at her and nodded.

"I understand." Xiaolu thought about it, and light began to flicker on her fingertips, and finally condensed into a jade-like seed.

"Take this."

"What is this?"

"This is my life energy. If you take it, it is equivalent to controlling my life and death." Xiaolu smiled and handed the thing to Lin Mo.

"Forget it!" Lin Mo waved his hand: "Anyway, I am not your opponent!"

After that, he turned and walked away.

"Wait a minute!" Xiaolu suddenly said: "In fact, three days is enough. The reason why I said seven days is that I want you to stay here and accompany me more.

I am very interested in the outside world."

Lin Mo nodded: "It just so happens that I have to stay here for a while."

Hearing this, Xiaolu finally smiled.

"By the way, your friends are still here." Xiaolu waved his hand, a flash of light flashed, and Princess Yu'er and the guard appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Even Lian Bo appeared here, lying on the ground, looking confused.

When he saw Lin Mo, Lian Bo immediately showed an angry look and stood up to attack Lin Mo.

However, Lin Mo's strength at this moment is not comparable to Lian Bo.

He raised his leg and kicked Lian Bo in the chest.

Lian Bo was almost vomiting blood after being kicked, and he lay on the ground holding his chest.

"This is not my friend, you made him disappear!" Lin Mo suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Lian Bo, saying slowly.

Lian Bo: "???"

Xiao Lu was also speechless, and finally said: "Whether they are your friends or not, I can't send them out.

I didn't want to kill anyone in the first place. After you leave, the Holy Mountain will be closed."

Lin Mo nodded: "Whatever, I'll go do some business first, and they will be handed over to you. After seven days, after three days, I will come to get the seeds, and play with you for four days!"

Xiao Lu's eyes lit up and nodded repeatedly.

After Lin Mo left Xiao Lu, he went straight to the original battle site.

Xiao Qianren's body was still there. Lin Mo hesitated for a moment and went straight forward.

After a slight pause, Lin Mo pointed his finger at Xiao Qianren's broken head.

Soon, a faint light flickered, and a ball of light formed on Lin Mo's fingertips.

Looking at the ball of light in his hand, Lin Mo smiled. The martial arts he learned before were still useful for people who had died for so long.

The ball of light contained Xiao Qianren's memory.

Inside the Holy Mountain, Lin Mo felt that Xiao Lu should be trustworthy, and now she had completely awakened, so Lin Mo knew very well that his every move must be under her watch.

After searching his body for a while, Lin Mo took out a high-level Qi and Blood Pill and swallowed it.

"The game is loading..."

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes in the dream, looked at the gray ball of light hanging in the air, and raised his hand to grab it.

"Memory reading..."

The light flickered, and Lin Mo seemed to have transformed into Xiao Qianren and walked through his life.

He saw that Xiao Qianren was determined to become a powerful martial artist when he was young, and later as his strength improved, he gradually lost himself.

The Xiao family began to become powerful in the capital, and at that time, Xiao Qianren began to lay out the giant city of Luobu...

Nearly a hundred years have passed slowly. By spying on Xiao Qianren's life, Lin Mo discovered some secrets and got what he wanted.

"Blood Battle Sword Art!"

Lin Mo woke up from Xiao Qianren's memory and smiled when he saw this option added to the options in front of him.

When he fought with Xiao Qianren, the Blood Battle Sword Art did bring a lot of pressure to Lin Mo. Fortunately, Lin Mo had better luck in the end and laughed at the end.

In addition to the Blood Battle Sword Art, Xiao Qianren actually mastered a lot of martial arts.

But for Lin Mo, there were not many useful ones.

However, Xiao Qianren lived to such an old age, and he must have mastered a lot of secrets.

In his memory, Lin Mo knew the relationship between the Xiao family and the Neon Black Dragon Society.

He also knew some secrets about the Rob Abyss, and even this secret was related to the Holy Mountain!

Of course, there are many secrets that Lin Mo needs to verify himself. There are many opportunities in it. Once obtained, Lin Mo's strength will also be greatly improved.

"The proficiency of Ghost Shadow Tracking has reached the maximum level. Do you want to start skill enhancement?"

Just when Lin Mo was sorting out the content he saw, such a prompt suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the previous battle, Ghost Shadow Tracking broke through and reached the master level. I didn't expect that it could be enhanced in the dream?


Lin Mo thought about it and spoke directly.

"Skill strengthening... The number of high-level Qi and Blood Pills consumed is 20!"

After saying that, Lin Mo felt that his Qi and Blood Pills were disappearing rapidly.

In the dream, Lin Mo was stunned for a while. It was really impossible to do this. He thought that strengthening skills did not require Qi and Blood Pills, but he did not expect that Qi and Blood Pills would also be consumed!

"Strengthening is complete. The current strengthening level of Ghost Shadow is level one, and the maximum level is level nine!"

Lin Mo looked at the prompt in front of him, and his mouth twitched slightly: "What is the use of strengthening level one?"

"The special effect time of Ghost Shadow is doubled!"

Special effect?

Lin Mo was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face.

When Ghost Shadow is rushing forward, it will enter the martial arts immunity state for three seconds.

In these three seconds, Lin Mo can be immune to all attacks of earth-level martial arts.

Now the time is doubled, that is six seconds!

Don't underestimate these short six seconds. In the duel between the strong, six seconds of attack immunity can be called invincible!

"This Qi and Blood Pill is worth it!" Lin Mo's face showed an excited look.

At the same time, he spoke again: "What are the proficiency levels of the martial arts I have mastered now?"

"Five Beast Fist, perfect level!

One sword kills life, half a step to perfection!

Instant Kill Sword, half a step to perfection!

Silver Dragon Spear Art, advanced!


All the martial arts that Lin Mo has learned now flashed before his eyes, and the proficiency level was thoughtfully marked for him.

Proficiency, from low to high, is divided into low level, intermediate, advanced, half a step to perfection, perfect, half a step to master, and then master level.

Ghost Shadow is one of the first few skills that Lin Mo mastered. He usually uses it the most. After all, it is a life-saving skill, so it is normal to use it more often.

However, the Five Beast Fist has reached the perfect level. If it can be upgraded to the master level, I don't know what effect it will have.

"What effect will the master level of the Five Beast Fist have?"

"The master level of the Five Beast Fist can activate the beast effect!"

Lin Mo's question was answered by the dream.

"What effect will the remaining martial arts have if they are upgraded to the master level?"

"You ask too many questions!" The dream gave a different response.

This response almost choked Lin Mo to death. After a long moment of daze, Lin Mo could only raise the middle finger to the dream.


Blood-colored thunder actually struck Lin Mo from the lava river in the distance, almost killing him.

"You're taking revenge on me!" Lin Mo was angry. He had long known that this dream seemed to have its own consciousness. Now he saw that it was indeed the case.

As soon as the voice fell, blood-colored thunders landed in the dream one after another.

In the dream, Lin Mo felt pain one after another, jumping up and down there, and finally could only beg for mercy in humiliation.

"The dream can be upgraded to the next step. Do you want to start the upgrade task?!"

After the thunder dissipated, such a prompt appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"What are the benefits after upgrading!"

"You ask too many questions!"

Lin Mo: "..."

"Start the task!" Lin Mo almost gritted his teeth and said these four words.

"Wouldn't it be better to say it earlier? Why ask so many questions!" Such words appeared in the dream.

Just when Lin Mo was about to extend his middle finger to greet the dream again, a line of words appeared in front of Lin Mo.

"Looking for Jiuzhou Order, the current progress is 2/9."

What does two-ninths mean?

"Didn't the Zhu family only have three Jiuzhou Orders? Could it be that the Jiuzhou Order is divided into nine pieces in total?"

"Or does the Zhu family actually have nine pieces, but claim to have only three pieces?"

For a moment, Lin Mo's mind was full of thoughts.

And at this moment, Lin Mo felt a breath approaching him.

Now Ran is in the dream, what is the purpose of approaching him at this time?


In an instant, Lin Mo stood up directly from the ground.

Holding a sword in each hand, he swung forward!

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