Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 349: Cloud Soul Abyss

"Are you sure these areas have never been explored?"

In the Rob Abyss, two figures slowly walked over, one of them was wearing a long green skirt, holding a wooden stick in his hand, beating the weeds on the roadside out of boredom.

Looking at the fallen weeds, Xiaolu looked at Lin Mo beside him and couldn't help asking.

They had been walking for most of the day, not only did they not encounter any danger, but Xiaolu even picked up a fist-sized Qi and Blood Stone with a burst of luck.

This made Xiaolu a little dissatisfied, and she couldn't help complaining to Lin Mo.

"Maybe this road is not dangerous..." Lin Mo shook his head and said, "Let me think about it. I remember reading the relevant guide before entering the abyss. The most dangerous place known so far is called Yunpo Canyon. It is said that when it was explored ten years ago, monsters were found inside.

Similarly, those monsters also control a lot of mineral deposits.

At that time, a strong man of human beings broke into it by force and found that in the deepest part of Yunpo Canyon, there was a huge altar, which seemed to have a lot of good things placed on it.

If you are interested, we can go to Yunpo Canyon to take a look, but we agreed in advance that we can't go deep, just walk around the periphery!"

Lin Mo thought for a moment and emphasized: "I don't know the specific situation of Yunpo Canyon, so I can't guarantee whether the things inside really exist.

After all, the strategy says that the strong man died soon after returning!"

"Don't worry, don't worry! Follow me, you will be fine!" Xiaolu smiled and patted her full chest: "We will just walk around outside, and run away immediately if there is any danger!"

In fact, when she said these words, Xiaolu had already planned in her heart: wait until Lin Mo is tricked to the edge of the canyon, as long as she enters, it will be out of Lin Mo's control, she wants to have a good time!

At this moment, Lin Mo looked at Xiaolu's eyes rolling around, and he was immediately happy.

"You think you have tricked me, but you are in my trick." Lin Mo thought happily in his heart.

As for Yunpo Canyon, of course it is not Lin Mo's strategy. Among the benefits of Rob Abyss in Xiao Qianren's previous memory, there is Yunpo Canyon.

More than a decade ago, when Xiao Qianren came to the Rob Abyss, he brought more than 30 martial emperor-level warriors to expand the scope of exploration.

They accidentally discovered the Yunpo Canyon, and at that time they collected a large number of blood and qi stones outside the canyon.

They speculated that there must be a huge blood and qi stone deposit in the canyon.

Just as they were about to explore the Yunpo Canyon, thousands of monsters directly besieged them.

At that time, more than 30 warriors all died, and only Xiao Qianren escaped.

In the battle, some of those monsters were also killed, but Xiao Qianren felt that there must be more powerful monsters hiding in it.

Because during the battle, he suddenly saw a huge altar deep in the canyon.

There seemed to be several figures sitting around the altar, and the things placed on the altar were full of blood and qi!

Xiao Qianren just glanced at it and fled from there in a hurry.

This time when entering the Rob Abyss, Xiao Qianren originally planned to use the Holy Fruit to impact the Martial Emperor realm after completing the cooperation with Xiaosheng. After he succeeded, he would enter the Yunpo Canyon again.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Halfway through the cooperation with Xiaosheng, he died.

It can be said that he died before he could accomplish his mission, which made Lin Mo laugh.

"Is it far?"

The two of them were already on the road. Xiaolu looked at Lin Mo expectantly while walking.

"Actually, it's quite far. The main reason is that I don't know the road very well. I only know the general direction..." The memory that Lin Mo read was not very complete, and it was impossible to read out the detailed route in detail.

Just follow the direction of memory.

"This direction is good, right!" Xiaolu raised her hand and pointed to the direction in the distance. After seeing Lin Mo nod, she directly grabbed Lin Mo's arm: "Come with me!"

After that, she waved directly to the sky.

Just when Lin Mo was stunned, a hawk suddenly swooped down from the sky.

It was hiding in the clouds, and now it flew towards Xiaolu after being summoned.

It was only the size of a palm in the air, but when it was in front of him, it was extremely huge!

This goshawk has a wingspan of three feet and a height of nearly ten feet. Its two eagle claws are sharp in the light. Lin Mo can't imagine how painful it would be if it caught him.

As if it noticed Lin Mo's gaze, a pair of golden eagle eyes immediately fell on him.

Lin Mo could even read the human meaning from those eyes: Don't get close to me! Stay away from me!

"My pet in the Holy Mountain is called Xiao Cang. How about it, cute, right?!" Xiaolu boasted with a proud face.

"I know a teacher named Xiao Cang, who is even cuter." Lin Mo said with a pout, and then he was directly pulled by Xiaolu to jump on the back of the goshawk.

Xiao Cang shook his wings, raising a cloud of dust, as if he wanted to make Lin Mo dirty.

But Lin Mo had been prepared for all this, and a burst of blood and energy burst out of his body, and the dust returned directly to the original path and wrapped around Xiao Cang's head.

"Oh my, look at this dusty face, quickly beat the dust off the child!" Lin Mo said as he took action.

He reached Xiao Cang's neck in a flash, raised his hand and slapped her head randomly.

The dust is gone, but the bird feathers on my head have become messy.


Xiao Cang shouted, waved his wings, and flew directly from the place.

The howling wind blew the originally messy bird feathers back to their original positions.

"Xiao Cang seems to like you very much!" Xiao Lu looked at Lin Mo crawling back from his neck and said with surprise on his face.

"You may have a little misunderstanding about love..." Lin Mo said silently in his heart.

Xiao Lu didn't care about this, pointing to the direction they were heading: "This is the direction, attack at full speed!"

After the words fell, Xiao Cang suddenly increased his speed.

Caught off guard, Lin Mo fell into Xiao Lu's arms.

Two full cushion balls blocked Lin Mo, which made him feel some emotion in his heart.

"This is too soft!"

Based on Xiao Qianren's memory, Lin Mo made a rough calculation.

According to the previous location of the holy mountain as a reference, it would take them about two days to reach the edge of the canyon.

But now with Xiao Cang, their speed has more than doubled.

When the sky gradually darkened, Lin Mo had a magnificent scenery in his field of vision!

Lin Mo saw the canyon hundreds of miles away.

Originally, Lin Mo didn't understand why it was called Yunpo Canyon, but when he saw the canyon, he immediately understood the meaning of these four words.

From a distance, a long white ribbon hangs over the canyon.

It was a thick layer of clouds, just hanging over the canyon, and then like a piece of cake, it smashed into the canyon.

Yes, the clouds formed a long cloud wall in the canyon. Because the canyon is a bit wide, the cloud wall still leaves a certain distance on both sides.

"This... is called Yunso Canyon and it really deserves its name. Doesn't this cloud wall look like the soul of Yun!" Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Lu looked at the cloud wall and frowned slightly: "I can feel danger inside this cloud wall, and there seem to be several eyes spying on me!

Lin Mo, you are right, it is very dangerous here! "

Lin Mo looked at Xiao Lu's serious expression and couldn't help but feel nervous: Are you planning to run away?

However, there was an even more exaggerated look on his face than Xiao Lu: "Then let's run away quickly. I know another place with good scenery and many edible beasts, all of which taste good..."

"What are you thinking about!" Xiao Lu raised her hand and interrupted Lin Mo's words: "It's fun when there's danger. Just wait and see me tidying them up later!"

"..." Lin Mo sat aside with a bitter look on his face, feeling happy again:

Little silly girl, you have been fooled!

"Find an opportunity to land slowly. I think we should land outside first. It's dark now. Let's stay outside for one night and then go in at dawn tomorrow!"

Lin Mo suggested sitting on the eagle's back.

It cannot be said that with a strong person like Xiaolu here, you can go into the cloud wall and have fun. You should be more cautious when it is time to be cautious.

"That's okay, I happen to be a little hungry too." Xiao Lu thought for a while and nodded.

When Xiao Cang heard Xiao Lu's words, he let out another long cry and swooped down.

In just ten seconds, their height dropped from over a thousand meters to a dozen meters.

Xiao Cang seemed to be taking revenge on Lin Mo, doing difficult movements in the air, making Lin Mo's hair become crazy.

When he landed on the ground, Lin Mo jumped off the eagle's back with a calm expression.

"What's for dinner tonight?!" Xiaolu slid down the eagle's wings, holding his hands behind his back, seemingly in a good mood.

"Eat the eagle!" Lin Mo drew out the ice knife without warning and looked at Xiao Cang.


Xiao Cang noticed Lin Mo's gaze, and immediately let out a long cry, spread his wings, and made an offensive posture.


The sword light burst out, and Lin Mo slashed at Xiao Cang casually.

The terrifying power of Qi and blood exploded instantly, and the sword glow expanded hundreds of times the moment it was slashed out!

Destroy life with one knife!

There is also a green light emanating from the goshawk's wings. This is actually a monster comparable to a first-grade Martial Emperor!

But fighting against Lin Mo, a first-grade Martial Emperor, was not enough!


Blood spattered out, and a piece of flesh and blood the size of a basin fell to the ground.


Seeing that he was injured, Xiao Cang shouted again, waving his wings to attack Lin Mo again.

"Stop now. You just lost a piece of meat. If you keep hitting me, I will eat the braised eagle head!" The ice knife in Lin Mo's hand expanded again.

This is completely the effect of the surge of energy and blood.

After the ice attribute long sword was wrapped in the blood-colored energy, the entire dark red brilliance circulated, filled with a strange aura.

Xiao Cang felt the substantial murderous intention in Lin Mo's body, and his huge body suddenly trembled.

The wings slowly converged, and Xiao Cang's huge claws scratched the flesh and blood on the ground, removing all the dust and remaining bird feathers on it.

Then he picked up the piece of flesh and blood with his mouth and took two steps towards Lin Mo.

He placed it respectfully in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo: "..."

Xiaolu: "..."

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