Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 351 Return without Success

"Strength at the level of Emperor Wu... We should retreat. It's already amazing to be here!" Lin Mo really wanted to retreat at this time.

It’s not like I gained nothing from coming here this time. At least I learned that there really is an altar deep in Yunpo Canyon.

However, I don’t know what is on top of the altar.

But with Lin Mo's current cultivation speed, it will only be a matter of time before he enters the Martial Emperor realm. It will be much more convenient to come back when his cultivation level reaches a certain level.

"No, we're here already!" Xiao Lu shook her head firmly: "You two should just follow me!"

As she spoke, her aura became more intense.

Lin Mo could even see the ripples formed by the power of Qi and blood rippling forward, heading straight towards the figures sitting cross-legged there!

"Go ahead, you are seeking death!" Lin Mo felt as if his heart was about to take off.

To blatantly provoke these powerful men, how desperate one must be to do such a thing!

When he was about to pull this silly woman away, he noticed that one of the figures sitting cross-legged in the distance suddenly moved.

This feeling is simply like a picture that was originally static, and suddenly a figure moved.

This slight movement seemed to break the eternal tranquility!

In Lin Mo's shocked eyes, the figure slowly stood up, and was actually more than three meters tall!

From a distance, this looks like a giant!

"How about we run away..." Lin Mo couldn't help but say, he no longer wanted the things on the altar, he just wanted to live now.

But after he finished speaking, his expression changed.

Because he felt a breath falling on him.

Lin Mo knew without even thinking that it was the aura of the man who stood up.

I am now locked!

Lin Mo's heart sank, but he quickly calmed down.

Since you can't avoid it, face it head on!

Holding the sword tightly in his hands, Lin Mo looked at the figure in the distance with cold eyes.

A brand of energy and blood appeared in Xiao Luye's palm, which looked just like the holy mountain!

"Are you a human?" The figure turned around and looked at Lin Mo.

At this moment, this figure's face was covered with an inexplicable aura, and his appearance could not be clearly seen.

But the aura was even more terrifying. He tapped Xiaolu lightly, and the mark of the holy mountain immediately dissipated.

A look of surprise flashed in Xiao Green's eyes, and then she took the initiative and rushed towards the man.

"The Holy Mountain has actually become a spirit!" The man exclaimed, and then nodded at Xiao Lu again.

The power of qi and blood burst out from his fingertips, and then slowly condensed into several brands.

These brands shimmered with energy and submerged into Xiao Lu's body.

Xiao Lu's figure paused and was immediately fixed there, unable to move.

"Come here, kid!" The figure hooked his hand at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo flew towards him involuntarily, no matter how hard Lin Mo struggled, it was to no avail!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo felt that the power of Qi and blood in his body seemed to be blocked and could not function at all!

What's more, the flow of mental power has become extremely slow and cannot be used at all.


At this moment, the seeds on Lin Mo's spiritual platform began to tremble.

The spiritual power that was almost solidified began to flow slowly like ice melting.

This flowing spiritual power allowed Lin Mo to try to break free from his imprisonment.

"Eh?!" There was a surprised look on this figure's face. He looked at Lin Mo, and his energy and blood became even stronger.

Lin Mo, who had broken free most of the time, was controlled again in an instant.

In the end, Lin Mo hung less than one meter away from the man, and the man quietly observed Lin Mo.

Faced with such observation, Lin Mo felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart.

But soon, he changed his mentality again, because there was something more important that attracted his attention.

Because he was dragged here by the man, Lin Mo was suddenly much closer to the altar!

The altar was extremely tall, but Lin Mo, who was hanging in the air, suddenly had the opportunity to see what was going on above the altar.

Wrapped in those soaring masses of blood were actually bloody human heads and stumps!

Lin Mo looked at the head with a shocked look on his face, because he didn't expect there to be such a huge head in this world!

It was almost as big as a tire, and there were black lines on its face, as if they were growing inside the skin!

The most important thing is that the hair accessories on this head are completely different from now. Lin Mo even saw a few decorations carved from ancient jade on it.

Lin Mo had even seen something similar to the pattern on one of the ancient jade pieces in the museum.

But the ancient jade in the museum is said to be from the Neolithic Age. How many years ago must it be?

Nearly ten thousand years!

The head that was chopped off ten thousand years ago still has blood flowing. The most important thing is that the power of Qi and blood on the head is still extremely strong!

"How powerful is this? Are those stumps also his?" Lin Mo was wondering if the stumps and head on the altar came from the same body.

If it really comes from the same body, then what is the purpose of this altar?

Do you want to revive the remains on the altar, or do you want to use these remains to pay tribute to a more powerful existence?

Lin Mo did not find the answer, and could only search on the altar little by little.

At this time, he felt that he was pinched by someone's hand.

Then he saw the man's hand holding his neck, making him closer to his eyes.

"It's really a human race. It's been more than ten years. This is the first time we have seen a human race!" The man spoke with a look of emotion on his face.

Lin Mo knew that the more than ten years he said should refer to the last time Xiao Qianren came here, he was sensed by the man.

But at that time, they did not fight.

"Isn't the senior a human race?" Lin Mo looked at the man and suddenly spoke.

In the abyss, many creatures have the appearance of humans, but there are more or less some shadows of monsters in them.

Just like Princess Yu'er, although she is almost exactly the same as a human, there is a crystal jade stone somewhere on her body.

But the man in front of him can be said to be exactly the same as a human. Lin Mo has not found anything wrong at least until now.

"Of course I am also a human!" The man chuckled and nodded, with a look of relief on his face: "You are very smart!"

"Since you are a human, why are you hiding here? Who is on the altar?!"

"On the altar, it is naturally the remains of a very important person, but I feel that I seem to be very interested in him.

But I want to warn you that this body cannot be revived. Once it is revived, it may bring a catastrophe to the entire human race!"

The man spoke slowly with a serious look on his face.

"Catastrophe?!" Lin Mo's heart jumped, he didn't expect it to be so serious.

However, Lin Mo didn't believe this statement very much. The purpose of this group of people guarding the altar was not very clear.

"Okay, go back, remember, don't come here in the future, there is no benefit for you here!" The man threw Lin Mo back casually.

Fortunately, Lin Mo took control of his body when he was about to land. The whole person twisted in the air and then landed steadily on the ground.

"Let's go!" Lin Mo looked at Xiaolu and said softly.

Being alive is good enough. He has seen the situation on the altar. If he has the strength later, he can come back.

"No, we can't just leave like this!" Xiaolu looked unhappy, and pointed at the man with his hands on his hips, saying: "Give us a portion of the things on the altar, and we will leave!"

The man showed a strange look on his face, and chuckled and said: "Ask the people around you if they are willing to take it first!"

Xiaolu looked at Lin Mo with a puzzled look: "You saw the things on the altar? Can't you take it?"

"Let's not take it. The stumps are useless to you and me!" Lin Mo shook his head. These stumps definitely revealed a strange atmosphere.

If something unexpected happens to the stumps after taking them back, it will be over!

After hearing Lin Mo say that those were stumps, Xiaolu showed a look of disgust on his face.

"Then let's go quickly. This time it was exciting, but there was no gain!" Xiaolu's face was full of disappointment.

"But at least Xiao Cang still has some gains. After swallowing such a big piece of Qi and Blood Stone, his strength will definitely increase a lot!" Xiao Lu touched Xiao Cang's head and smiled.

Xiao Cang rolled his eyes crazily. These were all exchanged with his own flesh and blood.

How can he survive in the Eagle Realm in the future!

After the three figures left, Yunpo Canyon also began to change slowly.

First, the clouds rose from the ground and slowly covered the entire canyon. Above the canyon, the clouds spread out and covered everything.

If you look here from above, everyone will think there is nothing below!

As if he had noticed something, Lin Mo, who was already sitting on the back of the bird, suddenly looked back at the direction of Yunpo Canyon and was stunned.

The original Yunpo Canyon had disappeared and could not be seen at all.

"How could this happen? It was there just now, how come it disappeared in the blink of an eye!" Xiaolu frowned and said, "Could it be that what we just saw was an illusion?"

"You think too much, they must have found a way to hide the entire canyon!" Lin Mo explained, "As long as the cloud wall is spread out, the entire canyon will definitely be hidden very well"

Xiaolu nodded, as if agreeing with Lin Mo's guess.

However, after answering these questions, Lin Mo stopped talking.

The tall figure of the man before seemed to be imprinted in Lin Mo's mind, and it could not be erased at all!

It was at this time that a flash of inspiration flashed through Lin Mo's mind.

He suddenly thought of a possibility...

"Although it sounds a bit incredible, at present, this possibility exists, and the probability is quite high!"

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