Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 373: The Zhu family should be destroyed!

"Lin Mo! Do you think you can win against me?!"

The great elder's face was full of anger, he raised his hand and his tyrannical spiritual power shot out towards Lin Mo!

"I have been in charge of the Kyushu Order for so many years, and no one is more familiar with what this token can bring to you than me!"

"No one is more familiar with how to use this token than me!"

"Spiritual power, only strong mental power is the only way to master this token. Go and get one..."

The great elder's voice suddenly stopped. He looked at Lin Mo blankly as if he had seen a ghost, and then said sternly: "No, what's wrong with you? The mental power in your body... is not right. There is something wrong with your mental power. !

How could you, a mere Martial Emperor, have spiritual power that surpasses mine! "

"It's fake, it must be fake..." The elder shook his head desperately, then suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Lin Mo's palm.

"Just in time for you to try the power of Kyushu Order!"

Lin Mo chuckled, the Zhen character flashed slowly, and at the same time, the Crazy character also lit up on Lin Mo's body.

With the blessing of the two characters, Lin Mo didn't have any side effects!

This is the function of the Kyushu Order, that is, after fusion, all side effects will be offset. Of course, to achieve such an effect, there is another requirement, and that is to have a mental power of over one million!

Unfortunately, after giving up the power of Qi and blood, Lin Mo's mental power was superimposed and directly exceeded one million!

This is also the reason why the Zhu family clearly mastered the entire Jiuzhou Order, but did not integrate it and use it together.

But now that the token is in Lin Mo's hands, it's as if he's awakened and is fully functioning as it should!

The great elder was trapped there, unable to move.

The silver dragon gun in Lin Mo's hand emerged and slowly touched the great elder's chest.

"Now, who among us will die?" Lin Mo said with a chuckle.

"Lin Mo, if you let the elder go, we are willing not to take action against you from now on!" Zhu Qin looked at Lin Mo with an anxious look on his face.

The Great Elder is the strongest person in the Zhu family. If he dies here, the Zhu family will be doomed in the future!

"You, the Zhu family, are still unwilling to lower your noble heads, are you?

Why let me go? Is it because of your mercy? Lin Mo chuckled: "I think you guys haven't figured out the situation yet!"

Now, the lifeline of the Zhu family is in my hands. If I want him to die, he will die! "

"Lin Mo!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

A figure came to the sky above the Zhu family from a distance in just a few breaths.


Another breath shot out from the direction of the Xu family. He stood above the Xu family and looked at this place from a distance.

"The eldest elder of the Xu family is also the strongest person in Xu City today!" Chen Banzi said in a low voice: "The other one is from the Xi family. You and their family had some issues. Xi Hao stole your dragon transformation plan. Quota!

The person who came was Xi Hao’s father, Xi Rui! "

Lin Mo looked at Xi Rui and felt the vast power of Qi and blood. This person's strength was not lower than that of the great elder.

The Xi family, one of the top mortal families in China, is here now. Why?

"Brother Chen, we meet again!" Xi Rui glanced at Lin Mo, then ignored him, and then looked at Chen Banzi: "Let the child put down the gun. After all, the eldest elder is the strongest person in the Zhu family, and also my Huaxia If one of the strongest people is really killed by Lin Mo, it will be a loss to the entire China!

Come on, let the kids put the guns down! "

What Xi Rui said was to Chen Banzi, and according to his age, Chen Banzi was completely from Xi Rui's father's generation, but he now calls him brother Xi.

He even regarded Lin Mo as a child, and his words were full of disdain!


Before Chen Banzi could say anything, Lin Mo sent the gun out directly, piercing the great elder's chest!

Blood spurted out, and when Lin Mo took out the Dragon Spear in his hand, more blood spurted out, and the great elder's body fell directly from the air!


There was a muffled sound, as if it hit Xi Rui in the face.

Xi Rui's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. This was because he didn't give him any face at all, and he didn't take the Xi family into consideration at all!

After a long silence, there was an overwhelming cry from the Zhu family.

"Haha, you saw it too, I didn't have time to speak!" Chen Banzi looked at Xi Rui and said with a smile.

"Children are disobedient and must be taught a lesson. If Brother Chen is not able to take action, I can help!" Xi Rui said calmly.

Then he took a step forward, and the terrifying pressure shrouded directly towards Lin Mo.

"I, Wei Yunlong's disciple, can also be taught a lesson by you. Who do you think you are!"

"Go back here!"

With an angry shout, Wei Yunlong took a step forward and punched Xi Rui hard!

"It's up to you!" Xi Rui also sneered and punched directly to meet him!

"Teacher, let me help you!" Lin Mo said, the token in his hand glowed, and the light of the mad character fell directly on Wei Yunlong.

At this moment, Wei Yunlong's aura suddenly doubled! In an instant, he was on top of Wei Yunlong!

"Hey, I'm getting more energetic! You're going to die!" Wei Yunlong chuckled, and the power on his fist seal suddenly doubled!

With a bang, it hit Xi Rui!


After the loud noise, both Xi Rui and Wei Yunlong spit out a mouthful of blood, and their faces turned pale.

This is the effect of the Jiuzhou Order, which forcibly improves strength. Of course, the premise is that you have enough mental power to drive it.

"Hehe, come again!" Wei Yunlong chuckled and was about to step forward again.

Xi Rui's blood and qi circulated throughout his body, and he quickly recovered his original demeanor and stood there quietly.

His expression was terrifyingly calm, and his eyes fell on Lin Mo, without hiding his murderous intent.

"Teacher, let me do it!" Facing Xi Rui's gaze, Lin Mo chuckled and slowly stepped forward.

Xi Rui was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Haha, I really opened my eyes. When did a little martial emperor dare to say such things in front of me?!"


Lin Mo spoke softly, and then a light fell on him.

The weak character flashed, and within the range covered, Xi Rui's power was directly weakened.

Then the Zhen character fell, and Xi Rui found that he couldn't move.

Then came the word "confusion" (confusion), which made Xi Rui's eyes a little.

One after another, the words lit up, some fell on Xi Rui, and some fell on Lin Mo himself.

But the final result was that Xi Rui's aura became weaker and weaker, while Lin Mo's aura became stronger and stronger!

Xi Rui's face changed slightly, and he looked at Lin Mo. His original momentum had weakened a lot.

"Lin Mo, you..." Xi Rui looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

"I have already killed one, so why not kill another one? It just so happens that your son makes me very unhappy, and it's normal to take it out on you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mo rushed out directly.

A punch hit Xi Rui's face.

This was Lin Mo using his own tyrannical physical strength, and in the forward state, he ignored Xi Rui's attack!

Half of Xi Rui's face swelled up directly, and the whole person became extremely ugly.

With a buzzing sound, the Dragon Spear was held in Lin Mo's hand, and after slightly lifting it, it fell on Xi Rui's neck.

The sharp force almost cut Xi Rui's neck!

"Are you convinced?" Lin Mo said softly.

"Do you dare to kill me?" Xi Rui said lightly: "Do you know what the status of the Xi family is in China?"

"How much do you know about me?" Lin Mo chuckled and said: "Anyone who knows me knows that I am not threatened!"

"Lin Mo, calm down!"

"Lin Mo, Xi family..."

Two voices rang out, Wei Yunlong and Xie Meng spoke at the same time.

On the contrary, Chen Banzi stood there, watching them quietly.



Lin Mo's gun blade directly cut Xi Rui's artery, and blood gushed out.

"Sorry, I didn't stop..." Lin Mo apologized with a smile, but he didn't seem to be sorry at all.

Xi Rui covered his neck with his eyes wide open.

Although the artery was cut, it would not kill him, but blood gushed out, and there seemed to be endless dragon breath lingering on the wound. Even with his current strength at the level of Emperor Wu, he couldn't heal in a short time.

Xi Rui looked at Lin Mo with hatred.

"I advise you not to look at me like this, otherwise..." The killing intent rose again on the Dragon Spear.

Xi Rui's heart trembled with fear, and his eyes instantly restrained, never daring to show any killing intent again.


Lin Mo sneered, and when he looked at Xi Rui, he looked like a clown.

At this time, he frowned slightly, feeling the fluctuations from the spiritual seed in his body.

"Time is almost up..." Lin Mo threw Xi Rui aside casually, turned around and looked at the area occupied by the Zhu family.

Endless blood and qi began to gather under his feet. It was the blood and qi gathered by the Jiuzhou Order, although not much...

"But it's enough!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, and then the whole person began to slowly rise into the air!

This is the power of Yanxiangshu, which was used by Lin Mo at this moment.

At the same time, the Dragon Spear in his hand was also gathering power, and the dragon roar began to rise, and the surrounding space seemed to be trembling.

Lin Mo looked at the Zhu family compound under his feet with a calm look.

"I'll give you one minute. How many people can survive depends on your speed!" Lin Mo said softly.

But Zhu Qin's face changed wildly.

"Everyone in the Zhu family, leave the Zhu family immediately and gather here. Hurry up! Everyone, within one minute!" Zhu Qin screamed.

The entire Zhu family was like a loach poured into boiling water, and it started to move instantly.

All kinds of voices rang out, and the entire Zhu family was full of cries.

"One minute... is up!"

Lin Mo stood in mid-air, watching the entire Zhu family evacuate, and the Dragon Spear in his hand also gathered the strongest momentum that could be gathered at present!

"Zhu family, today, does not exist!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, and then threw the Dragon Spear in his hand fiercely!

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